国際テニュアトラックの木村助教の論文がNatureに掲載されました 161215A research article conducted by Dr. Kimura of International Tenure Track has been published in Nature

  生命領域学際研究センター(TARAセンター)所属の国際テニュアトラック木村航助教が派遣されているUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical Centerのグループが低酸素状態にて心筋細胞の増殖が活性化し,損傷を受けた心臓の再生が誘導されることを発見しました。





Hypoxia induces heart regeneration in adult mice

A research article conducted by Dr. Kimura of International Tenure Track has been published in Nature

   A research group from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, where an assistant professor Dr. Kimura of International Tenure Track of TARA center is affiliated and dispatched, discovers an extreme low oxygen condition can lead to heart regeneration and the recovery of heart function.

     The study demonstrated that adult mice kept in 7% oxygen, equivalent to the summit of Mt. Everest, for two week following a gradual decrease in oxygen level by 1% per day showed increased heart size due to the proliferation of cardiac muscle cells, cardiomyocytes. Moreover, adult mice with myocardial infarction (MI) treated with the same hypoxia followed by the recovery of oxygen level by 2% per day to normal (21 %) level showed an improvement of heart function and increased heart muscle mass.

     These results indicate that an extremely low oxygen condition can enhance cardiomyocyte cell division and thus induce heart regeneration.  This discovery sheds light on the effect of oxygen metabolism on cardiomyocytes regeneration and may lead to new therapeutic approaches for heart diseases.

Link to Abstract

Hypoxia induces heart regeneration in adult mice