ヒトと同じように新型コロナウイルスに感染し、 ウイルス性肺炎を起こすマウスを作り、治療薬開発の道を拓くPaving the way for the development of therapeutic drugs by creating mice that model COVID-19 infection and complicating viral pneumonia in humans

代表者 : 川口 敦史  

Creating a mouse model of COVID-19 infection

Inflammation, Animal model, Antiviral drug


Mice modeling symptoms in humans greatly help in the development of therapeutic drugs, but normal mice are neither infected with COVID-19 nor susceptible to inflammation due to viral infection. Therefore, we crossed a newly developed mouse model of COVID-19 infection with a mouse modelling inflammation developed by us to create a mouse line that models COVID-19 and symptoms of complicating pneumonia in humans. Using this mouse line, we examined whether the substances we found to suppress excessive inflammation are also effective for inflammation caused by COVID-19 infection. Once established, this mouse model is expected to greatly aid in the development of therapeutic drugs for COVID-19 infection.