健全なひきこもりはあるのか? ひきこもりから「学ぶ」新しい生活様式の在り方を逆転の発想で提案するプロジェクトIs there a healthy withdrawal? A project to propose new lifestyles based on reverse thinking to “learn” from social withdrawal

代表者 : 太刀川 弘和    
他のメンバー : 白鳥 裕貴  高橋 晶  田口 高也  


A new lifestyle to learn from ‘hikikomori’


Hikikomori, self-isolation, new lifestyle, COVID-19


As COVID-19 countermeasures are being implemented, there is a tendency of depressive symptoms in some patients with social withdrawal to improve in clinical psychiatric settings. If the essence of social withdrawal is the avoidance of social stigmatization (discrimination/prejudice against and negative impressions of certain characteristics of individuals or groups), the stay-at-home order or request for “nationwide withdrawal” may be creating a favorable environment for patients with social withdrawal. This simultaneously suggests the feasibility of proposing new lifestyles that prevent infection while maintaining mental health by investigating the everyday lives of such patients in detail. At this point, reverse thinking may help “learn” how to withdraw healthy. In this project, we will conduct cross-sectional questionnaire surveys involving healthy people and those with social withdrawal to clarify changes in lifestyles, mental conditions, and interpersonal relationships after the issue of the stay-at-home order to address COVID-19 infection, in addition to feasible approaches to maintain mental health in daily life, in order to propose new lifestyles based on the results.