市民の行動変容の要因を定性的・定量的に分析 世界規模での危機に対する適切な政策、個人的対応の指針にQualitative and quantitative analysis of behavioral changes of citizens To understand "appropriate policies" and "individual behavioral change" in response to a global crisis

代表者 : 谷口 綾子  


What has led to behavioral changes of Japanese, British, and German citizens?


Attitude and Behavioral Modification, Comparison of JP,UK, DE, Factor Analysis, Quantitative and Qualitative Research


The spread of the COVID-19 has led to a situation in which the behavior of people worldwide is greatly restricted. Behavioral changes, such as refraining from going out and increasing stockpiling, are expected to be greatly influenced by government and municipal policies, the cultural background of society, individual occupations, and mass media reports. In this study, we focused on(1)policies of national and local governments in Japan, the United Kingdom, and Germany,(2)local environmental factors, such as the transportation environment, personal attributes, and(3)psychological factors that are influenced by cultural and social backgrounds. We applied the knowledge of psychology and traffic engineering to understand the determinants of behavioral changes of citizens from these three perspectives by qualitative and quantitative analysis. This study predicts the relationship between appropriate policies and individual response behavior to future global crises.