パンデミック宣言の前後で従来メディアとSNSに流れる情報に起きた変化を検証するInvestigation on how the topics of information regarding the novel coronavirus(COVID-19) in newspapers and Twitter differed, how the topics in relation to COVID-19 of newspapers and Twitter users changed before and after the WHO pandemic declaration.

代表者 : 海後 宗男  


The COVID-19 Infodemic:Analysis of COVID-19 Japanese Media Related Content by Topic Modeling


COVID-19, topicmodels, Twitter, newspapers, natural language processing


The WHO has been labelling this outbreak as a dangerous infodemic so this study aims at providing analysis results that will concisely present an accurate and objective view of the types of topics in traditional and social media. The purpose of this study is to examine the way mediated content about the novel coronavirus(COVID-19)outbreak fluctuated in the Japanese information environment before and after the pandemic declaration by the WHO. Results will be published in open access journals and aims at providing governments with new insight on resolving the discontent towards lack of information and suspicion.