次世代プロダクトデザイン方法論リサーチユニットMethodologies to Design Products that Influence the Minds of People

中核研究者 : 原田 信行  
他のメンバー : 五十嵐 浩也  山中 敏正  秋山 英三  星野 聖  内山 俊朗  李 昇姫  


hoshino iPhoneなどのスマートメディアやソーシャルネットワークを見ても明らかなように、近年、世界のモノ作りのあり方は大きく変化しています。では、日本のプロダクトやサービスが今後も世界をリードしていくためには、どのような技術や開発手法が必要なのでしょうか。リサーチユニット「次世代プロダクトデザイン方法論」は、工学・デザイン・感性科学の融合により新たな学術分野・産業分野を創出することを目指しています。



初期に共同で作ったもののひとつに、bubble cosmos があります(図1)。これは、井戸のような箱の中から次々に出てくる煙入りのシャボン玉に様々な色彩の映像が投影されていて、シャボン玉に触ると映像や音の変化が起こるエンタテインメントシステムです。シャボン玉遊びを映像・音響メディア技術によって拡張したもので、海外の展示会に設置したときには国籍を問わず子どもから大人まで楽しんでもらうことができました。



bubble cosmos のようなエンタテインメントシステムは、日常生活のなかで心の豊かさを作りだすことに加え、新しいプロダクトやサービスを実現するという意味で経済的にも重要な役割を果たす可能性があります。しかし現在、エンタテインメントシステムの設計方法論は確立されておらず、個人の感覚に頼っている面が大きい状態です。その理由として、エンタテインメントを設計する過程では、目に見える対象物や目的に合った機能(機能的価値)だけではなく、楽しさや面白さなどヒトの気持ちに関わる価値(情緒的価値)が重要になることが挙げられます。




● 工学・デザイン・感性科学の融合化による筑波大独自の新学術分野の創成。これまで個別に進めてきた研究成果の集約化と深化
● コンテンツ工学教育やプロダクトデザイン教育に研究成果を還元して世界に通用する若手リーダーを育成


Methodologies to Design Products that Influence the Minds of People

Key words: Product design, entertainment, sensitivity-related science, economics, biological information engineering


  There have been significant changes in manufacturing around the world in recent years, as indicated by the advancement of smart media, such as the iPhone, and social networks. What technologies and hoshinodevelopment methods are required for Japanese products and services to lead the world? The research unit “Innovative Product Design Methodology” aims to create new academic and industrial fields by integrating engineering, design, and sensitivity-related science.


Integration of art and engineering

Our research unit was created because of interactions among individual researchers specializing in art and engineering. We thought that the integration of art and engineering may help establish new styles of manufacturing.

Bubble Cosmos, an entertainment system, is one of the creations from the early period of our collaboration (Figure 1). A large number of soap bubbles filled with smoke come out from a water well-shaped box, and colorful images are projected on them. When the bubbles are touched, they display another image and make different sounds. Audio-visual media technologies evolved soap bubble play into a sophisticated version, which was enjoyed by people of all ages and nationalities at exhibits around the world.

Figure 1: Bubble Cosmos - Soap bubble play evolved using audio-visual media technologies

Figure 1: Bubble Cosmos – Soap bubble play evolved using audio-visual media technologies


Products to enrich people’s minds


Entertainment systems, including Bubble Cosmos, do not only enrich people’s minds in daily life. They may also play important economic roles by providing new products and services. However, no methodology for designing entertainment systems has been developed, and the designers of these systems have to rely on their own sense. One reason is that the process of designing an entertainment program is also required to focus on pleasure and amusement, or values associated with the feelings of people (emotional values), in addition to visible objects and purpose-specific functions (functional values). With the aim of developing methodologies for designing products that influence the feelings of people, the research unit was established, which consists of researchers specializing in art, engineering, and sensitivity-related science. We also plan to incorporate the viewpoint of sensitivity-related science, including bioinstrumentation and organization management, and develop new product design methods to increase the competitiveness of products at an international level (Figure 2).

The University of Tsukuba has a collection of bones from approximately 120 people who lived in the Neolithic period excavated from remains located in Northeast Iran (Figure 4). The research unit conducts isotope analysis of these bones to further examine the ancient civilization and society.

Figure 2: Development of new product design methodologies

Figure 2: Development of new product design methodologies

Social contributions and achievements
● Development of a new academic discipline unique to the University of Tsukuba by integrating engineering, design, and sensitivity-related science / Aggregation and expansion of findings obtained from studies that have been conducted separately
● Publication of research findings for education on content engineering and product design to nurture young leaders who will play important roles in these fields around the world

 (Interviewed on November 11, 2013)