キーワード: ビッグデータ、e- コーマス、CRM、アルゴリズム
皆さんは「工学的である」とはどういうことだと思われますか? 工学が工学たる所以は、再現性があること、つまり同じインプットをすれば同じアウトプットが得られることにあります。インプットとアウトプットの間にある関数の構造を定めることが、工学の価値だと言えるでしょう。リサーチユニット「価値創造」は、企業が抱える経営上の課題に対し工学的にアプローチする研究者の集まりです。

既存の将来予測の方法論であるARIMA(Auto Regressive Integrated MovingAverage)モデルには、過去の時系列データの慣性力に影響を受けすぎるという問題点がありました。そこで住田先生のグループでは、ARIMAモデルに非斉時マルコフ連鎖を組み合わせることで予測の精度を高めるとともに、予測値の確率分布を算出することができるアルゴリズムの開発に取り組んでいます(図2・3)。これが実用化できれば、世界中のアプリ開発企業に対して全く新しいサービスを提供することが可能になるでしょう。


図3:開発中のアルゴリズムによるダウンロード数予測の例。ARIMA モデルよりも精度の高い予測が可能
● 急成長するアプリケーション市場に、新たな分析手法や価値創造の方法論を提案
● 企業の実データを分析してディスカッションを繰り返すことによる実践的教育
Engineering of business management
Unit members : Yoshise, Akiko
Unit name: Value Creation
Keywords: big data, e-commerce, CRM, algorithm
What do you think is “engineering”? An act is regarded as engineering if it is reproducible, or when the same output can be obtained from the same input. The value of engineering lies in the structure of functions between inputs and outputs. The research unit: “Value Creation”, consists of researchers who address management problems faced by companies, using engineering approaches.
Understanding of purchasing behaviors based on probability theories

Figure 1: A scene of a meeting Companies, researchers, and students in collaboration with each other to address an issue
Engineering approaches to business management, which were initiated in the U.S.A., have a long history. In these methods, the functions of management, such as finance, production, and marketing, are analyzed separately, and the analysis results are integrated to comprehend the management itself. However, these approaches are often ineffective in modern times, in which the market environment is complex and changes at a high rate. In this context, the research unit aims to comprehend the purchasing behaviors of consumers – the most important factor of business management, by applying probability and optimal theories, and incorporate the factor in actual business management. The staff of a company, researchers of the unit, and students organize a team to address problems faced by the company (Figure 1).
Prediction of the expected numbers of smart phone application downloads
Let me introduce our joint project conducted with a company called Fuller, Inc. As the market for smart phones has grown at a significant speed in recent years, countless numbers of applications have been developed around the world. New applications are installed in and uninstalled from consumers’ smart phones every day. Multiple groups consisting of members of Fuller, Inc. and the research unit analyze data on the status of the possession and use of applications by users, using the latest mathematical methods, and predict the number of newly developed applications expected to be downloaded in the future based on probability theories.
The ARIMA (Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average) model, an existing future forecast methodology, has a problem that it is significantly influenced by the inertial force of past time series data. The group led by Professor Sumita has combined the ARIMA model with inhomogeneous Markov chains to improve the prediction accuracy, and is developing an algorithm to calculate the probability distribution of predicted values (Figures 2 and 3). If the algorithm is put into practical use, we will be able to provide completely new services for companies around the world involved in the development of applications.
Each group led by professors who are members of the unit also conducts research. The groups develop algorithms to identify combinations of complementary or compensating applications, categorize smart phones into classes (stable, recovery, and fluctuation types, etc.) by focusing on specific applications, and predict changes in the composition ratio.

Figure 2: Structure of data used to predict the number of downloads

Figure 3: An example of the prediction of the number of downloads using an algorithm in the process of development
Social contributions and achievements
– Proposals of new analysis methods and methodologies for value creation to the rapidly growing application market
– Practical education through analyses of actual data on companies and discussions
Interviewed on December 18, 2014