聴覚障害発症機序の解明に関する検討リサーチユニットFor the treatment of inner ear hearing loss

代表者 : 原 晃    
他のメンバー : 高橋 智  田中 秀峰  田渕 経司  中山 雅博  
キーワード: 感覚系、聴覚、蝸牛(かぎゅう)、有毛細胞




53hara01 聴覚障害により音が聞こえにくくなる難聴は、音声言語によるコミュニケーションの大きな障害となります。難聴には音の伝えが悪いために生じる伝音難聴と、聞こえの神経に障害があるために生じる感音難聴があります。リサーチユニット「聴覚障害発症機序の解明に関する検討」は、感音難聴の発症メカニズムを探り、難聴治療に結びつけることを目指すリサーチユニットです。








内耳障害の原因・病態・障害過程 ひとつひとつのパーツをつなぐ


図2:血流遮断と再灌流による有毛細胞の聴毛障害の様子 ( A:虚血非負荷、B:虚血負荷後) 「内耳性難聴の治療に向けてー病態モデルを用いたアプローチー(原晃 著)」 より転載


( A:虚血非負荷、B:虚血負荷後)

「内耳性難聴の治療に向けてー病態モデルを用いたアプローチー(原晃 著)」より転載


  • 内耳性難聴発症メカニズムの解明と内耳性障害研究の発展
  • 内耳性障害の病態に即した新たな治療法開発


For the treatment of inner ear hearing loss

Unit representative : Hara, Akira    
Unit members : Takahashi, Satoru  Tanaka, Shuho  Tabuchi, Keiji  Nakayama, Masahiro  

Unit name: Elucidation of Pathogenic Mechanisms of Auditory Impairment

Key words: sensory system, auditory sensation, cochlea, hair cell


53hara01 Hearing loss, which is difficulty in hearing due to auditory impairment, presents marked barriers to communication. Hearing loss is classified into conductive hearing loss due to poor sound conduction and sensorineural hearing loss due to damage to the nerve for hearing. The Research Unit “Elucidation of Pathogenic Mechanisms of Auditory Impairment” aims to clarify the pathogenic mechanism of sensorineural hearing loss for the treatment of hearing loss.


Cochlear, a small organ in the inner ear that converts sound vibrations to electrical signals

Most cases of sensorineural hearing loss are cases of inner ear hearing loss, such as sudden sensorineural hearing loss and Meniere’s disease, that are frequently observed. However, there is no established treatment method for inner ear hearing loss at present. In the inner ear, the cochlea is present, and damage to this organ is frequently associated with inner ear hearing loss. Since the cochlea is a small organ surrounded by bone and difficult to treat, basic studies on the cochlea have been delayed. However, studies in recent years have shown the presence of receptors called outer and inner hair cells in the cochlea and conversion of sound vibrations into electrical signals by these cells (Fig. 1).

Figure 1: The entire cochlea and enlarged view of each part Sound vibrations are converted into electrical signals by hair cells in the Corti’s organ

Connecting the cause of inner ear disorders, their pathology, and the impairment process together

To clarify the pathogenic mechanism of inner ear hearing loss, we have performed studies in experimental animals, such as rats, as pathologic models. Supporting “the impaired blood flow theory” for sudden sensorineural hearing loss, we produced a pathological model by transiently interrupting blood flow, and evaluated damage in the cochlea. Cell injury occurred not only due to oxygen deficiency caused by blood flow interruption (ischemia) but also due to subsequent reperfusion, and particularly marked damage was observed in outer hair cells. Noting the characteristics of injury due to ischemia ∙ reperfusion, we have evaluated the detailed process of histological cell injury, and also used pharmacological approaches as a trial for treatment.

In addition to sudden sensorineural hearing loss, basic studies on other types of inner ear hearing loss, such as acute acoustic trauma, Meniere’s disease, and drug-induced hearing loss, have also been performed.

図2:血流遮断と再灌流による有毛細胞の聴毛障害の様子 ( A:虚血非負荷、B:虚血負荷後) 「内耳性難聴の治療に向けてー病態モデルを用いたアプローチー(原晃 著)」 より転載

Figure 2: Hair damage of hair cells due to blood flow interruption and reperfusion (A: No ischemia, B: After ischemia) “For the treatment of inner ear hearing loss- an approach using a pathologic model- (by Noboru Hara)”


Social contributions and achievements

– Elucidation of the pathogenic mechanism of inner ear hearing loss and the development of research on inner ear disorders

– Development of new treatment methods based on the pathology of inner ear disorders

Interviewed on July 2, 2014