家族による虐待? どうして?―家族をとりまく地域社会を考える
家族のための総合政策リサーチユニットDomestic Abuse: Why does it happen? – Considering Regional Society Surrounding Families

中核研究者 : 田宮 菜奈子  田中 洋子  
他のメンバー : MOGES Abu Girma  岩下 雅充  宮坂 渉  甲斐田 直子  森田 展彰  
















● 日独韓の介護保険に関する公開シンポジウム(日英同時通訳付き)を開催
● 教育・研究拠点「グローバル・エイジング・センター」設置
● 家族内における「虐待・暴力」を家族支援の観点から把握し、他の法学分野や研究分野、特に精神医学や社会医学との学際的研究を通じ、研究成果として有効かつ具体的な諸施策の提案
● 日本大学にて、ドイツとイギリスの家族支援・育児支援に関する公開研究会を開催(日独同時通訳付き)
● 筑波大学にて、スウェーデン少年法に関する公開講演会(日英逐次通訳付き)および児童虐待への対応に関する公開セミナー(日英同時通訳付き)を開催
● 書籍出版(信山社)


Domestic Abuse: Why does it happen? – Considering Regional Society Surrounding Families

Unit Name: Total Policy for the Family
Key words: Social law, family policy, comparative jurisprudence, abuse, violence


写真Professor Miyoko Motozawa considers that most problems of modern society are caused by the social isolation of families. She aims to realize a civil society where there is a strong communal approach to raising children and looking after elderly people, as well as a social environment that can prevent the isolation of families. This research unit (Figure 1) investigates a truly effective family policy by examining family violence and abuse using a novel approach by integrating studies of social policy, law, and medical science as the basis of human society.





Comprehensive understanding of family abuse and violence as resulting from changes in family status

Currently, the abuse of children, elderly people, and disabled persons, as well as spousal abuse have been raised as problems. To protect such victims, individual laws targeting specific types of victim were established, and measures were taken against each type of crime occurring in Japan. The clarity of identifying persons subject to the law, such as the above victims, is an advantage of the law; however, problems remain regarding those who are not subject to the existing laws or measures, such as violence and abuse involving elderly couples with disabilities. This, which is unique to Japan, was revealed as a result of an international comparison study on the abuse/violence prevention act implemented in 11 countries in Asia, Europe, and North America. We view domestic violence and abuse as a socially pathological phenomenon resulting from changes in the family status, and examine measures to prevent them cross-sectionally and comprehensively by referring to acts and measures implemented in other countries.


Proposing effective and practical measures by integrating a wide range of professional knowledge, such as medical science, law, and social policy

To prevent the social isolation of families, which is the aim of our research unit, “Total policy for the family”, people’s social sense and awareness are factors that hamper it. The Japanese government has improved legal systems in order to ratify international treaties; however, there is a wide gap between the law and social sense and awareness of Japanese citizens. We examine whether or not/how a legal framework set up by the law functions within society, and strive to achieve a society close to ideals by improving the law to reinforce acceptable behavior (Figure 2). We also develop effective measures by incorporating medical and legal perspectives other than social security and cooperating with other researchers from multiple fields of study, and report such measures through international conferences and publication using an international network.




Social contributions and achievements

● Hold the Japan-Germany symposium at the Japanese-German Center Berlin (with Japanese and German simultaneous interpretation).
● Hold a public symposium on Japanese, German, and Korean long-term care insurance (with Japanese and German simultaneous interpretation).
● Established an education and research facility, “Center for Global Aging”.
● Proposed effective and practical measures as research outcomes through interdisciplinary studies, such as other fields of law, particularly psychiatry and social medicine, by understanding domestic “abuse and violence” from the perspective of family support.
● Hold an open seminar on family and parenting support provided in Germany and the U.K. at Nihon University (with Japanese and German simultaneous interpretation).
● Hold a public lecture on Swedish laws for juveniles (with Japanese and English consecutive interpretation) and public seminar on measures against child abuse (with Japanese and English simultaneous interpretation).
● Publication (Shinzansha Publisher)
* Miyoko Motozawa/Bernd von Maydell (ed.) “Total policy for the family – Based on an international comparison between Japan and Germany”, 2007
* Miyoko Motozawa/Bernd von Maydell (ed.) “Total policy for the family II – Family policy in civil society”, 2009
* Miyoko Motozawa/Uta Meier-Grawe (ed.) “Total policy for the family III – Reconciliation of work and family life”, 2013

 (Interviewed on September 19, 2013)