大野 浩史(国際テニュアトラック助教)
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氏名 Name |
大野 浩史 Hiroshi Ohno |
所属 Affiliation |
計算科学研究センター Center for Computational Sciences |
メンター Mentor |
藏増 嘉伸 教授 Professor Yoshinobu Kuramashi |
派遣先 Host Institution |
Univ. of Bielefeld/Brookhaven Natl Lab | |
Mentor |
Professor Frithjof Karsch |
キーワード: 素粒子理論物理学、計算物理学、格子QCD、クォーク・グルーオン・プラズマ
Key words: Theoretical Particle Physics, Computational Physics, Lattice QCD, Quark-Gluon Plasma
Numerical study on the strong interaction with lattice QCD at finite temperature and density
It is expected that the early universe and the inside of a neutron star are extremely hot and dense, respectively. Relativistic heavy ion collision experiments also try to create such extreme conditions. To understand physics in hot, dense or both hot and dense media, I perform numerical simulations based on lattice QCD, which describes the interactions between the elementary particles: quark and gluon, where quark is a fundamental constituent of matters and gluon is a force carrier of the strong force.
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