日野原 伸生(国際テニュアトラック助教)
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氏名 Name |
日野原 伸生 Nobuo Hinohara |
所属 Affiliation |
計算科学研究センター Center for Computational Sciences |
メンター Mentor |
矢花 一浩 教授 Professor Kazuhiro Yabana |
派遣先 Host Institution |
Michigan State University | |
Mentor |
Professor Witold Nazarewicz |
キーワード: 原子核構造、密度汎関数理論、不安定核、核分裂
Key words: nuclear structure, density functional theory, unstable nuclei, nuclear fission
Computational nuclear physics
My research is in computational nuclear theory. I am particularly interested in the structure of unstable nuclei that are not found naturally on Earth but important for nucleosynthesis and in the mechanism of nuclear fission process. The goal of my research is to understand them through accurate and reliable calculations with theories of quantum many-body systems based on the nuclear density functional theory and high-performance computing.
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