釜江 陽一 (国際テニュアトラック助教)
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氏名 Name |
釜江 陽一 Yoichi Kamae |
所属 Affiliation |
生命環境系 Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences |
メンター Mentor |
辻村 真貴 教授 Professor Maki Tsujimura |
派遣先 Host Institution |
UC San Diego, Scripps Inst. of Oceanography | |
Mentor |
Professor Shang-Ping Xie |
Key wards:Climatology and Climate Change, Global Climate Modeling, Atmospheric General Circulation, Paleoclimate Modeling
Projecting and assessing physical mechanisms on climate change
Amplitude of global climate changes is often represented by global-mean surface air temperature change and climate sensitivity. However, regional climate projections still remain uncertain both in sign and magnitude. Reliable information on regional projection on future climate can be provided through studies on uncertainty and physical mechanisms on regional climate changes. In addition, I also contribute to paleoclimate model-data intercomparison. Past climate changes can provide insights on general mechanisms on climate change.
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