コロナ危機に立ち向かう外国人高校生―当事者の若者と共に行うアクションリサーチとオンライン支援Foreign senior high school students confronting the COVID-19 crisis – Youth participatory action research and online support

代表者 : 德永 智子  


Rebuilding learning opportunities for immigrant students during COVID-19 outbreak


immigrant high school students, needs, empowerment, online support, youth participatory action research(YPAR)

新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に伴い、世界各国で学習権の保障や教育機会へのアクセスに課題があることが明らかになりつつも、十分な対策が取られているとはいえない状況です。特に社会経済的に弱い立場に立つ移民生徒への影響が大きいという調査結果があります。日本国内でも、外国人高校生は、情報へのアクセスの難しさ、日本語を含めた学習機会の乏しさ、家族の失業・休業による生活困窮、メンタルヘルスの問題などが顕在化しており、外国人生徒の多様なニーズに早急に応えることが必要です。わたしたちは、コロナ禍により外国人高校生にどのような影響があったか、若者参加型アクションリサーチ(Youth Participatory Action Research: YPAR)の方法を用いて当事者である外国人の若者と共に実態調査を行い、学業・生活・進路等への影響を明らかにします。そして、明らかになったニーズをもとに、実際に外国人高校生に向けてオンラインの教育支援を行います。

The spread of COVID-19 infection revealed challenges in guaranteeing learning rights and access to educational opportunities, but sufficient measures have not been adopted in each country. A previous survey reported that the impact of this situation is marked on immigrant students who are socio-economically vulnerable. Foreign senior high school students in Japan are also facing difficulty accessing information, insufficient opportunities to learn, including Japanese language, poverty due to unemployment or suspension of business among family members, and mental health problems; therefore, it is urgently necessary to fulfill their diverse needs. To examine the influences of the COVID-19 crisis on the academic performance, daily lives, and career paths of foreign senior high school students, we conducted research through collaboration with these students by adopting Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) approach. Subsequently, to fulfill their needs identified through research, we provide them with online education support.