3D-CGバーチャル手術シミュレーションシステムリサーチユニットChanging Surgical Education in Japan – For Safer and More Secure Surgery – : 3D-CG Virtual Operation Unit

中核研究者 : 岩田 洋夫  工藤 博幸  
他のメンバー : 掛谷 英紀  金 尚泰  滝沢 穂高  矢野 博明  


ohkawachi  がん治療の第一選択として手術が広く行われています。日本は手術による死亡率が低いため、安全に手術ができる国といわれています。しかしながら、外科医は10年以上の研修期間を要するため、日本の外科医師数は年々減少の一途をたどっており、20年後には現在の1/3になると予想されています。本リサーチユニットでは、質の高い外科治療を維持したまま研修期間の短縮を目指し、手術シミュレーションシステムの開発と教材づくりに取り組んでいます。











● 画像解剖を重視する外科手術とIT技術の有機的結合と相乗効果は、医療界では最もインパクトあり。特に医学生のみならず、臨床に携わる医師の教育法として効果は多大
● 次世代型3D-CGバーチャル手術シミュレーションシステムのデータを地域や国で集積、共有できる環境を構築することで手術手技の評価、集合知的解析が可能
● 日本の外科治療のレベルの底上げを図り、日本の癌医療水準均霑化の推進に貢献
● 次世代型3D-CGバーチャル手術シミュレーションシステム、21世紀の動く新手術テキストが医学生、外科医にとって魅力的で効果的な教材となり、新たな手術の考案、創作に寄与し、外科医減少防止に貢献


Changing Surgical Education in Japan – For Safer and More Secure Surgery – : 3D-CG Virtual Operation Unit

Core researcher : Iwata, Hiroo  Kudo, Hiroyuki  
Unit members : Kakeya, Hideki  Kim, Sangtae  Takizawa, Hotaka  Yano, Hiroaki  
Key words:medicine-engineering liaison, virtual reality, operation simulation, 3D-CG, haptics


Surgery is widely applied as first-line cancer treatment today. With a low surgery-related mortality rate, Japan is regarded as a country providing safe surgical services. On the other hand, as a training period of more than 10 years is needed to become a surgeon, the number of Japanese surgeons is decreasing annually, and is likely to decrease to a third of the present number in the next 20 years. This research unit is engaged in the development of operation simulation systems and training materials, aiming to shorten the period of surgical training, while maintaining the level of surgical treatment.

Developing 3D-CG Virtual Operation Simulation Systems Combining Engineering, Arts, and Medicine

Up to the present, surgical education has been provided through reading manuals and observing surgical procedures. However, such paper-based manuals only show anatomical illustrations, and it is difficult to visualize each procedure and the visual field during surgery. Considering such a situation, this research unit has developed 3D-CG virtual operation simulation systems combining cutting-edge technologies in the fields of engineering, arts, and medicine. Using these systems, it is possible to virtually move and manipulate organs. They also enable users to simulate desired situations based on the entered data, such as “clarifying the degree of liver deformation when compressing” and “identifying blood vessels at the site of incision” (Figures 1 and 2). Currently, a new 3D-CG virtual operation simulation system for the liver is under development, and will be followed by those for the pancreas and pelvis.



Figure 1: Stretching the left and right sutures, and incising the liver between them to expose the inner blood vessels


Figure 2: Setting the degree of transparency of the liver at 0 to observe hepatic vessels; the system allows the realistic simulation of surgical procedures.


Changing Surgical Education in Japan from the University of Tsukuba

e have also developed the “21st Century Movable Surgical Textbook” to enter all surgery-related data in a tablet PC and use them as easy-to-understand and movable texts. Through reading-and-observing learning approaches, a training period of approximately 15 years was necessary for surgeons to become able to perform surgical procedures by themselves. Our 3D-CG virtual operation simulation systems and movable textbooks are expected to markedly shorten such a long training period. We aim to contribute to the improvement of the surgical treatment level and number of surgeons in Japan by changing surgical education from the University of Tsukuba.


Social contributions and achievements
● Having a marked impact in the field of clinical medicine by combining surgical procedures requiring image-based anatomy and IT technology, with a synergistic effect; the combination has been particularly effective to train clinicians, as well as medical students.
● Accumulating data obtained from next-generation 3D-CG virtual operation simulation systems on community- and nationwide-bases and creating environments to share them, in order to evaluate surgical techniques and perform collective intelligence-based analysis
● Improving the surgical treatment level and standardizing the quality of cancer treatment services in Japan
● Contributing to the creation of new surgical techniques and maintenance of the number of surgeons by developing next-generation 3D-CG virtual operation simulation systems and the 21st Century Movable Textbook as useful and effective training materials for medical students and surgeons
 (Interviewed on November 13, 2013)