TRiSTAR第2期フェロー(2022年後期)秋山 肇

代表者 : 秋山 肇  

秋山 肇
Hajime Akiyama
Assistant Professor
Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
University of Tsukuba

Research fields
Peace Studies, Constitutional Law, International Law, International Organisations
Research project
Nationality, Statelessness, Post-COVID-19 Studies, Post-Anthropocene
Nationality, Pandemic, Environmental Issues, United Nations
国際基督教大学(ICU)教養学部卒業(学士(教養))、ICU大学院アーツ・サイエンス研究科博士前期課程、同大学院博士後期課程を修了し、修士(平和研究)、博士(学術)の学位を取得。日本学術振興会特別研究員DC1として研究を行った経験を持つ。日本・スイス政府による日本ースイス若手研究者交流事業(特別研究員)に採用され、ローザンヌ大学に客員研究員として滞在した。立命館大学国際関係学部嘱託講師を経て2020年より現職。第29回佐藤栄作賞優秀賞受賞。2022年度筑波大学BEST FACULTY MEMBER。

Hajime Akiyama is an Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Tsukuba. He graduated from International Christian University (ICU), Tokyo, and he received Bachelar of Arts, Master of Arts in Peace Studies and Doctor of Philosophy from ICU. He researched as a Research Fellow of Japan Socurty for the Promotion of Science. He received a Fellowship under the “Young Researchers Exchange Programme between Japan and Switzerland 2016” and stayed at the University of Lausanne as a Visiting Researcher. He served College of International Relations of Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, as a Lecturer. Since 2020, he is in the current position. He received the Award of Brilliance of the 29th Eisaku Sato Essay Contest. He was selected as the BEST FACULTY MEMBER of the University of Tsukuba in AY 2022.

Research Outline




Hajime Akiyama specialises in peace studies, constitutional law, international law and international organisations. He focuses on topics such as statelessness, COVID-19 and the Anthropocene to examine peace from international and interdisciplinary perspectives. First, he researches statelessness from perspectives of municipal law, international law and international organisations. He clarified the history and current status of responses to statelessness in international law and Japanese law. He also critically analysed the United Nations’ practice to deal with statelessness. Furthermore, he clarified the characteristics of Japanese nationality from a historical perspective. Through research on statelessness, he attempts to critically examine the role of nationality in the era of globalisation. Second, he researches the subject of COVID-19. He focuses on the right to life and examines the interpretation of the Japanese Constitution to cope with a pandemic. He also examines the social changes and continuity caused by COVID-19 with interdisciplinary perspectives and develops a vision of a post-COVID-19 society. Third, he researches the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene refers to the era in which human activities have a decisive impact on the Earth. Hajime is conducting interdisciplinary research with not only social sciences but also humanities and natural sciences. He is particularly interested in the vision for a “post-Antropocene” to overcome environmental and related problems in the Anthropocene. Through the above-mentioned researches, he aims to critically understand peace and conduct research that contributes to the realisation of peace.

What is my goal as a transborder researcher?


Human creates borders, and borders create our own area. By having our own area, we try to feel secure. But when we notice that our area alone cannot solve many issues in this complicated world, we realise the need to cross borders. When we cross borders, there are many things that we do not know. We become just anxious. We need to know our ignorance, and with the help of many others, we must continue to ask many people and ourselves with anxiety, believing that there must be answers somewhere. After such anxiety, we must be able to find the small but significant role that only you can play. My goal is to be a person who continues to ask questions while crossing borders, believing that answers must be beyond the borders.


TRiSTARフェロー紹介 第2期フェロー 秋山 肇 Hajime Akiyama