検索結果: 6 結果 / 書学

秋山 学
Akiyama, Manabu

人文社会系, 教授
Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor

菅野 智明
Kanno, Chiaki

芸術系, 教授
Institute of Art and Design, Professor

村田 光司
Murata, Koji

図書館情報メディア系, 助教
Faculty of Library, Information and Media Science, Assistant Professor

尾川 明穂
Ogawa, Akiho

芸術系, 准教授
Institute of Art and Design, Associate Professor

髙橋 佑太
Takahashi, Yuta

芸術系, 准教授
Faculty of Art and Design

手塚 太郎
Tezuka, Taro

システム情報系, 教授
Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Professor