検索結果: 13 結果 / carbon sources

青柳 秀紀
Aoyagi, Hideki

生命環境系, 教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor


五十嵐 康人
Igarashi, Yasuhito

京都大学, 複合原子力科学研究所, 特任教授
Kyoto University, Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Specially Appointed Professor

入江 賢児
Irie, Kenji

医学医療系, 教授
Institute of Medicine, Professor

水野 智亮
Mizuno, Tomoaki

医学医療系, 准教授
Institute of Medicine, Associate Professor

水野谷 剛
Mizunoya, Takeshi

生命環境系, 准教授
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, Associate Professor

岡島 敬一
Okajima, Keiichi

システム情報系, 教授
Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, Professor

佐々木 正洋
Sasaki, Masahiro

数理物質系, 教授
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor

須田 恭之
Suda, Yasuyuki

医学医療系, 助教
Institute of Medicine, Assistant Professor

鈴木 石根
Suzuki, Iwane

生命環境系, 教授
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor

冨田 成夫
Tomita, Shigeo

数理物質系, 准教授
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Associate Professor

山田 小須弥
Yamada, Kosumi

生命環境系, 准教授
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, Associate Professor

楊 英男
Yang, Yingnan

生命環境系, 教授
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor


張 振亜
Zhang, Zhen Ya

筑波大学, 生命環境系, 教授
University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor