ホーム > 秋山 進一郎/ AKIYAMA, Shinichiro
秋山 進一郎
AKIYAMA, Shinichiro
計算科学研究センター , 助教 Center for Computational Sciences , Assistant Professor
- TRiSTAR第4期プリフェロー(2024年)秋山 進一郎
- 1. Tensor renormalization group study of (1 + 1)-dimensional U(1) gauge-Higgs model at θ = π with Lüscher’s admissibility condition Shinichiro Akiyama; Yoshinobu Kuramashi Journal of High Energy Physics 2024: (2024) Semantic Scholar
- 2. SU(2) principal chiral model with tensor renormalization group on a cubic lattice Shinichiro Akiyama; Raghav G. Jha; Judah Unmuth-Yockey Physical Review D 110: 034519 (2024) Semantic Scholar
- 3. Tensor renormalization group for fermions Shinichiro Akiyama; Yannick Meurice; Ryo Sakai Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 36: 343002 - 343002 (2024) Semantic Scholar
- 4. Tensor renormalization group study of 3D principal chiral model Judah Unmuth-Yockey; Shinichiro Akiyama; Raghav Jha Proceedings of The 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LATTICE2023) (2023) Semantic Scholar
- 5. Implementation of bond weighting method for the Grassmann tensor renormalization group Shinichiro Akiyama Proceedings of The 40th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LATTICE2023) (2023) Semantic Scholar
- 6. Critical endpoint of (3+1)-dimensional finite density ℤ3 gauge-Higgs model with tensor renormalization group Shinichiro Akiyama; Yoshinobu Kuramashi Journal of High Energy Physics 2023: (2023) Semantic Scholar
- 7. Matrix product decomposition for two- and three-flavor Wilson fermions: Benchmark results in the lattice Gross-Neveu model at finite density Shinichiro Akiyama Physical Review D 108: (2023) Semantic Scholar
- 8. Bond-weighting method for the Grassmann tensor renormalization group Shinichiro Akiyama Journal of High Energy Physics (2022) Semantic Scholar
- 9. Quantum Field Theories with Tensor Renormalization Group Shinichiro Akiyama; Yoshinobu Kuramashi; Yusuke Yoshimura Proceedings of Science LATTICE2021: 530 (2022) Semantic Scholar
- 10. Tensor renormalization group study of (3+1)-dimensional ℤ2 gauge-Higgs model at finite density Shinichiro Akiyama; Yoshinobu Kuramashi Journal of High Energy Physics (2022) Semantic Scholar
- 11. Metal-insulator transition in the (2+1)-dimensional Hubbard model with the tensor renormalization group Shinichiro Akiyama; Yoshinobu Kuramashi; Takumi Yamashita PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS 2022: (2022) Semantic Scholar
- 12. More about the Grassmann tensor renormalization group Shinichiro Akiyama; Daisuke Kadoh JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (2021) Semantic Scholar
- 13. Phase transition of four-dimensional lattice phi(4) theory with tensor renormalization group Shinichiro Akiyama; Yoshinobu Kuramashi; Yusuke Yoshimura PHYSICAL REVIEW D 104: (2021) Semantic Scholar
- 14. Tensor renormalization group approach to (1+1)-dimensional Hubbard model Shinichiro Akiyama; Yoshinobu Kuramashi PHYSICAL REVIEW D 104: (2021) Semantic Scholar
- 15. Restoration of chiral symmetry in cold and dense Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with tensor renormalization group Shinichiro Akiyama; Yoshinobu Kuramashi; Takumi Yamashita; Yusuke Yoshimura JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (2021) Semantic Scholar
- 16. Tensor renormalization group approach to four-dimensional complex phi(4) theory at finite density Shinichiro Akiyama; Daisuke Kadoh; Yoshinobu Kuramashi; Takumi YamashitaYusuke Yoshimura JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (2020) Semantic Scholar
- 17. Phase transition of four-dimensional Ising model with tensor network scheme Shinichiro Akiyama; Yoshinobu Kuramashi; Takumi Yamashita; Yusuke Yoshimura LATTICE2019: 138 (2020) Semantic Scholar
- 18. Phase transition of four-dimensional Ising model with higher-order tensor renormalization group Shinichiro Akiyama; Yoshinobu Kuramashi; Takumi Yamashita; Yusuke Yoshimura PHYSICAL REVIEW D 100: (2019) Semantic Scholar
- 41. テンソルネットワーク法を用いた素粒子物理学および物性物理学の研究 (hp200170) 秋山進一郎; 藏増嘉伸(課題代表者); 吉村友佑 第8回HPCIシステム利用研究課題成果報告会 2021年10月29日
- 42. Restoration of chiral symmetry in cold and dense NambuーJona-Lasinio model with tensor renormalization group Shinichiro Akiyama YITP workshop QCD phase diagram and lattice QCD 2021年10月25日
- 43. Particle Physics with Tensor Network Scheme Shinichiro Akiyama; Yoshinobu Kuramashi (Project Representative); Yusuke Yoshimura 13th Symposium on Discovery, Fusion, Creation of New Knowledge by Multidisciplinary Computational Sciences 2021年10月8日
- 44. テンソル繰り込み群による(1+1)次元Hubbard模型の研究 秋山進一郎; 藏増嘉伸 日本物理学会2021年秋季大会 2021年9月14日
- 45. Tensor renormalization group approach to (1+1)-dimensional Hubbard model 秋山進一郎 熱場の量子論とその応用 2021年8月30日
- 46. Tensor renormalization group approach to (1+1)-dimensional Hubbard model Shinichiro Akiyama, Yoshinobu Kuramashi 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 2021年7月28日
- 47. 4次元φ4理論のテンソル繰り込み群による解析 秋山進一郎; 藏増嘉伸; 吉村友佑 日本物理学会第76回年次大会 2021年3月13日
- 48. Restoration of chiral symmetry in cold and dense NambuーJona-Lasinio model with tensor renormalization group Shinichiro Akiyama YITP workshop Quantum computing for quantum field theories 2021年1月7日
- 49. Restoration of chiral symmetry in cold and dense NambuーJona-Lasinio model with tensor renormalization group Shinichiro Akiyama KEK Theory Workshop 2020 2020年12月16日
- 50. Particle Physics with Tensor Network Scheme Shinichiro Akiyama; Yoshinobu Kuramashi (Project Representative); Yusuke Yoshimura 12th Symposium on Discovery, Fusion, Creation of New Knowledge by Multidisciplinary Computational Sciences 2020年10月6日
- 51. テンソル繰り込み群による3+1次元有限密度Nambu-Jona-Lasinio模型の研究 秋山進一郎; 藏増嘉伸; 山下巧; 吉村友佑 日本物理学会2020年秋季大会 2020年9月14日
- 52. テンソル繰り込み群による4次元有限密度複素スカラー場の理論の研究 秋山進一郎 素粒子若手オンライン研究会2020 2020年8月27日
- 53. テンソル繰り込み群による4次元有限密度複素スカラー場の理論の研究 秋山進一郎 熱場の量子論とその応用 2020年8月24日
- 54. Tensor renormalization group approach to four-dimensional complex φ4 theory at finite density Shinichiro Akiyama, Daisuke Kadoh, Yoshinobu Kuramashi, Takumi Yamashita, Yusuke Yoshimura Asia-Pacific Symposium for Lattice field theory 2020年8月7日
- 55. テンソル繰り込み群による4次元Ising模型の解析 秋山進一郎; 藏増嘉伸; 山下巧; 吉村友佑 日本物理学会第75回年次大会 2020年3月17日
- 56. Particle Physics with Tensor Network Scheme Shinichiro Akiyama; Yoshinobu Kuramashi (Project Representative); Yusuke Yoshimura 11th Symposium on Discovery, Fusion, Creation of New Knowledge by Multidisciplinary Computational Sciences 2019年10月15日
- 57. 高次テンソル繰り込み群による4次元Ising模型の相転移解析 秋山進一郎; 藏増嘉伸; 山下巧; 吉村友佑 日本物理学会2019年秋季大会 2019年9月18日
- 58. 高次テンソル繰り込み群による4次元Ising模型の相転移の解析 秋山進一郎 熱場の量子論とその応用 2019年9月2日
- 59. Phase transition of four-dimensional Ising model with higher-order tensor renormalization group Shinichiro Akiyama Computational Approaches to Quantum Many-body Problems 2019年7月22日
- 60. Critical behavior of 4-dimensional Ising model with higher-order tensor renormalization group Shinichiro Akiyama, Yoshinobu Kuramashi, Takumi Yamashita, Yusuke Yoshimura 37th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory 2019年6月18日
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