ホーム > 清水 則孝/ Shimizu, Noritaka
清水 則孝
Shimizu, Noritaka
計算科学研究センター , 准教授 Center for Computational Sciences , Associate Professor
清水 則孝
New lifetime measurement for the 21+ level in Sn 112 by the Doppler-shift attenuation method
A. Kundu; Md S.R. Laskar; R. Palit; R. Raut (+21 著者) A. T. Vazhappilly
Physical Review C 103: (2021) Semantic Scholar
High-spin states in S-35
S. Go; E. Ideguchi; R. Yokoyama; N. Aoi (+24 著者) A. Yagi
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 103: (2021) Semantic Scholar
Variational approach with the superposition of the symmetry-restored quasiparticle vacua for nuclear shell-model calculations
Noritaka Shimizu; Yusuke Tsunoda; Yutaka Utsuno; Takaharu Otsuka
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 103: (2021) Semantic Scholar
Quasi-SU(3) coupling of (1h11/2,2f7/2) across the N=82 shell gap: Enhanced E2 collectivity and shape evolution in Nd isotopes
Kaneko, K.; Shimizu, N.; Mizusaki, T.; Sun, Y.
Physical Review C 103: (2021) Semantic Scholar
Triple enhancement of quasi-SU(3) quadrupole collectivity in Strontium-Zirconium N ≈ Z isotopes
Kaneko, K.; Shimizu, N.; Mizusaki, T.; Sun, Y.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 817: (2021) Semantic Scholar
Ground-state properties of light 4n self-conjugate nuclei in ab initio no-core Monte Carlo shell model calculations with nonlocal NN interactions
Abe, T.; Maris, P.; Otsuka, T.; Shimizu, N. (+1 著者) Vary, J.P.
Physical Review C 104: (2021) Semantic Scholar
Formulation of a shell-cluster overlap integral with the Gaussian expansion method
Nakamoto, R.; Ueda, E.; Ito, M.; Shimizu, N.
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2021: (2021) Semantic Scholar
Large-scale shell-model calculations of nuclear Schiff moments of Xe129 and Hg199
Kota Yanase; Noritaka Shimizu
Physical Review C 102: (2020) Semantic Scholar
N=32 shell closure below calcium: Low-lying structure of Ar50
M. L. Cortés; W. Rodriguez; P. Doornenbal; A. Obertelli (+76 著者) L. Zanetti
Physical Review C 102: (2020) Semantic Scholar
The impact of nuclear shape on the emergence of the neutron dripline
Naofumi Tsunoda; Takaharu Otsuka; Kazuo Takayanagi; Noritaka Shimizu (+3 著者) Hideki Ueno
NATURE 587: 66 (2020) Semantic Scholar
Structure of Mg-30 explored via in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy
N. Kitamura; K. Wimmer; N. Shimizu; V. M. Bader (+22 著者) A. Westerberg
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 102: (2020) Semantic Scholar
Structure of the 11/2(-) isomeric state in La-133
Md S. R. Laskar; R. Palit; S. N. Mishra; N. Shimizu (+7 著者) Z. Naik
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 101: (2020) Semantic Scholar
Sequential Nature of (p,3p) Two-Proton Knockout from Neutron-Rich Nuclei
Frotscher, A.; G{\'o}mez-Ramos, M.; Obertelli, A.; Doornenbal, P. (+90 著者) Xu, Z.
Physical Review Letters 125: (2020) Semantic Scholar
Ab initio multishell valence-space Hamiltonians and the island of inversion
Miyagi, T.; Stroberg, S.R.; Holt, J.D.; Shimizu, N.
Physical Review C 102: (2020) Semantic Scholar
Isomer studies in the vicinity of the doubly-magic nucleus 100Sn: Observation of a new low-lying isomeric state in 97Ag
Hornung, C.; Amanbayev, D.; Dedes, I.; Kripko-Koncz, G. (+30 著者) Winfield, J.S.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 802: (2020) Semantic Scholar
Underlying Structure of Collective Bands and Self-Organization in Quantum Systems
T. Otsuka; Y. Tsunoda; T. Abe; N. ShimizuP. Van Duppen
Physical Review Letters 123: (2019) Semantic Scholar
Thick-restart block Lanczos method for large-scale shell-model calculations
Noritaka Shimizu; Takahiro Mizusaki; Yutaka Utsuno; Yusuke Tsunoda
COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS 244: 372 (2019) Semantic Scholar
Isomer spectroscopy in Ba-133 and high-spin structure of Ba-134
L. Kaya; A. Vogt; P. Reiter; M. Siciliano (+66 著者) K. O. Zell
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 100: (2019) Semantic Scholar
Spin and parity determination of the 3.004-MeV level in Al 27: Its low-lying multiplet structure
T. Shizuma; M. Omer; R. Hajima; N. ShimizuY. Utsuno
Physical Review C 100: (2019) Semantic Scholar
beta(-) decay of T-z =+11/2 isotopes Al-37 and Si-39: Understanding Gamow-Teller strength distribution in neutron-rich nuclei
B. Abromeit; Vandana Tripathi; H. L. Crawford; S. N. Liddick (+14 著者) A. Volya
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 100: (2019) Semantic Scholar
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