ホーム > 清水 則孝/ Shimizu, Noritaka
清水 則孝
Shimizu, Noritaka
計算科学研究センター , 准教授 Center for Computational Sciences , Associate Professor
- 二重ベータ崩壊に類似した巨大共鳴状態の候補を観測
- 81. Exotic neutron-rich medium-mass nuclei with realistic nuclear forces Naofumi Tsunoda; Takaharu Otsuka; Noritaka Shimizu; Morten Hjorth-Jensen (+1 著者) Toshio Suzuki PHYSICAL REVIEW C 95: (2017) Semantic Scholar
- 82. beta decay of Si-38,Si-40 (T-z =+5,+6) to low-lying core excited states in odd-odd P-38,P-40 isotopes Vandana Tripathi; R. S. Lubna; B. Abromeit; H. L. Crawford (+15 著者) S. Yoshida PHYSICAL REVIEW C 95: (2017) Semantic Scholar
- 83. Are There Signatures of Harmonic Oscillator Shells Far from Stability? First Spectroscopy of Zr 110 N. Paul; A. Corsi; A. Obertelli; P. Doornenbal (+68 著者) Z. Xu Physical Review Letters 118: (2017) Semantic Scholar
- 84. First Measurement of Collectivity of Coexisting Shapes Based on Type II Shell Evolution: The Case of Zr 96 C. Kremer; S. Aslanidou; S. Bassauer; M. Hilcker (+11 著者) M. Zweidinger Physical Review Letters 117: (2016) Semantic Scholar
- 85. Quantum Phase Transition in the Shape of Zr isotopes Tomoaki Togashi; Yusuke Tsunoda; Takaharu Otsuka; Noritaka Shimizu PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 117: (2016) Semantic Scholar
- 86. Large-Scale Shell-Model Analysis of the Neutrinoless beta beta Decay of Ca-48 (vol 116, 112502, 2016) Y. Iwata; N. Shimizu; T. Otsuka; Y. Utsuno (+2 著者) T. Abe PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 117: (2016) Semantic Scholar
- 87. Stochastic estimation of level density in nuclear shell-model calculations Noritaka Shimizu; Yutaka Utsuno; Yasunori Futamura; Tetsuya Sakurai (+1 著者) Takaharu Otsuka EPJ Web of Conferences 122: (2016) Semantic Scholar
- 88. Large-Scale Shell-Model Analysis of the Neutrinoless beta beta Decay of Ca-48 Y. Iwata; N. Shimizu; T. Otsuka; Y. Utsuno (+2 著者) T. Abe PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 116: (2016) Semantic Scholar
- 89. Investigating nuclear shell structure in the vicinity of Ni 78: Low-lying excited states in the neutron-rich isotopes Zn 80,82 Y. Shiga; K. Yoneda; D. Steppenbeck; N. Aoi (+36 著者) J. Zenihiro Physical Review C 93: (2016) Semantic Scholar
- 90. Stochastic estimation of nuclear level density in the nuclear shell model: An application to parity-dependent level density in 58Ni Noritaka Shimizu; Yutaka Utsuno; Yasunori Futamura; Tetsuya Sakurai (+1 著者) Takaharu Otsuka PHYSICS LETTERS B 753: 13 - 17 (2016) Semantic Scholar
- 91. Stochastic estimation of level density in nuclear shell-model calculations Noritaka Shimizu; Yutaka Utsuno; Yasunori Futamura; Tetsuya Sakurai (+1 著者) Takaharu Otsuka CNR*15 - 5TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON COMPOUND-NUCLEAR REACTIONS AND RELATED TOPICS 122: (2016) Semantic Scholar
- 92. Large-scale shell-model analysis of the neutrinoless double-beta decay of Ca48 Y. Iwata; N. Shimizu; T. Otsuka; Y. Utsuno (+2 著者) T. Abe Phys. Rev. Lett. 116 (2016) 112502 (2016)
- 93. 殻模型によるsd-pf殻領域の中性子過剰核におけるベータ崩壊の記述 吉田 聡太; 宇都野 穣; 清水 則孝; 大塚 孝治 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 71: 209 - 209 (2016)
- 94. Be, C同位体のintrinsic状態のモンテカルロ殻模型による研究 吉田 亨; 清水 則孝; 阿部 喬; 大塚 孝治 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 71: 125 - 125 (2016)
- 95. 陽子共鳴散乱を用いた 35Si の核構造の研究 北村 徳隆; 今井 伸明; 下浦 享; Wimmer K. (+13 著者) 宇都野 穣 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 71: 270 - 270 (2016)
- 96. 22aAB-4 モンテカルロ殻模型による^<79>Se,^<90>Sr,^<93>Zrの光吸収断面積の計算 富樫 智章; 大塚 孝治; 清水 則孝; 宇都野 穣 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 71: 240 - 240 (2016) Semantic Scholar
- 97. 22aAB-5 ^<48>Caのニュートリノレス二重ベータ崩壊に対するステライル・ニュートリノの影響 岩田 順敬; 清水 則孝; 大塚 孝治; Menendez Javier (+2 著者) 阿部 喬 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 71: 241 - 241 (2016) Semantic Scholar
- 98. 19pAC-4 Be同位体におけるintrinsic状態の性質 吉田 亨; 清水 則孝; 阿部 喬; 大塚 孝治 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 71: 198 - 198 (2016)
- 99. Electron-capture rates of nuclei at stellar environments and nucleosynthesis Toshio Suzuki; Michio Honma; Noritaka Shimizu; Yusuke Tsunoda (+6 著者) Koichi Iwamoto Proceedings of Science 2016-: (2016)
- 100. Shape coexistence in 67Co, 66,68,70,72Ni, and 71Cu W. B. Walters; C. J. Chiara; R. V.F. Janssens; D. Weisshaar (+38 著者) S. Zhu AIP Conference Proceedings 1681: (2015) Semantic Scholar
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