ホーム > 清水 則孝/ Shimizu, Noritaka
清水 則孝
Shimizu, Noritaka
計算科学研究センター , 准教授 Center for Computational Sciences , Associate Professor
- 二重ベータ崩壊に類似した巨大共鳴状態の候補を観測
- 101. 27pSP-7 殻模型計算における確率論的な準位密度計算法 清水 則孝; 二村 保徳; 櫻井 鉄也; 水崎 高浩 (+1 著者) 大塚 孝治 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 70: 183 - 183 (2015)
- 102. Photonuclear reactions of calcium isotopes calculated with the nuclear shell model Yutaka Utsuno; Noritaka Shimizu; Takaharu Otsuka; Shuichiro EbataMichio Honma PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR ENERGY 82: 102 - 106 (2015) Semantic Scholar
- 103. Low-Lying Structure of Ar 50 and the N=32 Subshell Closure D. Steppenbeck; S. Takeuchi; N. Aoi; P. Doornenbal (+18 著者) K. Yoneda Physical Review Letters 114: (2015) Semantic Scholar
- 104. Identification of deformed intruder states in semi-magic Ni 70 C. J. Chiara; D. Weisshaar; R. V.F. Janssens; Y. Tsunoda (+38 著者) S. Zhu Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 91: (2015) Semantic Scholar
- 105. Characterization of the low-lying 0+ and 2+ states in Ni 68 via β decay of the low-spin Co 68 isomer F. Flavigny; D. Pauwels; D. Radulov; I. J. Darby (+21 著者) K. Wimmer Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 91: (2015) Semantic Scholar
- 106. Large-scale shell-model calculations for unnatural-parity high-spin states in neutron-rich Cr and Fe isotopes Tomoaki Togashi; Noritaka Shimizu; Yutaka Utsuno; Takaharu OtsukaMichio Honma Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 91: (2015) Semantic Scholar
- 107. Large-scale shell-model calculations for unnatural-parity high-spin states in neutron-rich Cr and Fe isotopes Tomoaki Togashi; Noritaka Shimizu; Yutaka Utsuno; Takaharu OtsukaMichio Honma PHYSICAL REVIEW C 91: (2015) Semantic Scholar
- 108. Nature of Isomerism in Exotic Sulfur Isotopes Yutaka Utsuno; Noritaka Shimizu; Takaharu Otsuka; Tooru YoshidaYusuke Tsunoda PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 114: (2015) Semantic Scholar
- 109. Ingredients of nuclear matrix element for two-neutrino double-beta decay of 48Ca Y. Iwata; N. Shimizu; Y. Utsuno; M. Honma (+1 著者) T. Otsuka JPS Conf. Proc. 6, 030057 (2015) (2015)
- 110. 24pCC-2 モンテカルロ殻模型計算によるストロンチウム90のE1励起状態の記述 富樫 智章; 清水 則孝; 宇都野 穣; 大塚 孝治 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 70: 220 - 220 (2015)
- 111. Nuclear structure of 37, 38Si investigated by decay spectroscopy of 37, 38Al [{"name": "Steiger, K."}, {"name": "Nishimura, S."}, {"name": "Li, Z."}, {"name": "Gernh{\""a}user, R."}, {"name": "Utsuno, Y."}, {"name": "Chen, R."}, {"name": "Faestermann, T."}, {"name": "Hinke, C."}, {"name": "Kr{\""u}cken, R."}, {"name": "Kurata-Nishimura, M."}, {"name": "Lorusso, G."}, {"name": "Miyashita, Y."}, {"name": "Shimizu, N."}, {"name": "Sugimoto, K."}, {"name": "Sumikama, T."}, {"name": "Watanabe, H."}, {"name": "Yoshinaga, K."}] European Physical Journal A 51: (2015) Semantic Scholar
- 112. 27pSP-11 大規模殻模型計算によるZ=28近傍の核構造 角田 佑介; 大塚 孝治; 清水 則孝; 本間 道雄宇都野 穣 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 70: 187 - 187 (2015)
- 113. 26aSP-7 12Beにおける殻構造とクラスター構造のモンテカルロ殻模型による研究 吉田 亨; 清水 則孝; 阿部 喬; 大塚 孝治 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 70: 145 - 145 (2015)
- 114. 25aSB-7 ^<48>Caの二重ベータ崩壊の殻模型計算による記述III 岩田 順敬; 清水 則孝; 大塚 孝治; 宇都野 穣 (+2 著者) 阿部 喬 70: 207 - 207 (2015)
- 115. 27aSB-8 第一禁止ベータ崩壊データによる中性子過剰カルシウム同位体の殻進化の解析 宇都野 穣; 清水 則孝; 富樫 智章; 大塚 孝治 (+1 著者) 本間 道雄 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 70: 296 - 296 (2015)
- 116. 28aSF-5 モンテカルロ殻模型によるセレン79の光吸収断面積の計算 富樫 智章; 大塚 孝治; 清水 則孝; 宇都野 穣 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 70: 326 - 326 (2015)
- 117. Novel shape evolution in exotic Ni isotopes and configuration-dependent shell structure Yusuke Tsunoda; Takaharu Otsuka; Noritaka Shimizu; Michio HonmaYutaka Utsuno PHYSICAL REVIEW C 89: (2014) Semantic Scholar
- 118. Shape coexistence in Ni 68 S. Suchyta; S. N. Liddick; Y. Tsunoda; T. Otsuka (+11 著者) J. M. Vonmoss Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 89: (2014) Semantic Scholar
- 119. Appearance of alpha-cluster structure in Be isotopes based on Monte Carlo shell model Tooru Yoshida; Noritaka Shimizu; Takashi Abe; Takaharu Otsuka 3RD INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON STATE OF THE ART IN NUCLEAR CLUSTER PHYSICS 569: (2014) Semantic Scholar
- 120. GPGPU Application to the Computation of Hamiltonian Matrix Elements between Non-orthogonal Slater Determinants in the Monte Carlo Shell Model Tomoaki Togashi; Noritaka Shimizu; Yutaka Utsuno; Takashi AbeTakaharu Otsuka 2014 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE 29: 1711 - 1721 (2014) Semantic Scholar
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