ホーム > CAROLINE TAN SUE LIN/ Caroline, Tan Sue Lin
Caroline, Tan Sue Lin
ビジネスサイエンス系 , 准教授 Faculty of Business Sciences , Associate Professor
“I’d like to carry the world sustainably” – examining sustainable consumption behavior using reusable shopping bags
Caroline S.L. Tan; Satoshi Ota
Social Responsibility Journal (2024) Semantic Scholar
Tell me more: examining consumer perception and behavior toward animal welfare certification labels in Japan
Nozomi Toyota; Caroline S.L. Tan
Journal of Asia Business Studies (2024) Semantic Scholar
Examining the influence of functional value, social value and emotional value on purchase intention for tires in Japan
Jia Wells; Caroline S.L. Tan
Journal of Asia Business Studies (2024) Semantic Scholar
A study on factors affecting Japanese consumer’s behavior toward 5G smartphone purchase
Mikihiro Fukui; Caroline S.L. Tan
Journal of Asia Business Studies (2024) Semantic Scholar
Bonding Over a Pint Online: Be Easy Brewing
Caroline S.L. Tan
SAGE Business Case (2024)
When Ethical Meets Ramen: Noodle Stand Tokyo
Caroline S.L. Tan
SAGE Business Case (2024)
Exploring Consumer Boycott Intention towards Corporate Sustainable Business Practices
Caroline S. L. Tan; Ioanna Papasolomou
Palgrave Studies in Cross-disciplinary Business Research, In Association with EuroMed Academy of Business 21 (2023)
All by myself: examining social media’s effect on social withdrawal and the mediating roles of moral disengagement and cyberaggression
Caroline S.L. Tan
European Journal of Marketing (2023) Semantic Scholar
The Name of the Game: The Effect of Socio-Political Activism in Sport on Fan Boycott Intention
Caroline S.L. TAN
International Journal of Sport Management 24: 237 (2023)
The times they are a-changing: examining the effects of luxury brand activism on political consumerism and eWOM
Caroline S.L. Tan
Journal of Strategic Marketing (2023) Semantic Scholar
Social Media Honeycomb Framework
Caroline Tan
SAGE Publications, Inc. (2023) Semantic Scholar
Impact of Japanese travelers’ psychographics on domestic travel intention during the COVID-19 pandemic
Isabell H; ler; Caroline S. L Tan
Journal of Vacation Marketing 135676672211221 (2022) Semantic Scholar
The impact of LinkedIn posts on employer brand perception and the mediating effects of employer attractiveness and corporate reputation
Jayesh Joglekar; Caroline S.L. Tan
Journal of Advances in Management Research (2022) Semantic Scholar
Are We Teaching Enough? A Literature Review on Sustainable Tourism Events and the Implications for Japanese Higher Education
Caroline S.L. TAN
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education 1 (2021) Semantic Scholar
Ludesco Game Festival: Delivering “D’expériences Ludiques” on Social Media
Caroline S.L. Tan
Ivey Business Case (2021)
Is this mine? Psychological ownership and the social media follower
Caroline S.L. TAN
Young Consumers (2021) Semantic Scholar
Gamifying OTT: a study on consumer attitudes toward game elements and OTT media service provider brands in gamification
Caroline S.L. TAN
Young Consumers 22: 328 (2021) Semantic Scholar
The effect of racial diversity in advertising of luxury and masstige brands
Caroline S.L. Tan
25th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference Proceedings (2021)
Do I Care for You Being Credible and We Being Similar? Examining Similarity and Credibility Experienced by Social Media Followers
Caroline S.L. TAN
Communication Today 12: 62 (2021)
Blue Shears: Bespoke Tailoring in the Face of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Caroline S.L. Tan
Fashion Business Cases (Bloomsbury Publishing) (2021) Semantic Scholar
Exploring Consumer Boycott Intention towards Corporate Sustainable Business Practices
Tan, C.S.L; Papasolomou, I
2023年11月 (ISBN: 9783031373619)
Social Media Honeycomb Framework
SAGE 2023年1月 (ISBN: 9781071903575)
Japan. In Bustamante,S. et al., (Eds) Corporate Social Responsibility and Employer Attractiveness
CSR in the Confucian Culture. In Bustamante,S. et al., (Eds) Corporate Social Responsibility and Employer Attractiveness
We Need to Look Cute! But Is It Really Effective?: The Adoption of Culture in Twitter by a Japanese CVS. In Singh, A. & Duhan, P. (Eds.) Managing Public Relations and Brand Image through Social Media (eds.
Business Science Reference 2016年5月16日 (ISBN: 1522503323)
Public Discourse on the Paris 2024 Olympic Games: Analyzing Sustainability and Inclusivity Concerns on Social Media.
The Mediterranean Tourism Knowledge Exchange and Policy Forum 2024年11月25日
Why do you refuse to buy? Examining the intention to boycott ethical fashion
7th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business 2024年9月11日
I choose NOT to travel: Gen Z tourists’ Boycott Behaviour in the face of social justice activism
Mediterranean Tourism Knowledge Exchange And Policy Forum 2023 2023年11月21日
Seeing Is Believing? Trust Cues and Consumer Involvement in Online Reviews
IEEE International Conference on Technology Management, Operations and Decisions 2022年11月25日
Are you going to share on social media? Examining consumer behavioral intentions on social media toward brand activism campaigns
26th Corporate and Marketing Communications Conference 2022年4月20日
Which value matters more? Examining the different luxury value perceptions between rental and second-hand luxury goods
2021 AUS-Chalhoub Symposium on Luxury Marketing and Branding 2021年11月16日
Feeling Well Through Gamification: Exploring The Use of Gamification in Managing Mental Health and Brand Attitude
Interactive Marketing Research Conference 2021年10月22日 Marketing EDGE and the Gabelli School of Business, Fordham University
The effect of racial diversity in advertising of luxury and masstige brands
Caroline,Tan Sue Lin
25th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications 2021年4月14日
Renting the runway: A study on luxury value perception on designer bag rental.
Caroline,Tan Sue Lin
2020 Atlantic Marketing Association Conference 2020年10月2日
Absence of Luxury Brands in Japan
The Mystique of Luxury Brands Conference 2019年9月 招待有り
Can we both advertise diversity the same way? Examining diversity in advertising for masstige and luxury brands
The Mystique of Luxury Brands Conference 2019年9月
Examining the five-factor model of personality in eWOM via social media
International Symposium in Consumer Personality 2019年9月
Why do I Follow and When Do I Stop? A study on the motives and behavior of social media influencer followers
Caroline,Tan Sue Lin
10th International Research Meeting in Business and Management 2019年7月8日 IPAG Business School
Exploring the effect of social media influences in the creation of consumer negativity and its impact on consumer brand experience, perception and online behavior.
Caroline,Tan Sue Lin
4th International Colloquium on Design, Branding and Marketing 2018年12月 Hasselt University
What do we post? A study on photos used in social media to effectively communicate CSR initiatives
Caroline,Tan Sue Lin
8th Japan Forum of Business and Society 2018年9月 Japan Forum of Business and Society (Waseda University)
The Good Samaritan: A Study on Brand Perception and Repurchase Intention From Cause Marketing Campaigns.
Caroline,Tan Sue Lin
International Conference on Brand Relationships 2017年5月18日
Tasting with your eyes: Country of Origin and Organic Information Bias Taste Perception.
Caroline,Tan Sue Lin
12th Global Brand Conference, 2017年4月26日
“When Scandal Meets Cause Related Marketing.”
Caroline,Tan Sue Lin
7th International Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility, 2016年9月14日
“Color Me Green. A Study on the Effect of Cause-Related Marketing on Green Behavior.”
Caroline,Tan Sue Lin
Japan Forum of Business and Society Conference, 2016年9月8日
“Crowd funding Involvement and Satisfaction in Social Enterprise.”
Caroline,Tan Sue Lin
3 rd International Conference on CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance, 2016年8月1日
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