ホーム > 寺田 教彦/ Terada, Norihiko
寺田 教彦
Terada, Norihiko
- 1. Extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Plesiomonas shigelloides isolated from the stool of a Japanese traveler returning from Rwanda: A case report. Shigeyuki Notake; Norihiko Terada; Kodai Tayama; Asami Sugie (+7 著者) Shigemi Hitomi Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy (2024) Semantic Scholar
- 2. Syphilitic Hepatitis. Norihiko Terada; Taku Sawafuji Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) (2024) Semantic Scholar
- 3. Clinical and Microbiological Characteristics of Bacteremia Caused by Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales in Minami Ibaraki Area, Japan. Michie Uchida; Norihiko Terada; Kazuhito Saito; Hiroichi Ishikawa (+5 著者) Shigemi Hitomi Journal of microorganism control 29: 81 - 89 (2024) Semantic Scholar
- 4. To treat or not to treat: Assessing the role of anti-enterococcal therapy for intra-abdominal infections in patients with cancer. Nana Akazawa; Naoya Itoh; Fumika Mano-Usui; Hisato Tatsuoka (+1 著者) Hanako Kurai PloS one 19: e0298018 (2024) Semantic Scholar
- 5. Distribution of ticks and their possession of spotted fever group Rickettsia in Ibaraki prefecture Yoshihiko Kiyasu; Shuichi Osawa; Norimasa Tsutsumi; Norihiko TeradaNoriko Nagata Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy (2023) Semantic Scholar
- 6. Prospective study of three saliva qualitative antigen testing kits for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 among mainly symptomatic patients in Japan. Norihiko Terada; Yusaku Akashi; Yuto Takeuchi; Atsuo Ueda (+2 著者) Hiromichi Suzuki Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy (2023) Semantic Scholar
- 7. Analytical performance of the rapid qualitative antigen kit for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 during widespread circulation of the Omicron variant. Hiromichi Suzuki; Yusaku Akashi; Daisuke Kato; Yuto Takeuchi (+7 著者) Koji Nakamura Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy 29: 257 - 262 (2023) Semantic Scholar
- 8. 静岡県立静岡がんセンターにおけるVREアウトブレイク事例の単施設後方視的研究 VRE獲得リスク因子の検討 赤澤 奈々; 伊東 直哉; 寺田 教彦; 倉井 華子 37: 128 - 135 (2022)
- 9. 静岡県立静岡がんセンターにおけるVREアウトブレイク事例の単施設後方視的研究 VRE獲得リスク因子の検討 赤澤 奈々; 伊東 直哉; 寺田 教彦; 倉井 華子 37: 128 - 135 (2022)
- 10. Clinical Performance of the cobas Liat SARS-CoV-2 & Influenza A/B Assay in Nasal Samples. Yusaku Akashi; Michiko Horie; Junichi Kiyotaki; Yuto Takeuchi (+8 著者) Hiromichi Suzuki Molecular diagnosis & therapy 26: 323 - 331 (2022) Semantic Scholar
- 11. A prospective evaluation of diagnostic performance of a combo rapid antigen test QuickNavi-Flu+COVID19 Ag. Yuto Takeuchi; Yusaku Akashi; Yoshihiko Kiyasu; Norihiko Terada (+8 著者) Hiromichi Suzuki Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy 28: 840 - 843 (2022) Semantic Scholar
- 12. A prospective clinical evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of the SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test using anterior nasal samples. Yusaku Akashi; Michiko Horie; Yuto Takeuchi; Kenichi Togashi (+7 著者) Hiromichi Suzuki Journal of infection and chemotherapy : official journal of the Japan Society of Chemotherapy 28: 780 - 785 (2022) Semantic Scholar
- 13. Neisseria macacae bacteremia: report of two cases with a literature review. Yasumasa Yamamoto; Norihiko Terada; Tomoyo Sugiyama; Hanako KuraiKiyofumi Ohkusu BMC infectious diseases 20: 619 - 619 (2020) Semantic Scholar
- 14. Effectiveness of oral antibiotics for treating pyelonephritis caused by extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae: A case series. Norihiko Terada; Naoya Itoh; Hanako Kurai Journal of general and family medicine 21: 127 - 133 (2020) Semantic Scholar
- 15. Infectious disease specialist consultations in a Japanese cancer center: a retrospective review of 776 cases. Naoya Itoh; Yoshiro Hadano; Yasumasa Yamamoto; Norihiko TeradaHanako Kurai BMC health services research 20: 500 - 500 (2020) Semantic Scholar
- 16. Moraxella catarrhalis bacteremic pneumonia. Hiroki Anezaki; Norohiko Terada; Takahisa Kawamura; Hanako Kurai IDCases 19: e00712 (2020) Semantic Scholar
- 17. Syphilitic Uveitis. Norihiko Terada; Shohei Morikawa; Shigemi Hitomi Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) 58: 3605 - 3605 (2019) Semantic Scholar
- 18. Streptococcus dysagalactiae pyomyositis. Norihiko Terada; Yuzuru Hamada; Yasuharu Tokuda Journal of general and family medicine 18: 446 - 447 (2017) Semantic Scholar
- 19. Acute aortic dissection as a cause of shaking chills. Norihiko Terada; Yasuharu Tokuda Journal of general and family medicine 18: 293 - 294 (2017) Semantic Scholar
- 20. Treatable Bedridden Elderly -Recovery from Flexion Contracture after Cortisol Replacement in a Patient with Isolated Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Deficiency Tanaka Takamasa; Terada Norihiko; Fujikawa Yoshiki; Fujimoto Takushi Internal Medicine 55: 2975 - 2978 (2016) Semantic Scholar
- 1. 感染対策の手引き 伊東, 直哉; 倉井, 華子 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:髄膜炎菌、結核感染症、水痘・帯状疱疹、麻疹、クロイツフェルト・ヤコブ病、針刺し・切創・体液曝露(概要・対応・防止策)) 中外医学社 2024年4月17日 (ISBN: 4498021487)
- 2. 抗微生物薬のマネジメント戦略 : ケースから考える抗菌薬・抗真菌薬の使い分け 寺田, 教彦; 倉井, 華子; 伊東, 直哉 中外医学社 2024年4月 (ISBN: 9784498117242)
- 3. 「誤診」はなくせるのか? : 実践知としての診断エラー学の世界 Croskerry, Pat; Cosby, Karen S; Graber, Mark L; Singh, Hardeep; 綿貫, 聡; 徳田; 安春; 担当共訳 医学書院 2019年12月 (ISBN: 9784260038942)
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