ホーム > 高 燕林/ Gao, Yanlin
高 燕林
Gao, Yanlin
数理物質系 , 助教 Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences , Assistant Professor
- 41. Influence of interlayer stacking arrangements on carrier accumulation in bilayer graphene field effect transistors Gao, Yanlin; Maruyama, Mina; Okada, Susumu Applied Physics Express 13: 065006 (2020) Semantic Scholar
- 42. Structural effects on carrier doping in carbon nanotube thin-film transistors Gao, Yanlin; Okada, Susumu Journal of Applied Physics 127: 134301 (2020) Semantic Scholar
- 43. Edge Morphology effect on field emission properties of graphene thin films GAO, Yanlin; Okada, Susumu Carbon 157: 33 - 39 (2020) Semantic Scholar
- 44. Electronic state tuning of graphene nanorribons with pyridinic edges by hydrogenation Yasuma, Airi; Okada, Susumu; GAO, Yanlin; Maruyama, Mina Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 58: 125001 (2019) Semantic Scholar
- 45. Field emission properties of edge-functionalized graphene Gao, Yanlin; Okada, Susumu CARBON 142: 190 - 195 (2019) Semantic Scholar
- 46. Electrostatic properties of graphene edges for electron emission under an external electric field Yanlin Gao; Susumu Okada Applied Physics Letters 112: 163105-1 - 163105-5 (2018) Semantic Scholar
- 47. Polarization modulation of nanotrenches in GaN (0001)/(000(1)over-bar) by surface hydrogenation Tomoe Yayama; Yanlin Gao; Susumu Okada; Toyohiro Chikyow JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 56: 111002-1 - 111002-7 (2017) Semantic Scholar
- 48. Energetics and electronic structures of thin films and heterostructures of a hexagonal GaN sheet Yanlin Gao; Susumu Okada JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 56: 065201-1 - 065201-5 (2017) Semantic Scholar
- 49. Electrostatic potential barrier for electron emission at graphene edges induced by the nearly free electron states Yanlin Gao; Susumu Okada APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS 10: 055104-1 - 055104-4 (2017) Semantic Scholar
- 50. Polar properties of a hexagonally bonded GaN sheet under biaxial compression Yanlin Gao; Tomoe Yayama; Susumu Okada APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS 9: 095201-1 - 095201-4 (2016) Semantic Scholar
- 51. The structural and optical properties of the Tin?mZrmO2n Gao,Yanlin J. At. Mol. Phys. 32, 983-992 32: 983 - 992 (2015)
- 52. Structural, electronic, and optical absorption properties of TiO2 nanotube adsorbed with Cu-n clusters Gao YanLin; Li XiuYan; Shi XiaoFeng; Yang Zhi (+1 著者) Liu RuiPing SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY 57: 1519 - 1525 (2014) Semantic Scholar
- 1. Nanostructured Carbon Electron Emitters and Applications Gao, Yanlin (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Influence of Edge Structures of Graphene on Field-Emission Properties) 2022年1月
- 1. Geometric and electronic structures of diamond nanowires 高, 燕林 第68回応用物理学会春季学術演講会 2021年3月16日
- 2. Dynamics of a neon atom around the graphene edge under a positive electric field Gao, Yanlin 日本物理学会 第76回年次大会(2021年) 2021年3月12日
- 3. Field-induced dynamics of Ne atom around graphene edges Gao, Yanlin 第60回記念 フラーレン・ナノチューブ・グラフェン総合シンポジウム 2021年3月1日
- 4. Field-induced dynamics of Ne atom around graphene edges Gao, Yanlin 第60回記念 フラーレン・ナノチューブ・グラフェン総合シンポジウム 2021年3月1日
- 5. Field emission properties of graphene with different edge shapes and terminations Gao,Yanlin Graphene Week 2019 2019年9月23日
- 6. Electrostatic potential property of bilayer graphene edges under an external electric field for field emission Gao,Yanlin 30th International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials 2019年9月8日
- 7. Field Emission Property of Bilayer Graphene Edges Under an External Electric Field Gao,Yanlin NT19: 20th International Conference on the Science and Application of Nanotubes and Low-Dimensional Materials 2019年7月21日
- 8. 電場下における2次元層状物質の電子構造 Gao, Yanlin 応用電子物性分科会 研究例会 2次元層状物質研究の最前線 招待有り
- 9. 拡張マティーニ格子模型のバンド構造と物質設計 溝口, 知成; 高燕林; 丸山実那; 初貝安弘; 岡田晋 JSTトポロジー領域合同セミナー
- 10. 拡張マティーニ格子系の物質デザイン 岡田, 晋; 溝口, 知成; 高, 燕林; 丸山実那; 初貝, 安弘 日本物理学会2022年秋季大会
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