CKD49!? -慢性腎臓病と49地区医師会との戦い
基礎・社会・臨床医学の連携による健康長寿の実現リサーチユニット‘CKD49’- Approaches to Treat Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease in Cooperation with Medical Associations in 49 districts

代表者 : 山縣 邦弘    中核研究者 : 久野 譜也  桝 正幸  
他のメンバー : 臼井 丈一  近藤 正英  甲斐 平康  高橋 智  渋谷 彰  石田 純治  中田 和人  長田 道夫  島野 仁  檜澤 伸之  


 「CKD(Chronic Kidney Disease=慢性腎臓病」という言葉をご存知でしょうか。日本人の成人人口の約13%、1,330万人がCKD患者となっており、糖尿病をはじめ、呼吸器疾患などを含めた生活習慣病が原因や悪化因子となることが知られ循環器疾患、末期腎不全になる重要なリスクファクターです。CKD患者の診療にはかかりつけ医と腎臓専門医の診療連携が重要であり、治療法の一つとして生活習慣の改善も必要不可欠です。このCKDを中心とした腎疾患・生活習慣病に新しい研 究で立ち向かうリサーチユニットが「基礎・社会・臨床医学の連携による健康長寿の実現」です(図1)。









*1:均てん化- どこでも標準的な医療を受けられ、地域により医療格差をなくすこと。




● つくば市、筑波大学、インテル株式会社の三者による地域連携事業の一環として、つくば市民への健康づくりプログラムの提供
● 震災後の福島県伊達市に被災患者の健康管理
● 戦略研究にて得られた研究の成果を検証し、エビデンスを発信し、理想のCKD医療連携の構築


‘CKD49’- Approaches to Treat Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease in Cooperation with Medical Associations in 49 districts

Key words: medical cooperation, health science, life science, lifestyle-related diseases, home-based care

Do you know the term “chronic kidney disease (CKD)”? Approximately 13% (n=13.3 million) of Japanese adults have CKD. It can be caused or aggravated by lifestyle-related diseases, such as diabetes and respiratory illness, and is an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease and terminal renal failure. To treat CKD patients, cooperation between primary care physicians and nephrologists is important, and it is also crucial to improve their lifestyle. Given this situation, we established a research unit named the “Implementation of Health and Longevity by Cooperation of Basic, Social and Clinical Medical Sciences”, which conducts research on kidney diseases, mainly CKD, and lifestyle-related diseases (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Conceptual diagram of the research unit of the "Achievement of a Healthy and Long Life through Cooperation between Basic Research, Society, and Clinical Medicine"

Figure 1: Conceptual diagram of the research unit of the “Achievement of a Healthy and Long Life through Cooperation between Basic Research, Society, and Clinical Medicine”




Cooperation with medical associations in 49 districts in Japan


In our present study, we are investigating the utility of a medical care system aimed at preventing disease progression in CKD patients using a cluster randomization design in cooperation with primary care physicians and nephrologists from medical associations in 49 districts. Specifically, clusters of patients are divided into normal and intense intervention groups, and the latter group receives instructions on lifestyle, including dietary habits, from registered dietitians, and undergoes educational programs provided by multiple healthcare providers. These interventions are evaluated using specific indices (Figure 2). Based on the results of this study, researchers can generate ideas for creating appropriate policies regarding the treatment of CKD. In addition, this study may be able to contribute to shifting from hospital-based to home-based medical care for patients with severe CKD in Japan.

Figure 2: Outline of strategic research to prevent the aggravation of chronic kidney disease

Figure 2: Outline of strategic research to prevent the aggravation of chronic kidney disease





Efforts to achieve the standardization of systems to prevent and treat CKD *1


The results of our study obtained by March 2012, three and a half years after its initiation, revealed that the rate of patients returning to their primary care physicians after consulting nephrologists was higher in the intense intervention group. This group also showed a higher proportion of weight loss owing to dietary instructions provided by registered dietitians (Figure 3). Based on these results, we are going to advance our study with the aim of re-educating registered dietitians and standardizing interprofessional cooperation systems *. We also aim to identify markers of CKD for its early detection and prevention. In addition, to reduce the rate of new dialysis patients by at least 15% in 5 years, and maintain the resultant rate thereafter, our research unit is going to develop medical care systems to prevent lifestyle-related CKD in collaboration with basic research, society, and clinical medicine.

*1: Standardization: Enabling patients to access standard medical care anywhere, and resolving medical disparities between regions

Figure 3: Changes in the average BMI in the normal and intense intervention groups

Figure 3: Changes in the average BMI in the normal and intense intervention groups


Social contributions and achievements

● Implementation of programs to promote the health of residents of Tsukuba City as one of the regional cooperation projects organized by the city, University of Tsukuba, and Intel Corporation
● Management of the health of patients living in Date City, Fukushima Prefecture, who were affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake
● Verification of the results of strategic research, the publication of evidence supporting these results, and the establishment of favorable CKD-related medical cooperation

 (Interviewed on September 10 , 2013)