検索結果: 7 結果 / Human-robot interaction


飯尾 尊優
Iio, Takamasa

同志社大学, 文化情報, 准教授
Doshisha University, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Assistant Professor


葛岡 英明
Kuzuoka, Hideaki

東京大学, 情報理工学系研究科, 教授
The University of Tokyo, Information Science and Technology, Professor

李 昇姫
Lee, Seung Hee

芸術系, 准教授
Institute of Art and Design, Associate Professor

大矢 晃久
Ohya, Akihisa

システム情報系, 教授
Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, Professor


大澤 博隆
Osawa, Hirotaka

慶應義塾, 理工学部 管理工学科, 准教授
Keio University, Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Associate Professor

田中 文英
Tanaka, Fumihide

システム情報系, 教授
Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, Professor

萬 礼応
Yorozu, Ayanori

システム情報系, 助教
Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Assistant Professor