検索結果: 14 結果 / Incentives
Abdul Malek Mohammad
Abdul Malek, Mohammad
東京大学 The University of Tokyo, Center for Research and Education in Program Evaluation (CREPE), Invited Researcher
安芸 裕久
Aki, Hirohisa
システム情報系, 教授 Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, Professor
秋山 英三
Akiyama, Eizo
システム情報系, 教授 Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, Professor
Ho, Kai Wing Kevin
ビジネスサイエンス系, 教授 Faculty of Business Sciences, Professor
氏家 清和
Kiyokazu, Ujiie
生命環境系, 准教授 Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences
久野 譜也
Kuno, Shinya
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
倉田 久
Kurata, Hisashi
システム情報系, 准教授 Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Associate Professor
栗野 盛光
Kurino, Morimitsu
システム情報系, 准教授 Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Associate Professor
松下 秀介
京都大学, 大学院農学研究科生物資源経済学専攻, 教授 Kyoto University, Graduate School of Agriculture, Division of Natural Resource Economics, Professor
箕輪 真理
Minowa, Mari
筑波大学, 人文社会系, 教授 University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor
面 和成
Omote, Kazumasa
システム情報系, 教授 Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Professor
辻 大士
Tsuji, Taishi
体育系, 助教 Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences
柳浦 猛
Yanagiura, Takeshi
図書館情報メディア系, 准教授 Institute of Library, Information and Media Science, Associate Professor