検索結果: 21 結果 / electron acceptor
安孫子 ユミ
Abiko, Yumi
長崎大学, 大学院医歯薬学総合研究科, 准教授 Nagasaki University, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences
新井 達郎
Arai, Tatsuo
数理物質系, 教授 Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor
Islam, Ashraful
数理物質系, 教授 Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor
金澤 研
Kanazawa, Ken
数理物質系, 助教 Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Assistant Professor
木島 正志
Kijima, Masashi
筑波大学 University of Tsukuba
小林 正美
Kobayashi, Masami
数理物質系, 准教授 Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Associate Professor
小島 隆彦
Kojima, Takahiko
数理物質系化学域, 教授 Professor
小谷 弘明
Kotani, Hiroaki
数理物質系, 助教 Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Assistant Professor
熊谷 嘉人
Kumagai, Yoshito
医学医療系, 教授 Faculty of Medicine, Professor
黒田 眞司
Kuroda, Shinji
数理物質系, 教授 Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor
二瓶 雅之
Nihei, Masayuki
数理物質系, 教授 Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor
西村 賢宣
Nishimura, Yoshinobu
数理物質系, 准教授 Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Associate Professor
野村 暢彦
Nomura, Nobuhiko
生命環境系, 教授 Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor
大塩 寛紀
Oshio, Hiroki
数理物質系, 教授 Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor
鈴木 修吾
Suzuki, Shugo
数理物質系, 准教授 Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Associate Professor
高谷 直樹
Takaya, Naoki
生命環境系, 教授 Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor
仝 暁民
Tong, Xiao-Min
計算科学研究センター, 准教授 Center for Computational Sciences, Associate Professor
豊福 雅典
Toyofuku, Masanori
生命環境系 Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences
辻村 清也
Tsujimura, Seiya
数理物質系, 教授 Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor
梅田 享英
Umeda, Takahide
数理物質系, 准教授 Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Associate Professor
山本 洋平
Yamamoto, Yohei
数理物質系, 教授 Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor