ホーム > 小林 伸彦/ Kobayashi, Nobuhiko
小林 伸彦
Kobayashi, Nobuhiko
数理物質系 , 教授 Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences
The efficient method for searching stable structures in herringbone-phase organic semiconductors using density functional theory
Shuya Hakata; Hiroyuki Ishii; Hirokazu Takaki; Toshihiro Okamoto (+1 著者) Nobuhiko Kobayashi
Applied Physics Express (2024) Semantic Scholar
Order-N calculations for thermoelectric power factor based on linear response theory
Hiroyuki Ishii; Nobuhiko Kobayashi; Kenji Hirose
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2024) Semantic Scholar
Powder x-ray diffraction analysis with machine learning for organic-semiconductor crystal-structure determination
Naoyuki Niitsu; Masato Mitani; Hiroyuki Ishii; Nobuhiko Kobayashi (+3 著者) Jun Takeya
Applied Physics Letters (2024) Semantic Scholar
Electronic and magnetic properties of CoSb
3 , Cr-doped CoSb3 , and related compound thin films Kazuaki Kobayashi; Hirokazu Takaki; Masato Shimono; Hiroyuki Ishii (+2 著者) Takao MoriJapanese Journal of Applied Physics 62: (2023) Semantic Scholar -
First-principles study of Fe2VAl and Fe2VAl/Si thin films and their magnetic properties
Kazuaki Kobayashi; Hirokazu Takaki; Masato Shimono; Hiroyuki Ishii (+3 著者) Takao Mori
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 61: SL1013 (2022) Semantic Scholar
Single-molecule detection with enhanced Raman scattering of tungsten oxide nanostructure
Yoshitaka Shingaya; Hirokazu Takaki; Nobuhiko Kobayashi; Masakazu AonoTomonobu Nakayama
Nanoscale 14: 14552 (2022) Semantic Scholar
π‐Extended Zigzag‐Shaped Diphenanthrene‐Based p‐Type Semiconductors Exhibiting Small Effective Masses
Masato Mitani; Shohei Kumagai; Craig P. Yu; Ayako Oi (+9 著者) Toshihiro Okamoto
Advanced Electronic Materials 2200452 (2022) Semantic Scholar
Gate induced modulation of electronic states in monolayer organic field-effect transistor
Hiroyuki Ishii; Naotaka Kasuya; Nobuhiko Kobayashi; Kenji Hirose (+2 著者) Jun Takeya
Applied Physics Letters 119: 223301 (2021) Semantic Scholar
Electronic and lattice properties of nanostructured TiN/MgO and ScN/MgO superlattices
Kazuaki Kobayashi; Hirokazu Takaki; Masato Shimono; Nobuhiko KobayashiKenji Hirose
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 60: (2021) Semantic Scholar
Charge mobility calculation of organic semiconductors without use of experimental single-crystal data
Hiroyuki Ishii; Shigeaki Obata; Naoyuki Niitsu; Shun Watanabe (+4 著者) Jun Takeya
Scientific Reports (2020) Semantic Scholar
SAKE: first-principles electron transport calculation code
H Takaki; N Kobayashi; K Hirose
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2020) Semantic Scholar
Sub-molecular structural relaxation at a physisorbed interface with monolayer organic single-crystal semiconductors
Yamamura, A.; Fujii, H.; Ogasawara, H.; Nordlund, D. (+9 著者) Takeya, J.
Communications Physics 3: (2020) Semantic Scholar
Magnetism-mediated thermoelectric performance of the Cr-doped bismuth telluride tetradymite
J. B. Vaney; S. Aminorroaya Yamini; H. Takaki; K. Kobayashi (+1 著者) T. Mori
Materials Today Physics 9: (2019) Semantic Scholar
Seebeck coefficients in CuFeS
2 thin films by first-principles calculations Hirokazu Takaki; Kazuaki Kobayashi; Masato Shimono; Nobuhiko Kobayashi (+2 著者) Takao MoriJapanese Journal of Applied Physics 58: (2019) Semantic Scholar -
Carrier transport calculations of organic semiconductors with static and dynamic disorder
Ishii, H.; Kobayashi, N.; Hirose, K.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 58: (2019) Semantic Scholar
Second highest occupied molecular orbital effects on the valence band structure of organic semiconductors
Kuroda, Y.; Ishii, H.; Yoshino, S.; Kobayashi, N.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 58: (2019) Semantic Scholar
Electronic band structure of TiN/MgO-4 ×4 and 5 ×5 nanostructures
Kazuaki Kobayashi; Hirokazu Takaki; Masato Shimono; Nobuhiko KobayashiKenji Hirose
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 58: (2019) Semantic Scholar
Theory of electrical conduction
Nobuhiko Kobayashi; Hiroyuki Ishii; Kenji Hirose
3d Local Structure And Functionality Design Of Materials 137 (2018) Semantic Scholar
Quantitative mobility evaluation of organic semiconductors using quantum dynamics based on density functional theory
Ishii, H.; Inoue, J.-I.; Kobayashi, N.; Hirose, K.
Physical Review B 98: (2018) Semantic Scholar
Operando Direct Observation of Charge Accumulation and the Correlation with Performance Deterioration in PTB7 Polymer Solar Cells
Kubodera, T.; Yabusaki, M.; Rachmat, V.A.S.A.; Cho, Y. (+3 著者) Marumoto, K.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 10: 26434 (2018) Semantic Scholar
3D local structure and functionality design of materials (Eds H.Daimon, Y.C.Sasaki)
Nobuhiko Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Ishii, Kenji Hirose
World Scientific Publishing,Maruzen Publishing 2019年 (ISBN: 9789813273665)
機能構造科学入門 : 3D活性サイトと物質デザイン(監修;大門, 寛;佐々木, 裕次)
小林 伸彦; 石井 宏幸; 広瀬 賢二
(担当:分担執筆, 範囲:6章 電気伝導)
丸善出版 2016年7月 (ISBN: 9784621300602)
Quantum transport calculations for nanosystems
Kenji Hirose, Nobuhiko Kobayashi
Pan Stanford Publishing 2014年 (ISBN: 9789814267328)
広瀬 賢二; 小林 伸彦
(担当:分担執筆, 範囲:第Ⅱ編7章 熱伝導・熱電性能)
シーエムシー出版 2013年3月 (ISBN: 9784781307602)
塚田 捷,小林 伸彦
(担当:分担執筆, 範囲:分子架橋系)
丸善 2007年1月 (ISBN: 9784621078389)
Optical and electronic process of nano-matters (Ed. M. Ohtsu)
Masaru Tsukada; Naruo Sasaki; Nobuhiko Kobayashi
(担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Ch5 Theory of Electronic and Atomic Processes in Scanning Probe Microscopy)
KTK Scientific,Kluwer Academic 2001年
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy III (Eds R. Wiesendanger, H.-J.Guntherodt)
Masaru Tsukada, Nobuhiko Kobayashi, Kenji Hirose
(担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Ch13.3 Theory of Atom Transfer Between the Tip and the Surface)
Springer 1996年 (ISBN: 3540608249)
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