ホーム > 吉田 恭/ Yoshida, Kyo
吉田 恭
Yoshida, Kyo
数理物質系 , 助教 Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences , Assistant Professor
- 1. Universal Scaling Bounds on a Quantum Heat Current Kamimura, Shunsuke; Hakoshima, Hideaki; Matsuzaki, Yuichiro; Yoshida, KyoTokura, Yasuhiro PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 131: 090401 (2023) Semantic Scholar
- 2. Universal Scaling Bounds on a Quantum Heat Current Kamimura, Shunsuke; Yoshida, Kyo; Tokura, Yasuhiro; Matsuzaki, Yuichiro PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 131: 090401 (2023) Semantic Scholar
- 3. Quantum Battery Based on Superabsorption Ueki, Yudai; Kamimura, Shunsuke; Yuichiro, Matsuzaki; Yoshida, KyoTokura, Yasuhiro JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 91: 124002 (2022) Semantic Scholar
- 4. Ensemble model of turbulence based on states of constant flux in wavenumber space Yoshida, Kyo PHYSICAL REVIEW E 106: 045106 (2022) Semantic Scholar
- 5. Energy Transfer of the Gross‐Pitaevskii Turbulence in Weak‐Wave‐Turbulence and Strong‐Turbulence Ranges Yoshida, Kyo; Miura, Hideaki; Tsuji, Yoshiyuki JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS 210: 103 - 112 (2022) Semantic Scholar
- 6. Quantum enhanced heat engine by superabsorption Kamimura, Shunsuke; Hakoshima, H; Matsuzaki, Y; Yoshida, kyoTokura, Yasuhiro Physical Review letters 128: 180602-1 - 180602-7 (2022) Semantic Scholar
- 7. Hessian-based Lagrangian closure theory for passive scalar turbulence Ariki, Taketo; Yoshida, Kyo Physical Review Fluids 6: 104603 (2021) Semantic Scholar
- 8. Boltzmann entropy for quantum field systems Yoshida,Kyo Physical Review A 101: 032110-1 - 0321110-8 (2020) Semantic Scholar
- 9. Spectra in Gross-Pitaevskii turbulence within a spectral closure approximation Kyo Yoshida; Toshihico Arimitsu ETC 2013 - 14th European Turbulence Conference (2020)
- 10. Spectrum in the Strong Turbulence Region of Gross–Pitaevskii Turbulence Yoshida, Kyo; Miura, Hideaki; Tsuji, Yoshiyuki Journal of Low Temperature Physics 196: 211 - 217 (2019) Semantic Scholar
- 11. Scale-similar clustering of heavy particles in the inertial range of turbulence Taketo Ariki; Kyo Yoshida; Keigo Matsuda; Katsunori Yoshimatsu Physical Review E 97: 033109 (2018) Semantic Scholar
- 12. Hessian場に基づくpassive scalar 乱流の完結理論 有木, 健人; 吉田, 恭; 芳松, 克則 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 73: 2774 - 2774 (2018)
- 13. 電流ゆらぎの量子フィードバック制御プロセス 鈴木, 遼介; 加藤, 澄也; 吉田, 恭; 都倉, 康弘 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 73: 1244 - 1244 (2018)
- 14. 量子流体乱流の強乱流領域におけるスペクトル 吉田, 恭; 辻, 義之; 三浦, 英昭 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 73: 2924 - 2924 (2018)
- 15. 補助量子ビットによる超強結合状態の量子状態制御 加藤, 澄也; 鈴木, 涼介; 吉田, 恭; 都倉, 康弘 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 73: 714 - 714 (2018)
- 16. 乱流慣性領域における粒子分布のスケール相似性 有木, 健人; 吉田, 恭; 松田, 景吾; 芳松, 克則 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 72: 2522 - 2522 (2017)
- 17. 壁乱流対数則領域の二点完結近似II 吉田, 恭; 金田, 行雄 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 72: 2833 - 2833 (2017)
- 18. 22aBU-8 壁乱流対数則領域の二点完結近似 吉田 恭; 金田 行雄 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 71: 3107 - 3107 (2016)
- 19. Typicality and statewise entropy for classical field systems Kyo Yoshida EPL 110: 60001-p1 - 60001-p5 (2015) Semantic Scholar
- 20. 24aAJ-7 古典場の系の典型性 吉田 恭 Meeting Abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan 70: 3163 - 3163 (2015)
- 1. 乱流の計算科学 ―乱流解明のツールとしての大規模数値シミュレーション 金田行雄; 石井克哉; 石原卓; 岩本薫; 吉田恭; 半場藤弘; 芳松克則 共立出版 2012年7月
- 2. IUTAM SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS AND NEW PERSPECTIVES IN TURBULENCE Yoshida, Kyo; Arimitsu, Toshihico (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Numerical simulation of quantum fluid turbulence) SPRINGER 2008年1月 (ISBN: 9781402064715)
- 3. IUTAM SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS AND NEW PERSPECTIVES IN TURBULENCE Yoshida, Kyo; Arimitsu, Toshihico (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Numerical simulation of quantum fluid turbulence) SPRINGER 2008年1月 (ISBN: 9781402064715)
- 4. 乱流拡散とLagrange速度相関 吉田, 恭 (担当:監修) 日本流体力学会誌「ながれ」 日本流体力学会誌「ながれ」 日本流体力学会 2003年6月
- 5. Statistical laws of velocity circulation in fully developed turbulence. (発達した乱流における速度循環の統計法則についての研究) 吉田, 恭 1999年7月
- 81. Upper Bounds of the Heat Current between an Apparatus and a Dissipative System under Continuous Measurements Fujimoto, Yuki; Yamamoto, Tsuyoshi; Yoshida, Kyo; Tokura, Yasuhiro 13th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information
- 82. Appling the SLH formalism to a giant atom Masuda, Hiroto; Yoshida, Kyo; Tokura, Yasuhiro 13th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information
- 83. Various quantum error correction methods Kondo, Yukihiko; Yoshida, Kyo; Tokura, Yasuhiro 13th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information
- 84. Review of "Many-Body Quantum Interference Route to the Two-Channel Kondo Effect: Inverse Design for Molecular Junctions and Quantum Dot Devices'' Ohno, Mitsuki; Tokura, Yasuhiro; Yoshida, Kyo 13th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information
- 85. The second law of thermodynamics in nonequilibrium system and fuctuation theorem Suzuki, Daisuke; Yoshida, Kyo; Tokura, Yasuhiro 13th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information
- 86. Strong coupling quantum thermodynamics Kawasoe, Shunsuke; Tokura, Yasuhiro; Yoshida, Kyo 13th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information
- 87. Numerical simulation of the damped Gross-Pitaevskii equation corresponding to thermal counterflow Yoshida, Kyo 13th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information
- 88. 波数空間および時間区間での定流束状態を用いた乱流のアンサンブルモデル 吉田, 恭 京大数理解析研究所 RIMS共同研究(公開型)「非平衡な乱流」
- 89. Fidelity of Electrical Dipole Spin Resonance Kamimura, Shunsuke; Yoshida, Kyo; Tokura, Yasuhiro; Matsuzaki, Yuichiro 12th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information
- 90. 乱流における波数空間および有限時間区間での定流束状態の数値的探索 吉田, 恭 日本物理学会2024年春季大会
- 91. Quantum Enhanced Heat Engine Based on Superabsorption Kamimura, Shunsuke; Hakoshima, Hideaki; Matsuzaki, Yuichiro; Yoshida, Kyo; Tokura, Yasuhiro American Physical Society March Meeting 2024
- 92. 量子乱流渦のGPシミュレーションによる統計的性質の探求 三浦, 英昭; 榊, 直人; 辻, 義之; 吉田, 恭 第37回数値流体力学シンポジウム
- 93. Numerical search of flux-constant states in turbulence Yoshida, Kyo 15th symposium on Discovery, Fusion, Creation of New Knowledge by Multidisciplinary Computational Sciences
- 94. 減衰Gross-Pitaevskii方程式の数値シミュレーション 吉田, 恭; 三浦英昭; 辻義之 プラズマシミュレータシンポジウム2023
- 95. Information-Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation with a Single POVM Measurement Fujimoto, Yuki; Yoshida, Kyo; Tokura, Yasuhiro 12th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information
- 96. Noisy symmetry berakdown of a quantum field Yoshida, Kyo 12th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information
- 97. Quantum resources required to factor a 2048 bit RSA integer Kondo, Yukihiko; Yoshida, Kyo; Tokura, Yasuhiro 12th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information
- 98. Universal Scaling Bounds on a Quantum Heat Current Kamimura, Shunsuke; Yoshida, Kyo; Tokura, Yasuhiro; Matsuzaki, Yuichiro 12th Workshop on Semiconductor/Superconductor Quantum coherence effect and Quantum Information
- 99. Ensemble model of turbulence based on states of constant flux in wavenumber space Yoshida, Kyo 28th International Conference on Statistical Physics, Statphs28
- 100. An attempt to construct an ensemble model for turbulence Yoshida, Kyo YITP-YSF Symposium Perspectives on Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics: The 45th Anniversary Symposium of Yamada Science Foundation
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