ホーム > 朱 藝/ Zhu, Yi
朱 藝
ALUMNI 2024年12月現在、筑波大学が主たる所属機関ではありません
Zhu, Yi
- 1. Creation of Corporate Identity: The Role of Rites and Symbol in Management Zhu,Yi International Journal of Business Anthropology 39 - 65 (2019)
- 2. Cultural Conflicts in the Process of Embedding Mission Statements Zhu,Yi Transcultural Management Review 15: 55 - 70 (2019)
- 3. The Impact of a Corporate System on Impression Management: Implications from an Ethnographic Research Study 朱,藝 East Asian Sociology of the 21st Century 101 - 118 (2018)
- 4. Managing Diversity in a Contemporary Organization: Pursuing “Authenticity” in the process of overseas expansion Zhu,Yi Journal of International and Advanced Japanese Studies 187 - 202 (2018)
- 5. 人類学的視野から見る日系企業のグローバル化 朱, 藝 Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology 2018: 177 (2018)
- 6. 企業・実務のエスノグラフィ 朱, 藝 Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology 2018: 176 (2018)
- 7. Introducing Omotenashi to the World: Challenges of Japanese Customer Service in a Cross-cultural Setting Zhu,Yi Transcultural Management Review 13: 47 - 63 (2016)
- 8. Are fashion retailers creative? Evidence from Uniqlo, Asia's leading fashion brand Zhu,Yi The Journal of International Public Policy 38: 1 - 22 (2016)
- 9. Reexamination of Japanese Companies Overseas: Anthropological Critiques of Ethnocentric Management 朱,藝 Journal of Management Philosophy 60 - 73 (2016)
- 10. Country Report: China Zhu,Yi Super Global High School Global Leadership Report Series (2016)
- 11. Corporate ideology and store mangers: Implication from a Japanese retailer Zhu,Yi The Journal of International Public Policy 36: 1 - 24 (2015)
- 12. "Implementation" of management philosophy overseas: Case Study of a Japanese retailer in Hong Kong Zhu,Yi Journal of Management Philosophy (2015)
- 13. 在港日本企业的文化移植: 基于本地前线员工的视点 Zhu,Yi Anthropological Research 6: 101 - 144 (2015)
- 14. 制度管理的局限性:以企业培训制度为例 Zhu,Yi Chinese Journal of Applied Anthropology 2: 97 - 123 (2013)
- 15. The New Rich in the Party-State China ―A case study on their consumption patterns Zhu,Yi 岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 (2013)
- 16. 中国におけるカルフールの人的資源管理の現地化について ―関係者へのインタビューを通じて 朱,藝 金城学院大学論集 社会科学編 (2013)
- 17. Manage "globally" in an Overseas Market: Case study of a Japanese Company in Hong Kong Zhu,Yi Chinese Journal of Applied Anthropology (2012)
- 18. Book review of "Globalisation and Japanese Organisational Culture: An ethnography of a Japanese Corporation in France" Zhu,Yi Chinese Journal of Applied Anthropology (2012)
- 19. Management Strategies of Carrefour and Ito-Yokado in China: A Comparative Study Zhu,Yi International Journal of Business Anthropology (2012)
- 1. Digitization of Human Resource Management in Japan: Opportunities and Challenges Zhu,Yi AAS-in-Asia 2019 2019年7月1日
- 2. Doing Ethnography in Business: Identity Manipulation and its Implications Zhu,Yi 8th International Conference on Business Anthropology 2019年6月6日
- 3. Identity politics, Cosmopolitanism and Business: Journey of a Japanese Company in Hong Kong Zhu,Yi 4th Global Creative Industries Conference 2018年5月26日
- 4. Identity Building: Rites and Symbol in Corporate Management Zhu,Yi The Sixth International Conference on Applications of Anthropology in Business 2018年5月25日
- 5. Eat, Share and Serve: Founder Philosophy and Community Building in Business Zhu,Yi AJJ Spring 2018年4月28日
- 6. Language, Ideology, and Cross-cultural management: Cases of Japanese managers in Hong Kong and the United States Zhu,Yi AJJ Fall Meeting 2017年12月
- 7. Reexamination of Cultural Superiority: Negotiating the Meaning of “Japaneseness” in a Cross-cultural Workplace Zhu,Yi Third Global Creative Industries Conference 2017年9月
- 8. 研究者から見た機関リポジトリ 朱,藝 2017年度機関リポジトリ新任担当者研修 2017年6月28日 招待有り
- 9. 自民族中心主義の再考:海外における日系・中国系企業の比較を中心に Zhu,Yi 日中社会学会全国大会 2017年6月3日
- 10. 人類学的視野から見る日系企業のグローバル化:実務界への提言 朱,藝 日本文化人類学会 第52回研究大会
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