ホーム > 安立 美奈子/ Adachi, Minako
安立 美奈子
ALUMNI 2024年10月現在、筑波大学が主たる所属機関ではありません
Adachi, Minako
東邦大学 , 理学部生命圏環境科学科 , 准教授 Toho University , Faculty of Science Department of Environmental Science , Associate Professor
- 1. Temporal Variation and Hysteresis of Soil Respiration and Sap Flow of Pinus densiflora in a Cool Temperate Forest, Japan Minaco Adachi; Yudai Hobara; Taku M. Saitoh; Mitsuru Hirota Forests 13: 1833 - 1833 (2022) Semantic Scholar
- 2. 東日本の半自然草原における火入れ後の地温変動 増井 太樹; 安立 美奈子; 冨士田 裕子; 小幡 和男津田 智 37: 13 - 25 (2020)
- 3. 現場観測の知見に基づくモデルを用いた地域スケールの広域評価 片柳,薫子; 澤野,真治; 安立,美奈子 Jpn. J. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 89: 49 - 55 (2018)
- 4. Estimation of global soil respiration by accounting for land-use changes derived from remote sensing data Minaco Adachi; Akihiko Ito; Seiichiro Yonemura; Wataru Takeuchi Journal of Environmental Management 200: 97 - 104 (2017) Semantic Scholar
- 5. Estimation of global soil respiration by accounting for land-use changes derived from remote sensing data Adachi, Minaco; Ito, Akihiko; Yonemura, Seiichiro; Takeuchi, Wataru Journal of environmental management 200: 97 - 104 (2017) Semantic Scholar
- 6. 熱帯林の土地利用変化に伴う生態系サービスの変化 安立, 美奈子; 伊藤昭彦 日本生態学会誌 65: 135 - 143 (2015)
- 7. Effective use of high CO2 efflux at the soil surface in a tropical understory plant Atsushi Ishida; Takashi Nakano; Minaco Adachi; Kenichi Yoshimura (+4 著者) Jin Yoshimura SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 5: (2015) Semantic Scholar
- 8. Effective use of high CO2 efflux at the soil surface in a tropical understory plant Atsushi Ishida; Takashi Nakano; Minaco Adachi; Kenichi Yoshimura (+4 著者) Jin Yoshimura SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 5: 8991 - 8991 (2015) Semantic Scholar
- 9. Modeling of carbon and GHG budgets in tropical peatland Ryuichi Hirata; Minaco Adachi; Akihiko Ito Tropical Peatland Ecosystems 469 - 478 (2015) Semantic Scholar
- 10. Changing of the ecological service due to land use change in tropical forest Minaco Adachi; Akihiko Ito Japanese Journal of Ecology 65: 135 - 143 (2015)
- 11. High CO2 concentration increases relative leaf carbon gain under dynamic light in Dipterocarpus sublamellatus seedlings in a tropical rain forest, Malaysia Hajime Tomimatsu; Atsuhiro Iio; Minaco Adachi; Leng-Guan Saw (+1 著者) Yanhong Tang TREE PHYSIOLOGY 34: 944 - 954 (2014) Semantic Scholar
- 12. Soil and Water Warming Accelerates Phenology and Down-Regulation of Leaf Photosynthesis of Rice Plants Grown Under Free-Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) Adachi, Minaco; Hasegawa, Toshihiro; Fukayama, Hiroshi; Tokida, Takeshi (+4 著者) Okada, Masumi Plant and Cell Physiology 55: 370 - 380 (2014) Semantic Scholar
- 13. Estimation of global CO
2 emission from soil using temperature and water content measured by MODIS Minaco Adachi; Akihiko Ito; Wataru Takeuchi35th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2014, ACRS 2014: Sensing for Reintegration of Societies (2014) - 14. Photoprotection of evergreen and drought-deciduous tree leaves to overcome the dry season in monsoonal tropical dry forests in Thailand Atsushi Ishida; Jun-Ya Yamazaki; Hisanori Harayama; Kenichi Yazaki (+9 著者) Ladawan Puangchit TREE PHYSIOLOGY 34: 15 - 28 (2014) Semantic Scholar
- 15. The contribution of entrapped gas bubbles to the soil methane pool and their role in methane emission from rice paddy soil in free-air [CO2] enrichment and soil warming experiments Takeshi Tokida; Weiguo Cheng; Minaco Adachi; Toshinori Matsunami (+2 著者) Toshihiro Hasegawa PLANT AND SOIL 364: 131 - 143 (2013) Semantic Scholar
- 16. Effects of vegetation type and management practice on soil respiration of grassland in Northern Japan Minaco Adachi; Satoshi Tsuda Applied and Environmental Soil Science 2013: ID:624013 (2013) Semantic Scholar
- 17. セミナー報告 : 第5回モニタリングと広域評価を考える会「広域評価を目指したモニタリングとモデリングの相互フィードバック」 片柳 薫子; 木村 園子; ドロテア; 安立 美奈子 (+1 著者) 伊勢 武史 Journal of the science of soil and manure, Japan 83: 725 - 726 (2012)
- 18. Methane and soil CO2 production from current-season photosynthates in a rice paddy exposed to elevated CO2 concentration and soil temperature Takeshi Tokida; Minaco Adachi; Weiguo Cheng; Yasuhiro Nakajima (+5 著者) Toshihiro Hasegawa GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY 17: 3327 - 3337 (2011) Semantic Scholar
- 19. Carbon budget of tropical forests in Southeast Asia and the effects of deforestation: an approach using a process-based model and field measurements M. Adachi; A. Ito; A. Ishida; W. R. Kadir (+1 著者) Y. Yamagata BIOGEOSCIENCES 8: 2635 - 2647 (2011) Semantic Scholar
- 20. Effects of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) and soil warming on CH4 emission from a rice paddy field: Impact assessment and stoichiometric evaluation T. Tokida; T. Fumoto; W. Cheng; T. Matsunami (+7 著者) T. Hasegawa Biogeosciences 7: 2639 - 2653 (2010) Semantic Scholar
- 1. 「登山白書2017」 津田吉晃; 廣田充; 山中勤; 安立美奈子; 立花; 敏; 出川洋介; 山川陽祐; 田中健太; 上野健一; 松岡憲知; 沼田治; 石田健一郎; 津村義彦 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:筑波大学の山岳科学への取り組み) 山と渓谷社 2017年7月 (ISBN: 9784635176125)
- 1. タイ東北地方の乾燥フタバガキ林における土壌呼吸速度の季節変化とその要因 安立; 美奈子 日本生態学会第67回大会 2020年3月4日 日本生態学会
- 2. 冷温帯アカマツ林の土壌呼吸速度と樹液流束速度の日変化と季節変化 安立; 美奈子 日本生態学会第66回大会 2019年3月15日
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