ホーム > 平田 祥人/ Hirata, Yoshito
平田 祥人
Hirata, Yoshito
システム情報系 , 准教授 Faculty of Engineering,Information and Systems
実データ解析で使える数学を目指して | 平田 祥人 | 筑波大学研究者カタログ
平田 祥人
Involution symmetry quantification using recurrences
Gabriel Marghoti; Thiago de Lima Prado; Sergio Roberto Lopes; Yoshito Hirata
Physical Review E (2024) Semantic Scholar
Next-day largest earthquake magnitude forecasting with the aid of Moon tidal force and sunspot data
Matheus Henrique Junqueira Saldanha; Yoshito Hirata
Journal of Physics: Complexity (2024) Semantic Scholar
Recurrence plots bridge deterministic systems and stochastic systems topologically and measure-theoretically
Yoshito Hirata; Masanori Shiro
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 33: (2023) Semantic Scholar
A review of symbolic dynamics and symbolic reconstruction of dynamical systems
Yoshito Hirata; José M. Amigó
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science (2023) Semantic Scholar
On Computing Medians of Marked Point Process Data Under Edit Distance
Yoshito Hirata
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications (2023) Semantic Scholar
Imputation-free reconstructions of three-dimensional chromosome architectures in human diploid single-cells using allele-specified contacts
Yoshito Hirata; Arisa H. Oda; Chie Motono; Masanori ShiroKunihiro Ohta
Scientific Reports 12: (2022) Semantic Scholar
A pseudo-basis using a recurrence plot
Masanori Shiro; Yoshito Hirata
The European Physical Journal Special Topics (2022) Semantic Scholar
Improving time series prediction accuracy for the maxima of a flow by reconstructions using local cross sections
Yoshito Hirata; Masanori Shiro
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 32: 063103 (2022) Semantic Scholar
Solar activity facilitates daily forecasts of large earthquakes
Matheus Henrique Junqueira Saldanha; Yoshito Hirata
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 32: (2022) Semantic Scholar
Supplementary material to "Fortnight conditioning of historical data to improve short-term precipitation predictions"
Yoshito Hirata; Yoshinori Yamada
Fortnight conditioning of historical data to improve short-term precipitation predictions
Yoshito Hirata; Yoshinori Yamada
Fast reconstruction of an original continuous series from a recurrence plot
Yoshito Hirata; Yuki Kitanishi; Hiroki Sugishita; Yukiko Gotoh
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 31: 121101 (2021) Semantic Scholar
Forecasting wind power ramps with prediction coordinates
Yoshito Hirata; José M. Amigó; Shunsuke Horai; Kazuhiko OgimotoKazuyuki Aihara
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 31: 103105 (2021) Semantic Scholar
Changes of chromosomal architecture before establishment of chromosome territories revealed by recurrence plot reconstruction
Yuki Kitanishi; Hiroki Sugishita; Yukiko Gotoh; Yoshito Hirata
bioRxiv (2021) Semantic Scholar
Recurrence plots for characterizing random dynamical systems
Yoshito Hirata
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 94: 105552 (2021) Semantic Scholar
Deep Learning for Nonlinear Time Series: Examples for Inferring Slow Driving Forces
Yoshito Hirata; Kazuyuki Aihara
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 30: (2020) Semantic Scholar
Recurrence analysis of extreme event-like data
Abhirup Banerjee; Bedartha Goswami; Yoshito Hirata; Deniz Eroglu (+2 著者) Norbert Marwan
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics (2020) Semantic Scholar
Topological epidemic model: Theoretical insight into underlying networks
Yoshito Hirata
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science (2020) Semantic Scholar
Permutations uniquely identify states and unknown external forces in non-autonomous dynamical systems
Yoshito Hirata; Yuzuru Sato; Davide Faranda
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 30: (2020) Semantic Scholar
Electrical coupling controls dimensionality and chaotic firing of inferior olive neurons
Huu Hoang; Eric J. Lang; Yoshito Hirata; Isao T. Tokuda (+3 著者) Nicolas Schweighofer
PLOS Computational Biology 16: (2020) Semantic Scholar
1. 特願2006-274479: 任意の観測地点数に対応した風况予測制御による地域型風力発電システム
平田祥人; 鈴木秀幸; 山田泰司; 高橋純 -
2. 特願2009-548035: 正規分布に従う乱数発生機構
平田祥人; 合原一幸 -
3. 特願2010-521595: 1つのシステムの受ける複数の外力の同時再構成方法 及びその装置
平田祥人; 合原一幸 -
4. 特願2012-179938: 気象変動の実時間予測法に基づ く再生可能エネルギー出力変動の予測機構
平田祥人; 山田泰司; 鈴木秀幸; 高橋純 -
5. 特願2013-99426: 余震予測装置、余震予測方法、 および、プログラム
近江崇宏; 尾形良彦; 平田祥人; 合原一幸 -
6. 特願2016-023214: ,空間的な近さの概念を用いた生 体分子データの3次元構造の再構成方法
平田祥人; 小田有沙; 太田邦史; 合原一幸
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