検索結果: 52 結果 / platinum

萩原 將太郎
Hagiwara, Shotaro

医学医療系, 教授
Institute of Medicine, Professor

檜澤 伸之
Hizawa, Nobuyuki

医学医療系, 教授
Institute of Medicine, Professor

堀 愛
Hori, Ai

国際社会医学研究室, 准教授
Faculty of Medicine


市川 淳士
Ichikawa, Junji

公益財団法人相模中央化学研究所, 精密有機化学グループ, 招聘研究員
Sagami Chemical Research Institute, Fine Organic Chemistry Group, Invited Research Fellow

入江 敏之
Irie, Toshiyuki

医学医療系, 教授
Institute of Medicine, Professor

石橋 孝章
Ishibashi, Taka-aki

数理物質系, 教授
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor


Islam, Ashraful

数理物質系, 教授
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor

神原 貴樹
Kanbara, Takaki

数理物質系, 教授
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor


河合 弘二
Kawai, Koji

医学医療系, 講師
Faculty of Medicine, Assistant Professor

川村 卓
Kawamura, Takashi

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor


木島 正志
Kijima, Masashi

University of Tsukuba

木塚 徳志
Kizuka, Tokushi

数理物質系, 教授
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor

小林 佑介

医学医療系 産科婦人科学, 准教授
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Institute of Medicine , Associate Professor

小島 隆彦
Kojima, Takahiko

数理物質系化学域, 教授

近藤 剛弘
Kondo, Takahiro

数理物質系, 教授
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor

小谷 弘明
Kotani, Hiroaki

数理物質系, 助教
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Assistant Professor

桑原 純平
Kuwabara, Junpei

数理物質系, 准教授
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Associate Professor


前田 清司
Maeda, Seiji

早稲田大学, スポーツ科学学術院, 教授
Waseda University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Professor

蓑田 歩
Minoda, Ayumi

生命環境系, 助教
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Assistant Professor


宮川 俊平
Miyakawa, Shumpei

医学医療系, 教授
Faculty of Medicine, Professor


宮崎 修一
Miyazaki, Shuichi

筑波大学, 名誉教授
University of Tsukuba, Professor Emeritus


森脇 俊和
Moriwaki, Toshikazu

医学医療系, 講師
Faculty of Medicine, Assistant Professor


鍋島 達弥
Nabeshima, Tatsuya

筑波大学, 数理物質系, 特令教授
University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Specially Appointed Professor

長崎 幸夫
Nagasaki, Yukio

数理物質系, 教授
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor


長瀬 博
Nagase, Hiroshi

筑波大学, 国際統合睡眠医科学研究機構, 特命教授
University of Tsukuba, International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine


中村 潤児
Nakamura, Junji

九州大学, カーボンニュートラル・エネルギー国際研究所附属三井化学カーボンニュートラル研究センター, 教授
Kyushu University, International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research, Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. - Carbon Neutral Research Center, Professor

中村 貴志
Nakamura, Takashi

数理物質系, 助教
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Assistant Professor

中澤 健介
Nakazawa, Kensuke

医学医療系, 講師
Institute of Medicine, Assistant Professor

奈良 隆章
Nara, Takaaki

体育系, 助教
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor

西堀 英治
Nishibori, Eiji

数理物質系, 教授
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor

西山 博之
Nishiyama, Hiroyuki

医学医療系, 教授
Institute of Medicine, Professor

丹羽 秀治
Niwa, Hideharu

数理物質系, 助教
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Assistant Professor

小田 竜也
Oda, Tatsuya

医学医療系, 教授
Institute of Medicine, Professor


大河内 信弘
Ohkohchi, Nobuhiro

医学医療系, 教授
Faculty of Medicine, Professor

大石 基
Oishi, Motoi

数理物質系, 准教授
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Associate Professor

岡島 敬一
Okajima, Keiichi

システム情報系, 教授
Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, Professor


大塩 寛紀
Oshio, Hiroki

数理物質系, 教授
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor

大谷 実
Otani, Minoru

計算科学研究センター, 教授
Center for Computational Sciences, Professor

櫻井 英幸
Sakurai, Hideyuki

医学医療系, 教授
Institute of Medicine, Professor

笹森 貴裕
Sasamori, Takahiro

数理物質系化学域, 教授
Division of Chemistry, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor


佐藤 浩昭
Satoh, Hiroaki

医学医療系, 教授
Faculty of Medicine, Professor

佐藤 豊実
Satoh, Toyomi

医学医療系, 教授
Institute of Medicine, Professor

関場 大一郎
Sekiba, Daiichiro

数理物質系, 講師
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Assistant Professor

塩澤 利博
Shiozawa, Toshihiro

医学医療系, 講師
Institute of Medicine, Assistant Professor

Sonia, Sharmin

数理物質系, 助教
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Assistant Professor

谷本 久典
Tanimoto, Hisanori

数理物質系, 准教授
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Associate Professor

冨本 慎一
Tomimoto, Sin-iti

数理物質系, 助教
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Assistant Professor


内田 和彦
Uchida, Kazuhiko

医学医療系, 准教授
Faculty of Medicine, Associate Professor


山田 英恵
Yamada, Hideyasu

医学医療系, 准教授
Faculty of Medicine, Associate Professor

山本 洋平
Yamamoto, Yohei

数理物質系, 教授
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor

山﨑 信哉
Yamasaki, Shinya

数理物質系, 准教授
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Associate Professor

柳原 英人
Yanagihara, Hideto

数理物質系, 教授
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor