福島 敬
Fukushima, Takashi
埼玉医科大学 , 医学部国際医療センター 小児腫瘍科 , 准教授 Saitama Medical University , Faculty of Medicine , Associate Professor
吉村 萌,福島 敬,渡邊温子,太田充彦,清水優輝,福島紘子,石田裕二,小阪嘉之,鈴木智成,田中竜平
日本小児血液・がん学会雑誌 61: 93 (2024)
A nationwide phase II study of delayed local treatment for children with high-risk neuroblastoma: The Japan Children’s Cancer Group Neuroblastoma Committee Trial JN-H-11
Akihiro Yoneda; Hiroyuki Shichino; Tomoro Hishiki; Kimikazu Matsumoto (+15 著者) Akira Nakagawara
Pediatric Blood and Cancer 71: (2024)
福島敬; 中尾 朋平; 清水 優輝; 太田 充彦 (+1 著者) 田中 竜平
JICHAジャーナル 10: 16 (2023)
Development of adolescent childhood cancer survivors' psychosocial issues scale
Kyoko Hidaka; Takafumi Monma; Hiroko Fukushima; Noriko Ozawa (+3 著者) Fumi Takeda
Pediatrics International 65: 1 (2023)
Nelarabine, intensive L-asparaginase, and protracted intrathecal therapy for newly diagnosed T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in children and young adults (ALL-T11): a nationwide, multicenter, phase 2 trial including randomisation in the very high-ris
Atsushi Sato; Yoshihiro Hatta; Chihaya Imai; Koichi Oshima (+21 著者) Keizo Horibe
Lancet Haematology (2023)
Rare Case of BCOR::CCNB3 Sarcoma of Bone
Y.Arai; Y.Yazawa; T.Torigoe; J.Imanishi (+7 著者) K.Saita
American Jpurnal of Case Reports (2023)
Chest Wall Tuberculosis After Bacillus Calmette– Guérin Vaccination
M.Iwai; T Fukushima; N Watanabe; A.Ohta (+4 著者) Y.Ebihara
Pediatric Infectious Disease Jpurnal e504 (2022)
Effect of Germline MEFV Polymorphisms on the Prognosis of Japanese Children with Cancer: A Regional Analysis
Morio Hasegawa; Hiroko Fukushima; Ryoko Suzuki. Yuni Yamaki; Sho Hosaka (+7 著者) Hidetoshi Takada
Oncology 100: 376 (2022)
Retrospective Analysis of INRG Clinical and Genomic Factors for 605 Neuroblastomas in Japan:
Ohira M; Nakamura Y; Takimoto T; Nakazawa A (+9 著者) Kamijo T.
Biomolecules 12: 1 (2021) Semantic Scholar
脊髄圧迫症状を契機に診断に至った小児悪性腫瘍4 症例の臨床経過と神経学的予後
折居恵以, 鈴木涼子, 稲葉正子, 穂坂 翔, 八牧愉二, 福島紘子, 福島 敬, 高田英俊
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology 58: 292 (2021)
Genomic analysis of two rare cases of pediatric Ph-positive T-ALL..
Sato-Otsubo A; Osumi T; Yoshida M; Iguchi A (+4 著者) Kato
Pediatric Blood And Cancer 69: 1 (2021)
Lethal macrophage-related complications of juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia with a blastic crisis:an autopsy case report
Tsugumi Satoh; Hidekazu Kayano; · Atsuko Watanabe; Atsuhiko Ohta (+4 著者) Masanori Yasuda
International Journal of Hematology 114: 517 (2021)
Cobalamin deficiency during treatment of pediatric precursor B-cell lymphoblastic leukemia
Kinoshita H; Watanabe A; Taji Y; Yoshimura M (+3 著者) Ebihara Y
Pediatric Blood and Cancer 69: 1 (2021)
Proton beam therapy for children and adolescents and young adults (AYAs): JASTRO and JSPHO Guidelines
Mizumoto M; Fuji H; Miyachi M; Soejima T (+31 著者) Sakurai H
Cancer Treatment Review 2021: 1 (2021)
Proton beam therapy with concurrent chemotherapy is feasible in children with newly diagnosed rhabdomyosarcoma.
Suzuki R; Fukushima H; Okuwaki H; Inaba M (+6 著者) Takada H
Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy 26: 616 (2021)
Utilization of a novel Sendai virus vector in ex vivo gene therapy for hemophilia A.
Yamaki Y; Fukushima T; Yoshida N; Nishimura K (+8 著者) Takada H
International journal of hematology 113: 493 (2021)
Impact of immunophenotypic characteristics on genetic subgrouping in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: Tokyo Children's Cancer Study Group (TCCSG) study L04-16.
Ohki K; Takahashi H; Fukushima T; Nanmoku T (+16 著者) Kiyokawa N; Tokyo Children's Cancer Study Group (TCCSG)
Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer 1 (2020)
Aoki Masanori; Kobayashi Kiyoko; Taji Yoshitada; Shimizu Yuki (+4 著者) Ebihara Yasuhiro
journal of pediatric hematology/oncology 42: 249 (2020)
Patient Transfer to Receive Proton Beam Therapy During Intensive Multimodal Therapy is Safe and Feasible for Patients With Newly Diagnosed High-risk Neuroblastoma.
Hosaka S; Fukushima H; Nakao T; Suzuki R (+6 著者) Takada H
journal of pediatric hematology/oncology 42: e18 (2020)
Urgent Proton Beam Therapy With Interinstitutional Transfer for Patients With Intracranial Rhabdomyosarcoma: Report of 3 Cases.
Inaba M; Nakao T; Hosaka S; Suzuki R (+10 著者) Takada H
journal of pediatric hematology/oncology 42: e12 (2020)
Ménétrier’s disease-like mucosal changes and assessment of cytomegalovirus gastroenteritis after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A case report
Yuki Shimizu; Atuko Watanabe; Atsuhiko Ohta; Tomohei Nakao; Takashi Fukushima; Rieko Igarashi; Yasuhiro Ebihara; Ryuhei Tanaka
the 16th Congress of Asia continental branch of International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP Asia 2024) 2024年6月23日
福島 敬; 太田充彦; 中尾朋平; 清水優輝; 田中竜平; 細谷要介
第7回日本国際小児保健学会学術大会 2023年10月7日
COVID-19感染症のG6PD 欠乏症患者の赤血球に対する薬剤毒性を試験管内で評価した 1例
太田 充彦,中尾 朋平,大滝 里美,福島 敬,海老原 康博,田中 竜平
第65回日本小児血液・がん学会学術集会 2023年9月29日
Ultrasonographic diagnosis and assessment of cytomegalovirus gastroenteritis: a case report
清水優輝; 渡邊温子; 太田充彦; 中尾朋平; 福島敬; 五十嵐利恵子; 海老原康博; 田中竜平
第64回日本小児血液・がん学会学術集会 2022年11月26日
Impact of Nelarabine, Intensive L-Asparaginase, and Protracted Intrathecal Therapy on Newly Diagnosed T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Results from the Japanese Pediatric Leukemia/Lymphoma Study Group (JPLSG) and the Japan Adult Leukemia Study Group (
Yoshihiro Hatta; Chihaya Imai; Koichi Oshima; Yasuhiro Okamoto; Takao Deguchi; Yoshiko Hashii; Takashi Fukushima; Toshinori Hori; Nobutaka Kiyokawa; Motohiro Kato; Shoji Saito; Kenichi Anami; Tatsuhiro Sakamoto; Akiko Kada; Akiko Saito; Atsushi Manabe; Hitoshi Kiyoi; Itaru Matsumura; Keizo Horibe; Katsuyoshi Koh; Yasushi Miyazaki; Arata Watanabe
American Society of Hematology 2021 2021年11月11日
新井 由実; 矢澤 康男; 鳥越 知明; 今西 淳悟; 安田 政実; 福田 桃子; 田中 竜平; 福島 敬; 渡邊 温子; 太田 充彦; 清水 優輝; 門野 夕峰; 税田 和夫; 元井 亨.
第54回日本整形外科学会 骨・軟部腫瘍学術集会 2021年7月16日
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