ホーム > 李 昇姫/ Lee, Seung Hee
李 昇姫
Lee, Seung Hee
芸術系 , 准教授 Institute of Art and Design , Associate Professor
- 21. Greeting, Function, and Music: How Users Chat with Voice Assistants Lee, Seung Hee; J., Wang; H., Zhang; C., ZhangXiao, Junjun Journal of Korea Society of Emotion and Sensibility (2020)
- 22. A User-centered Auditory Design in Interaction Between Electric Vehicle and Pedestrian Zhang, Han; Lee, Seung Hee Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering 19: 217 - 226 (2020) Semantic Scholar
- 23. Take-Over Request in Highly Automated Driving: A Survey on Driving Experience and Emergency Operation Accuracy H., Zhang; Ji, WANG; Lee, Seung Hee The 6th International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering 2020: (2020) Semantic Scholar
- 24. Emotional Meaning of Eyelid Positions on a One-Eyed 2D Avatar Lee, Seung Hee; Onchi, Eiji; Daniel, SAAKES International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering 2020: 1 - 4 (2020) Semantic Scholar
- 25. A Survey about Nap Habits in Workplace Lee, Seung Hee; C., Zhang The 6th International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering 2020: (2020) Semantic Scholar
- 26. Emotional Map: Building a Data Tool for Geolocation-related Product Design, P., Wan; Lee, Seung Hee The 6th International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering 2020: (2020) Semantic Scholar
- 27. Design and Evaluation of a Spherical Robot with Emotion-Like Feedback during Human-Robot Training - Kansei Design Method Applied to Robot Development - Onchi, Eiji; Lee, Seung Hee Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering 19: 105 - 116 (2020) Semantic Scholar
- 28. Slow Robots for Unobtrusive Posture Correction Lee,Seung Hee Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems- CHI’19 (2019) Semantic Scholar
- 29. Do Drivers Prefer Female Voice for Guidance? An Interaction Design About Information Type and Speaker Gender for Autonomous Driving Car Lee,Seung Hee HCI in Mobility, Transport, and Automotive Systems 1 - 17 (2019)
- 30. サッカーボール表面のディンプル構造が空力特性に及ぼす影響 洪, 性賛; 李, 昇姫; 恩智, 英治; Schuit, David浅井, 武 The Proceedings of the Symposium on sports and human dynamics 2019: C - 21 (2019) Semantic Scholar
- 31. Kid’s Friendly Wearable Device for Children’s Daily Safety Lee, Seung Hee Mobile and Assistive Technology for Healthcare (2017)
- 32. Study on the Effectiveness of Coloring on Physical and Mental Health of the Elderly in Adult Daycare Centers Lee, Seung Hee; Feng, Chuan Mobile and Assistive Technology for Healthcare (2017)
- 33. Kansei Design Applied on Hospital Beds: Medical Design for Patient and Caregiver Lee, Seung Hee; Onchi, E Mobile and Assistive Technology for Healthcare (2017)
- 34. Circadian Rhythm on Activity Tracker: Designing System to Support Healthy Sleep Behaviors Lee, Seung Hee; Okyu, Choi Human Computer Interaction Korea (2016)
- 35. How to Restore Circadian Clock through Activity Tracker, HCI International Lee, Seung Hee; Okyu, Choi International Human Computer Interaction (2016)
- 36. Designing System to Support Healthy Sleep Behaviors:Circadian Rhythm on Activity Tracker Lee,Seung Hee; Okyu,Choi HCI KOREA 2016 (2016)
- 37. Which is better choice for smart watch? A comparison between round and rectangular Lee, Seung Hee; Wang, Ji Korea Society for Emotion and Sensibility (2015)
- 38. KINJIRO:児童の音読トレーニングを支援する読書支援アニマトロニクス 中台久和巨; 李, 昇姫; 北島宗雄; 星野准一 電子情報通信学会 (2015)
- 39. 円滑な親子間のコミュニケーションを補助するロボペットの開発研究 鄭, 嘉瀕; 中台, 久和巨; 李, 昇姫; 星野, 准一北島, 宗雄 IPSJ SIG technical reports 2015: 1 - 8 (2015)
- 40. 児童の音読トレーニング支援を目的とした読書介助アニマトロニクス 中台久, 和巨; 李, 昇姫; 北島, 宗雄; 星野, 准一 IPSJ SIG technical reports 2015: 1 - 8 (2015)
- 1. 認知科学から考える感性インタラクションデザイン 李, 昇姫 博英社 2022年6月 (ISBN: 9784910132303)
- 2. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2018 Lee, Seung Hee; Fragkiadakis, Nikolaos (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:In-car indirect communication-Creating an interface for the expression of emotions between the driver and the passengers-) 2018年3月 (ISBN: 9789811086113)
- 3. Integrating Interactive Product Design Research and Education: The Personality in Interaction Assignment, Crossing Design Boundaries P.R.Ross; 李, 昇姫 Taylor and Francis, London 2005年1月
- 4. Design & Emotion 李, 昇姫 Taylor & Francis, London 2004年1月
- 5. デザイン辞書 李, 昇姫 朝倉書店 2003年1月
- 6. Pleasure with Products Beyond Usability Lee, S.H; Harada, A; Stappers, P.J Taylor & Francis, London 2002年1月
- 7. Kansei Design 李, 昇姫 IDEATE Studio, IO. TUDelft 2000年1月
- 8. プロダクトデザインの広がり 李, 昇姫 工業調査会 2000年1月
- 1. A Cognitive Chrono-Ethnography Approach for Classifying Walking Motivations to Understand the Development of Walking Habits Lee, Seung Hee; Hanssen, Max Conference of Emotion and Sensibility 2022年4月27日 Korea Society of Emotion and Sensibility
- 2. Design based on Kansei Lee, Seung Hee Intensive Care Medical Products Design 2021年6月11日 Hunan University 招待有り
- 3. How Design Shapes Us Lee, Seung Hee TEDxUTsukuba 2020年11月29日 TEDxUTsukuba 招待有り
- 4. Kansei Design and Integrated Sciences Lee, Seung Hee Integrated Design 2020年9月17日 Dongseo University 招待有り
- 5. Kansei+情+Design Lee, Seung Hee 24H Worldwide Design Conversation 2020年6月24日 Politecnico di Milano 招待有り
- 6. Towards Global Definition of Kansei through Interaction Research Lee, Seung Hee World Wide Creative Leaders 2020年5月4日 University of Tecnológico de Monterrey 招待有り
- 7. サードプレイスにおける高齢者見守りシステムの基礎的検討 李, 昇姫; 倉友乃康 HCGシンポジウム2019 2019年12月 電子情報通信学会
- 8. Aerodynamic Effects of Soccer ball’s Surface Texture Hong, Sungchan; Seunghee, Lee; Takeshi, Asai International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics 2019年11月1日
- 9. サッカーボール表面のディンプル構造が空力特性に及ぼす影響 Hong, Sungchan; 李, 昇姫; 恩智, 英治; Schuit, David; 浅井武 日本機械学会スポーツツ工学・ヒューマンダイナミクス 2019年10月25日
- 10. Slow Robots for Unobtrusive Posture Correction Shin, Joon-Gi; Onchi, Eiji; Reyes, Maria Jose; Song, Junbong; Lee, Uichin; Lee, Seung-Hee; Saakes, Daniel CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2019年5月4日
- 11. 周辺視野を活用した情報提供方法の基礎研究 李, 昇姫; 大橋学; 奥間保胤 日本感性工学会 2018年3月27日 日本感性工学会
- 12. In-car indirect communication-Creating an interface for the expression of emotions between the driver and the passengers- Lee,Seung Hee International Conference on Kansei Engineering & Emotion Research 2018年3月19日
- 13. Kid’s Friendly Wearable Device for Children’s Daily Safety Lee, Seung Hee The International Symposium on Mobile and Assistive Technology for Healthcare 2017年3月19日
- 14. A Diary Study of Smart Phone Notification System For College Students Lee, Seung Hee; WangJi; Q.Y.Zhang; Q.Q.Gong The International Symposium on Mobile and Assistive Technology for Healthcare 2017年3月19日
- 15. Kansei Design Applied on Hospital Beds: Medical Design for Patient and Caregiver Lee, Seung Hee; Onchi, E The International Symposium on Mobile and Assistive Technology for Healthcare 2017年3月19日
- 16. Study on the Effectiveness of Coloring on Physical and Mental Health of the Elderly in Adult Daycare Centers Lee, Seung Hee; Feng, Chuan; Deng, Ya Wen; Okubo, Naomi; Sanpei, Tetsuya The International Symposium on Mobile and Assistive Technology for Healthcare 2017年3月19日
- 17. Sleep Evaluation Influenced by Negative Emotions and Memories After Awakening Among Adolescents and Young Adults Lee, Seung Hee; Lu, H The International Symposium on Mobile and Assistive Technology for Healthcare 2017年3月19日
- 18. 粒状絵の具「えのぐみ」の研究開発について 鐸木芳実; 李昇姫 日本デザイン学会____ 2011年6月
- 19. 色覚異常者の色のイメージに関する研究―言葉から連想する色に ついて― 鐸木芳実; 李昇姫 日本感性工学会____ 2011年3月
- 20. プロダクトにおける錯誤帰属の検証-使用環境による好みの変化 伊藤達仁; 李, 昇姫 感性工学会____ 2011年3月
- 1. : 行動情報収集システム
李, 昇姫 - 2. : 映像表示システム
李, 昇姫 - 3. : 音源選択装置
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