アンチ・ドーピング研究教育拠点・リサーチユニットDetecting Gene Doping and Raising Anti-doping Awareness to Protect Athletes from Doping

代表者 : 山口 香    中核研究者 : 渡部 厚一  齋藤 健司  
他のメンバー : 深澤 浩洋  清水 諭  尾縣 貢  本間 三和子  河合 季信  武政 徹  竹越 一博  川上 康  
キーワード: ドーピング、スポーツ・インテグリティ、アンチ・ドーピング教育、政策、文化























  • アンチ・ドーピングに関する制度、政策、教育への貢献
  • アンチ・ドーピング研究・教育に係るデータベースの構築
  • 茨城県体育協会及び茨城県薬剤師会と連携した国民体育大会主催にむけた県民向け啓発活動・茨城県内主要3駅でのデジタルサイネージ広告展開(2019年)
  • 学内向け筑波大学附属図書館でのアンチ・ドーピング資料展示の実施(2015年~)
  • ジュニア世代を対象とした本学出身オリンピアン協力によるアンチ・ドーピング公開講座等(2016年~)
  • 日本のアンチ・ドーピング政策の現状とその国際比較に関する調査(2015~2017年)


Detecting Gene Doping and Raising Anti-doping Awareness to Protect Athletes from Doping

Unit name: Anti-Doping Research and Education Initiative

Keywords: Doping, Integrity of Sport, Anti-Doping Education, Policy, Culture


Interview with Dr. Watanabe Koichi

Since the doping problem in Russia came to light in 2015, the issue of anti-doping has been attracting public attention. When it determined to invite the Olympic and Paralympic Games 2020 in Tokyo in 2013, Japan began to implement various large-scale anti-doping measures as a major national project, including establishing the Anti-doping Consortium.


Anti-doping research aims not only to expose doping violations, but also to fulfill a wide range of purposes, including: protecting athletes’ human rights and promoting compliance with relevant rules in the field of law, protecting the value of sports as part of education and philosophy, and developing anti-doping test methods for sports medicine and science. To develop insight into sports, we proceed with our research through interdisciplinary collaboration.


Reducing gene doping by detecting the transgene-fragments

We are currently concentrating on studies to detect “gene doping”, which promotes muscle strength, endurance and repair by gene transfer. Detection of gene doping is thought to be difficult, as proteins expressed by this method are the same as those in the body.

Therefore, we first created a model mouse for gene transfer using adenoviruses and plasmids as vectors to carry genes into cells and nuclei. Subsequently, we attempted to obtain evidence of gene doping in this model from various samples, such as blood and feces, using PCR to amplify gene fragments, and found that a drop of blood contained large amounts of DNA fragments belonging to the adenovirus and plasmid vectors. Applying this technique to humans, it may be sufficiently feasible to detect gene doping.

Figure 1: A robot performing the gene detection process

We also launched studies to prevent foreign-object “contamination” by programming a robot to perform the “gene doping” detection process. This is expected to improve the efficiency of the inspection process, and reduce false positive or negative rates.

In addition to those on gene doping, we also try to discover substances that improve performance, and develop testing methods which burden less to athletes.

Anti-doping surveys and promotions for the eradication of unintentional anti-doping rule violations for lack of anti-doping knowledge

Figure 2: Anti-doping promotion using digital signage displayed in Mito Station

Unlike another countries, most of anti-doping rule violations in Japan are unintentional and caused by lack of knowledge about anti-doping rules. Active athletes have very little time and headspace to learn about anti-doping, and opportunities for such education are up to individual coaches or sporting bodies at present.

Figure 3: Pharmacists’ needs for anti-doping information (left) and athlete’s point of view about which is the most beneficial to strengthen anti-doping knowledge(right)

Aiming to eradicate unintentional doping for lack of knowledge, we actively conduct awareness surveys involving athletes, develop educational programs for them, and perform activities to raise their awareness. University of Tsukuba is the only university in Japan which has faculties of physical education, medicine, medical sciences, humanities, and society, and is located in an education- and advanced research-oriented city so that we can also develop tools for comprehensive anti-doping education not only for athletes, but also for other students.


Social contributions and achievements
  • Contributions to anti-doping institutions, political measures, and education
  • Database building for anti-doping research and education
  • Anti-doping promotions for Ibaraki Prefecture citizens hosting the National Sports Games in collaboration with the Ibaraki Amateur Sports Association and Ibaraki Pharmaceutical Association; promotions with digital signage displays at 3 major railway stations in Ibaraki (2019)
  • Anti-doping exhibition at the University Libraries (2015-)
  • Public lectures for junior generation in collaboration with alumni Olympians (2016-)
  • International research for comparing national Anti-doping programs (2015-2017)

Interviewed on Feb. 28, 2020