検索結果: 11 結果 / 発達支援

石塚 祐香
Ishizuka, Yuka

人間系, 助教
Institute of Human Sciences, Assistant Professor


松原 豊
Matsubara, Yutaka

体育系, 教授
Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor


宮本 信也
Miyamoto, Shinya

筑波大学, 教授
University of Tsukuba, Professor

森地 徹
Morichi, Toru

人間系, 助教
Institute of Human Sciences, Assistant Professor

直江 俊雄
Naoe, Toshio

芸術系, 教授
Institute of Art and Design, Professor

野呂 文行
Noro, Fumiyuki

人間系, 系長
Institute of Human Sciences, Provost

大村 美保
Omura, Miho

人間系, 助教
Institute of Human Sciences, Assistant Professor

小澤 温
Ozawa, Atsushi

人間系, 教授
Institute of Human Sciences, Professor

佐島 毅
Sashima, Tsuyoshi

人間系, 教授
Institute of Human Sciences, Professor

澤江 幸則
Sawae, Yukinori

体育系, 准教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor


柘植 雅義
Tsuge, Masayoshi

筑波大学, 人間系, 教授
University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Human Sciences, Professor