検索結果: 25 結果 / Social participation
崔 宰栄
Choe, Jae Young
人文社会系, 准教授 Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor
古田 雄一
Furuta, Yuichi
人間系, 助教 Faculty of Human Sciences, Assistant professor
後藤 亮平
Goto, Ryohei
医学医療系, 准教授 Institute of Medicine, Associate Professor
濱口 佳和
Hamaguchi, Yoshikazu
人間系, 教授 Institute of Human Sciences, Professor
春田 淳志
Haruta, Junji
慶應義塾大学, 医学部 医学教育統轄センター, 教授(有期) Keio University, School of Medicine Medical Education Center, Professor (Non-tenured)
神藤 隆志
Jindo, Takashi
大阪教育大学, 表現活動教育系, 特任講師 Osaka Kyoiku University, Division of Art, Music, and Physical Education, Special Appointed Lecturer
海後 宗男
Kaigo, Muneo
人文社会系, 教授 Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor
唐木 清志
Karaki, Kiyoshi
人間系, 教授 Institute of Human Sciences, Professor
川田 尚吾
Kawada, Shogo
医学医療系, 助教 Faculty of Medicine, Assistant Professor
川間 健之介
Kawama, Kennosuke
人間系, 教授 Institute of Human Sciences, Professor
前野 哲博
Maeno, Tetsuhiro
医学医療系, 教授 Institute of Medicine, Professor
巻 直樹
Maki, Naoki
アール医療専門職大学, リハビリテーション学部理学療法学科, 准教授 R Professional University of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Rehabilitation Physical Therapy, Assistant Professor
丸尾 和司
Maruo, Kazushi
医学医療系, 准教授 Institute of Medicine, Associate Professor
舛本 祥一
Masumoto, Shoichi
医学医療系, 講師 Institute of Medicine, Assistant Professor
永田 真一
Nagata, Shinichi
体育系, 准教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
呉 世昶
Oh, Sechang
アール医療専門職大学, リハビリテーション学部 理学療法学科, 教授 R Professional University of Rehabilitation , Faculty of Rehabilitation, Professor
大友 貴史
Ohtomo, Takafumi
人文社会系, 准教授 Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor
大藏 倫博
OKURA, Tomohiro
体育系, 教授 Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
小曽根 早知子
Ozone, Sachiko
医学医療系, 講師 Institute of Medicine, Assistant Professor
田 暁潔
Tian, Xiaojie
体育系, 准教授 Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
辻 大士
Tsuji, Taishi
体育系, 助教 Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences
辻中 豊
Tsujinaka, Yutaka
東洋学園大学, 学長 Toyo Gakuen University, President
八重田 淳
Yaeda, Jun
人間系, 教授 Institute of Human Sciences, Professor
矢澤 亜季
医学医療系, 助教 Institute of Medicine, Assistant Professor
横谷 省治
Yokoya, Shoji
医学医療系, 教授 Institute of Medicine, Professor