ホーム > 辻村 真貴/ Tsujimura, Maki
辻村 真貴
Tsujimura, Maki
生命環境系 , 教授 Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences , Professor
- 1. Utilizing Stable Isotopes and Major Ions to Isolate the Recharge Regime of an Alluvial-Proluvial Fan Aquifer in the Piedmont Region of the South Taihang Mountains, North China Plain Liu, J; Tsujimura, M; Zhang, J; Yi, Z WATER RESOURCES 50: 969 - 985 (2023) Semantic Scholar
- 2. 受賞記念寄稿 学術賞受賞に際してー私的な研究履歴ー 辻村, 真貴 Journal of Japanese Association of Hydrological Sciences 53: 103 - 109 (2023)
- 3. Groundwater flow system and microbial dynamics of groundwater in a headwater catchment Sugiyama, Ayumi; Tsujimura, Maki; Onda, Yuichi; Sakakibara, Koichi (+3 著者) Kato, Kenji JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 624: (2023) Semantic Scholar
- 4. Rainfall-runoff characteristics in a tropical forested catchment, Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia Saito, Mariko; Tsujimura, Maki; Bakar, Siti Nurhidayu Abu Hydrological Research Letters 17: 28 - 35 (2023) Semantic Scholar
- 5. Long-term variations in spring water mean transit time in a forested headwater catchment in Japan Baptista; Isabela Silveira; Tsujimura, Maki; Onda, Yuichi WATER 14: 3925 (2022) Semantic Scholar
- 6. Influence of alpine vegetation on water storage and discharge functions in an alpine headwater of Northern Japan Alps Fujino, Mayu; Sakakibara, Koichi; Tsujimura, Maki; Suzuki, Keisuke Journal of Hydrology X 18: 100146 (2022) Semantic Scholar
- 7. Spatial and Temporal Isotopic and Hydrochemical Characteristics of Groundwater and Surface Water in the Tuul River Basin, Mongolia Batdelger, Odsuren; Tsujimura, Maki; Litton, Gary M; Tran, Dang An (+3 著者) Jamal Hassan EARTH SYSTEMS AND ENVIRONMENT 6: 517 - 529 (2022) Semantic Scholar
- 8. Groundwater quality evaluation and health risk assessment in coastal lowland areas of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam Dang An, Tran; Tsujimura, Maki; Ho Huu, Loc; Duc Huy, Dang (+8 著者) Nguyen, Tam GROUNDWATER FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT 15: (2021) Semantic Scholar
- 9. 多様な地下水たちの世界 辻村, 真貴 科学 91: 970 - 972 (2021)
- 10. Intensified salinity intrusion in coastal aquifers due to groundwater overextraction: a case study in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam Tran, Dang An; Tsujimura, Maki; Pham, Hai V; Nguyen, Tam V (+5 著者) Doan, Quang-Van ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH (2021) Semantic Scholar
- 11. Radiocesium leaching from litter during rainstorms in the Fukushima broadleaf forest Sakakibara, Koichi; Iwagami, Sho; 辻村, 真貴; Konuma, Ryohei (+1 著者) Onda, Yuichi Science of the Total Environment 796: 148929 - 148929 (2021) Semantic Scholar
- 12. Evaluating the predictive power of different machine learning algorithms for groundwater salinity prediction of multi-layer coastal aquifers in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam Tran, Dang An; Tsujimura, Maki; Ha, Nam Thang; Nguyen, Van Tam (+7 著者) Pham, Tien Dat Ecological Indicators 127: 107790 - 107790 (2021) Semantic Scholar
- 13. 里山湧水における年代トレーサーの挙動-温度変化がCFCs、SF6濃度に与える影響- 浅井和由; 辻村, 真貴; 加藤勇治 Journal of Groundwater Hydrology 62: 589 - 599 (2020)
- 14. 地下水流動系という視点からみる微生物動態研究の課題と展望 杉山 歩; 辻村, 真貴; 加藤憲二 Journal of Groundwater Hydrology 62: 429 - 446 (2020)
- 15. Mean transit time and subsurface flow paths in a humid temperate headwater catchment with granitic bedrock Jung, Youn-Young; Koh, Dong-Chan; Lee, Jeonghoon; Tsujimura, Maki (+1 著者) Lee, Kwang-Sik JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 587: (2020) Semantic Scholar
- 16. 滞留時間に関する諸概念と用語法 山中,勤; 辻村,真貴 JOURNAL OF JAPAN SOCIETY OF HYDROLOGY AND WATER RESOURCES 33: 156 - 163 (2020) Semantic Scholar
- 17. Stable isotope characteristics of water resources in the coastal area of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta Tran, Dang An; Tsujimura, Maki; Vo, Le Phu; Nguyen, Van Tam (+1 著者) Dang, Thanh Duc Isotopes in environmental and health studies 55: 566 - 587 (2019) Semantic Scholar
- 18. Filtration and exposure to benzalkonium chloride or sodium chloride to preserve water samples for dissolved inorganic carbon analysis Takahashi; Hiroshi A; Handa, Hiroko; Sugiyama, Ayumi (+3 著者) Tsujimura, Maki Geochemical Journal 53: 305 - 318 (2019) Semantic Scholar
- 19. Hydrogeochemical characteristics of a multi-layered coastal aquifer system in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam Tran, Dang An; Tsujimura, Maki; Vo, Le Phu; Nguyen, Van Tam (+1 著者) Dang, Thanh Duc Environmental geochemistry and health 42: 661 - 680 (2019) Semantic Scholar
- 20. Six-year monitoring study of Cs discharge from headwater catchments after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident Iwagami, Sho; Onda, Yuichi; Sakashita, Wataru; Tsujimura, Maki (+3 著者) Abe, Yutaka Journal of environmental radioactivity 210: (2019) Semantic Scholar
- 1. 自然地理学 辻村,真貴 (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:水文学) ミネルヴァ書房 2014年7月 (ISBN: 9784623058662)
- 2. Sustainable North African Society -Exploring Seeds and Resources for Innovation- Tsujimura, Maki; Chekirbane, Anis; Kawachi, Atsushi; Tarhouni, Jamila (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Water Resources in Tunisia) Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2014年 (ISBN: 9781634632201)
- 3. 地下水流動-モンスーンアジアの資源と循環 谷口真人; 辻村真貴ほか; 辻村, 真貴 共立出版 2011年1月
- 4. 水文科学 杉田倫明; 田中; 正 編著; 辻村, 真貴 共立出版 2009年2月
- 5. For the sustainable groundwater resources management: Through the Japanese activities on countermeasures for the remediation of public hazards. Activity Report of 2008 University Student Exchange Programme, International Exchange Programme between Japan a Tsujimura;M; Tanaka;T; 辻村, 真貴 2009年1月
- 6. For the sustainable groundwater resources management: Through the Japanese activities on countermeasures for the remediation of public hazards. Activity Report of 2008 University Student Exchange Programme, International Exchange Programme between Japan a Tsujimura;M; Tanaka;T; 辻村, 真貴 2009年1月
- 7. For the sustainable groundwater resources management: Through the UNESCO Chair in Mongolia. Activity Report of 2007 University Student Exchange Programme, International Exchange Programme between Japan and Other UNESCO Member States for the Promotion of I Tanaka;T; Tsujimura;M; Yamanaka;T; 辻村, 真貴 2008年1月
- 8. For the sustainable groundwater resources management: Through the UNESCO Chair in Mongolia. Activity Report of 2007 University Student Exchange Programme, International Exchange Programme between Japan and Other UNESCO Member States for the Promotion of I Tanaka;T; Tsujimura;M; Yamanaka;T; 辻村, 真貴 2008年1月
- 9. 草原の科学への招待 中村, 徹編; 辻村, 真貴 筑波大学出版会 2007年1月
- 10. 地球学シリーズ1 地球環境学 地球環境を調査・分析・診断するための30章 松岡憲知ほか編; 辻村, 真貴 古今書院 2007年1月
- 11. Stable isotopic composition in soil water Yoshida; N(ed; 辻村, 真貴 2002年1月
- 12. 森に学ぶ101のヒント 日本林業技術協会; 編; 辻村, 真貴 東京書籍 2002年1月
- 13. 21世紀の地下水管理 雨水浸透・地下水涵養 日本地下水学会; 編; 辻村, 真貴 理工図書 2001年1月
- 14. 水文地形学 恩田裕一; 奥西一夫; 飯田智之; 辻村真貴; 編著; 辻村, 真貴 古今書院 1996年1月
- 15. 実例による新しい地下水調査法 榧根, 勇 編著; 辻村, 真貴 山海堂 1991年1月
- 1. 山地森林流域における地下水流動プロセスと微生物動態の関係 杉山歩; 辻村真貴; 長野倖介; 永翁一代; 内海, 真生; 加藤憲二 2019年度日本水文科学会学術大会 2019年10月19日
- 2. 山地森林流域における地下水流動プロセスと微生物動態の関係 杉山歩; 辻村真貴; 長野倖介; 永翁一代; 内海, 真生; 加藤憲二 2019年度日本水文科学会学術大会 2019年10月19日
- 3. Change of Recharge Process and Age of Spring and Groundwater Caused by Thinning and Rainstorms in a Headwater Catchment Underlain by Sedimentary Rock Tsujimura,Maki 16th Annual Meeting of AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society) 2019年7月28日 AOGS (Asia Oceania Geosciences Society) 招待有り
- 4. Temporal change of spring water age caused by subsurface flow across topographical divide in a headwater catchment underlain by sedimentary rock Tsujimura,Maki The 27th IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) General Assembly 2019年7月8日 IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics)
- 5. 水分野における教育研究・社会的要請に果たすIAHSの役割と将来展望 Tsujimura,Maki 日本地球惑星科学連合合同大会2019年大会 2019年5月26日 日本地球惑星科学連合
- 6. Spatial and Temporal Variation of Residence Time and Microbe in Spring and Groundwater at Headwater Catchments Tsujimura,Maki General Assembly 2019, European Geosciences Union 2019年4月7日 European Geosciences Union
- 7. Age dating of young groundwater Tsujimura,Maki International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Regional Training Course on Isotopic Data Processing and Interpretation – Hands on Exercises 2019年3月18日 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)・筑波大学生命環境系
- 8. Sustainable Water Governance for Implementation of SDGs -Focusing on Surface Water and Groundwater Cycle System- Tsujimura,Maki Joint Seminar of Joint Master's Degree Program in Sustainability and Environmental Sciences between University of Tsukuba and Malaysia Japan International Institute of Technology 2019年2月20日 筑波大学・Malaysia Japan International Institute of Technology 招待有り
- 9. Relationship between residence time and microbe information in spring water in headwater catchments underlain by different lithology Imaizumi, Yuki; Utsumi, Motoo; Tsujimura, Maki 2018 AGU Fall Meeting 2018年12月10日
- 10. 山地森林流域における微生物学的視点を加えた水文プロセスの検討 杉山歩; 長野倖介; 内海, 真生; 辻村真貴 日本地下水学会2018年秋季講演会 2018年10月25日
- 11. Temporal change of residence time in spring and groundwater at headwater catchment Tsujimura,Maki International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Technical Workshop on Groundwater Recharge and Dynamics Using Isotopic Techniques 2018年9月17日 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 招待有り
- 12. Relationship between understanding of groundwater flow system using multi-tracer approach and groundwater governance in Ono City, Fukui Prefecture, north west Japan Tsujimura,Maki 45th International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) Congress 2018年9月9日 International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)
- 13. Introduction to groundwater flow system Tsujimura,Maki International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Regional Training Course on the Use of Isotope Techniques in Assessing Groundwater Quality 2018年8月6日 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 招待有り
- 14. Spatial and temporal variation of residence time of spring and groundwater in multiple watersheds, Japan and New Zealand Tsujimura, Maki; Sakakibara, Koichi; Imaizumi, Yuki; Gusyev, Maksym; Morgenstern, Uwe; Stewart, Michael 14th Australasian Environmental Isotope Conference 2018年3月26日 GNS Science, New Zealand
- 15. Multi-tracer approach to investigate groundwater flow system and rainfall-runoff processes in headwater catchments Tsujimura, Maki 2018 International Good Water Forum 2018年3月15日 Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources 招待有り
- 16. Evaluation of Residence Time and Storage of Spring/ Groundwater in Headwater Catchments �-Multi-tracers Approach Focusing on Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction- Tsujimura, Maki IAEA/RCA Mid-term Progress Review Meeting on Assessing Deep Groundwater Resources for Sustainable Management through Utilization of Isotopic Techniques (RCA)RAS/7/030 2017年11月6日 International Atomic Energy Agency 招待有り
- 17. Evaluation of Residence Time and Storage of Spring/ Groundwater in Headwater Catchments -Multi-tracers Approach Focusing on Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction- Tsujimura, Maki IAEA/RCA Mid-term Progress Review Meeting on Assessing Deep Groundwater Resources for Sustainable Management through Utilization of Isotopic Techniques (RCA)RAS/7/030 2017年11月6日 International Atomic Energy Agency 招待有り
- 18. Impacts of Global Changes on Groundwater Resources in North-East Tunisia: The Case of the Grombalia Phreatic Aquifer Lachaal, F; Chargui, S; Messaoud, R. B; Chekirbane, A; Tsujimura, M; Mlayah, A; Massuel, S; Leduc, C Congress on Groundwater and Global Change in the Western Mediterranean 2017年11月6日
- 19. 水文学における教育研究と国際取組における課題と未来展望 辻村, 真貴 日本水文科学会設立30周年記念公開シンポジウム「水文学のあり方を考える-次世代の水文学が取り組むべき課題とは-」 2017年10月1日 日本水文科学会・日本学術会議IUGG-IAHS小委員会
- 20. Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction in Semi-arid and�Warm Humid Regions Considering Climate Change Tsujimura, Maki The 9th Jeju Water World Forum 2017年9月20日 Jeju Province Development Coorporation and UNESCO 招待有り
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