ホーム > 山田 洋/ Yamada, Hiroshi
山田 洋
Yamada, Hiroshi
医学医療系 , 准教授 Institute of Medicine , Associate Professor
山田 洋
山田 洋
山田 洋
山田 洋
Formation of brain-wide neural geometry during visual item recognition in monkeys
He Chen; Jun Kunimatsu; Tomomichi Oya; Yuri Imaizumi (+6 著者) Hiroshi Yamada
(2024) Semantic Scholar
A method for evaluating hunger and thirst in monkeys by measuring blood ghrelin and osmolality levels.
Yuki Suwa; Jun Kunimatsu; Akua Kamata; Masayuki MatsumotoHiroshi Yamada
eNeuro (2024) Semantic Scholar
Distinct roles of the orbitofrontal cortex, ventral striatum, and dopamine neurons in counterfactual thinking of decision outcomes.
Mengxi Yun; Masafumi Nejime; Takashi Kawai; Jun Kunimatsu (+2 著者) Masayuki Matsumoto
Science advances 9: eadh2831 (2023)
Stable neural population dynamics in the regression subspace for continuous and categorical task parameters in monkeys.
He Chen; Kunimatsu Jun; Tomomichi Oya; Yuri Imaizumi (+4 著者) Hiroshi Yamada
eNeuro 10: (2023) Semantic Scholar
Dynamic prospect theory: Two core decision theories coexist in the gambling behavior of monkeys and humans.
Agnieszka Tymula; Xueting Wang; Yuri Imaizumi; Takashi Kawai (+2 著者) Hiroshi Yamada
Science advances 9: eade7972 (2023) Semantic Scholar
A neuronal prospect theory model in the brain reward circuitry.
Yuri Imaizumi; Agnieszka Tymula; Yasuhiro Tsubo; Masayuki MatsumotoHiroshi Yamada
Nature communications 13: 5855 (2022) Semantic Scholar
Tonic firing mode of midbrain dopamine neurons continuously tracks reward values changing moment-by-moment
Wang, Yawei; Toyoshima, Osamu; Kunimatsu, Jun; Yamada, HiroshiMatsumoto, Masayuki
eLife 10: (2021) Semantic Scholar
Neural population dynamics underlying expected value computation
Yamada, Hiroshi; Imaizumi, Yuri; Matsumoto, Masayuki
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 41: 1684 (2021) Semantic Scholar
Tonically Active Neurons in the Monkey Dorsal Striatum Signal Outcome Feedback during Trial-and-error Search Behavior
Inokawa, Hitoshi; Matsumoto, Naoyuki; Kimura, Minoru; Yamada, Hiroshi
Neuroscience 446: 271 (2020) Semantic Scholar
Signal dynamics of midbrain dopamine neurons during economic decision-making in monkeys
Yun, Mengxi; Kawai, Takashi; Nejime, Masafumi; Yamada, HiroshiMatsumoto, Masayuki
SCIENCE ADVANCES 6: eaba4962 (2020) Semantic Scholar
Topographic distinction in long-term value signals between presumed dopamine neurons and presumed striatal projection neurons in behaving monkeys.
Kazuki Enomoto; Naoyuki Matsumoto; Hitoshi Inokawa; Minoru KimuraHiroshi Yamada
Scientific reports 10: 8912 (2020) Semantic Scholar
Preferential Representation of Past Outcome Information and Future Choice Behavior by Putative Inhibitory Interneurons Rather Than Putative Pyramidal Neurons in the Primate Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex.
Takashi Kawai; Hiroshi Yamada; Nobuya Sato; Masahiko TakadaMasayuki Matsumoto
Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991) 29: 2339 (2019) Semantic Scholar
Free choice shapes normalized value signals in medial orbitofrontal cortex
Hiroshi Yamada; Kenway Louie; Agnieszka Tymula; Paul W. Glimcher
Nature Communications 9: 162 (2018) Semantic Scholar
Roles of centromedian parafascicular nuclei of thalamus and cholinergic interneurons in the dorsal striatum in associative learning of environmental events.
Ko Yamanaka; Yukiko Hori; Takafumi Minamimoto; Hiroshi Yamada (+4 著者) Minoru Kimura
Journal of neural transmission (Vienna, Austria : 1996) 125: 501 (2018) Semantic Scholar
Hunger enhances consistent economic choices in non-human primates
Hiroshi Yamada
Scientific Reports 7: (2017) Semantic Scholar
Distinct Functions of the Primate Putamen Direct and Indirect Pathways in Adaptive Outcome-Based Action Selection
Yasumasa Ueda; Ko Yamanaka; Atsushi Noritake; Kazuki Enomoto (+6 著者) Minoru Kimura
FRONTIERS IN NEUROANATOMY 11: 66 (2017) Semantic Scholar
Representation of Afferent Signals from Forearm Muscle and Cutaneous Nerves in the Primary Somatosensory Cortex of the Macaque Monkey
Hiroshi Yamada; Hiroaki Yaguchi; Saeka Tomatsu; Tomohiko Takei (+1 著者) Kazuhiko Seki
PLOS ONE 11: e0163948 (2016) Semantic Scholar
Characteristics of fast-spiking neurons in the striatum of behaving monkeys
Hiroshi Yamada; Hitoshi Inokawa; Yukiko Hori; Xiaochuan Pan (+6 著者) Takafumi Minamimoto
NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH 105: 2 (2016) Semantic Scholar
Roles of the Lateral Habenula and Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Negative Outcome Monitoring and Behavioral Adjustment in Nonhuman Primates
Takashi Kawai; Hiroshi Yamada; Nobuya Sato; Masahiko TakadaMasayuki Matsumoto
NEURON 88: 792 (2015) Semantic Scholar
【Decision Making-意思決定・行動選択の神経科学】意思決定・行動選択の神経科学 罰を表現するドーパミン細胞と手綱核
山田 洋; 榎本 一紀
32: 47 - 50 (2014)
Nature communications
Imaizumi, Yuri; Tymula, Agnieszka; Tsubo, Yasuhiro; Matsumoto, Masayuki; Yamada, Hiroshi
(担当:分担執筆, 範囲:A neuronal prospect theory model in the brain reward circuitry)
山田, 洋
医歯薬出版株式会社 2022年4月
山田, 洋
(担当:分担執筆, 範囲:複数ステップに渡る行動選択過程において線条体がコードする強化因子)
Catecholamine Research
Kimura,M; Matsumoto,N; Ueda,Y; Satoh,T; Minamimoto,T; Yamada,H
(担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Involvement of the basal ganglia and dopamine system in learning and execution of goal-directed behavior.)
A neuronal prospect theory model in the brain reward circuitry
Hiroshi, Yamada; Yuri, Imaizumi; Yasuhiro, Tsubo; matsumo, Masayuki; Agnieszka, Tymula
日本神経科学学会 2022年7月2日
Representations of actual and counterfactual choice outcomes in the primate orbitofrontal cortex, ventral striatum, and midbrain dopamine neurons
M, Yun; M, Nejime; T, Kawai; Yamada, Hiroshi; M, Matsumoto
Society for Neuosci Meeting 2021年11月11日
Causal role of midbrain dopamine neurons and ventral striatum circuit in economic decision-making in macaque monkeys
NEJIME, M; YUN, M; KAWAI, T; Yamada, Hiroshi; Inoue, K; Takada, M; Matsumoto, M
Society for Neuosci Meeting 2021年11月9日
Representations of actual and counterfactual choice outcomes in the primate orbitofrontal cortex, ventral striatum and midbrain dopamine neurons.
Yun, M; Nejime, M; Kawai, T; Yamada, H; Matsumoto, M
第44回日本神経科学大会 2021年7月31日
Two core economic decision theories coexist in monkeyʼs gambling behavior
Yamada, H; Imaizumi, Y; Matsumoto, M; Tymula, A
第44回日本神経科学大会 2021年7月31日
Dynamics of neuronal activity related to economic decision-making in the macaque reward system
Nejime, M; Yun, M; Kawai, T; Yamada, H; Inoue, K; Takada, M; Matsumoto, M
第44回日本神経科学大会 2021年7月29日
Midbrain dopamine neurons monitor temporally changing reward values by gradually changing their activity
Wang, Y; Toyoshima, O; Kunimatsu, J; Yamada, H; Matsumoto, M
第43回日本神経科学大会 2020年7月31日
Signal dynamics corresponding to transformation from value to choice in midbrain dopamine neurons and orbitofrontal neurons during economic decision-making in monkeys.
Mengxi, Yun; Takashi, Kawai; Masafumi, Nejime; 山田, 洋; Masayuki, Matsumoto
Society for Neuroscience 2019年10月22日
Value and choice representations in the primate ventral striatum during economic decision-making.
Masafumi, Nejime; Mengxi, Yun; Takashi, Kawai; 山田, 洋; Masayuki, Matsumoto
Society for Neuroscience 2019年10月22日
Population dynamics in signaling expected values across multiple reward-related brain regions.
Yamada, Hiroshi; Yuri, Imaizumi; Masayuki, Masumoto
Society for Neuroscience 2019年10月20日
Striatal neurons monitor dynamically changing reward value by their sustained activity in monkeys. Society for Neuroscience
Toyoshima, Osamu; Wang, Yawei; Yamada, Hiroshi; Matsumoto, Masayuki
Society for Neuroscience 2019年10月20日
Primate midbrain dopamine neurons represent dynamically changing reward value by tonic changes in their activity
Wang, Yawei; Toyoshima, Osamu; Kunimatsu, Jun; Yamada, Hiroshi; Matsumoto, Masayuki
Biennial Conference of Chinese Neuroscience Society 2019年10月11日
Tonic firing of midbrain dopamine neurons monitors dynamically changing reward value in monkeys.
Wang, Yawei; Toyoshima, Osamu; Kunimatsu, Jun; Yamada, Hiroshi; Matsumoto, Masayuki
Society for Neuroscience 2019年10月
Stable and unstable expected value signals through reward circuitry
Yamada, Hiroshi; Yuri, Imaizumi; Masayuki, Masumoto
日本神経科学学会 2019年7月
Tonic activity of primate midbrain dopamine neurons encodes dynamically changing reward value
Wang, Yawei; Toyoshima, Osamu; Kunimatsu, Jun; Yamada, Hiroshi; Masayuki, Masumoto
日本神経科学学会 2019年7月
Signal dynamics of midbrain dopamine neurons and orbitofrontal cortex neurons correspond to value-to-choice transformation during economic decision-making in monkeys
Yun, Mengxi; Kawai, Takashi; Nejime, Masafumi; Yamada, Hiroshi; Masayuki, Masumoto
日本神経科学学会 2019年7月
Stable and unstable signals for encoding expected values in ventral and dorsal striatum of monkeys
Yamada, Hiroshi; Matsumoto, Masayuki
Society for Neuroscience 2018年11月4日
Dynamics of neuronal signals in primate midbrain dopamine neurons and orbitofrontal cortex neurons during value-to-decision transformation
Yun, Mengxi; Kawai, Takashi; Negime, Masafumi; Yamada, Hiroshi; Matsumoto, Masayuki
Society for Neuroscience 2018年11月4日
Temporally stable expected value signals in ventral, but not in dorsal striatum of monkey
山田, 洋; 松本 正幸
Temporally stable expected value signals in ventral, but not in dorsal striatum of monkey 2018年7月27日 日本神経科学学会
Topographic distinction of reward value signals in the presumed dopamine neurons and striatal projection neurons in monkeys.
榎本, 一紀; 松本, 直幸; 井之川, 仁; 山田, 洋; 木村, 實
Topographic distinction of reward value signals in the presumed dopamine neurons and striatal projection neurons in monkeys. 2018年7月27日 日本神経科学学会
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