Remote support for foreign students to learn Japanese language
Japanese Language Support, Remote Learning, Foreign Students, Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency
新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の影響を受け、十分な日本語指導が受けられず、 学習に著しく遅れが生じる外国人児童生徒がいます。本プロジェクトでは、茨域県内の小中学校をモデルケースとし、以下2点について、遠隔システムを活用した外国人児童生徒への日本語指導のための基礎研究を実施します。
Due to the spread of COVID-19 infection, some foreign students lack sufficient opportunities for Japanese language education and face marked delays in learning. To promote Japanese language education for foreign students using remote systems, we conducted basic studies on the following 2 issues using elementary and junior high schools in Ibaraki Prefecture as model cases in this project:
(1)Development and evaluation of a curriculum for initial remote Japanese language education targeting foreign students
(2)Development and evaluation of a curriculum for remote education targeting Japanese language supporters
The results of these studies to confirm the feasibility of remote education within the Japanese education system may help develop a model that enables both a detailed education guidance system and community support in any situation, and disseminate it nationwide beyond the framework of conventional Japanese language education.