検索結果: 23 結果 / Dual task

阿部 高志
Abe, Takashi

筑波大学, 准教授
University of Tsukuba, Associate Professor


原田 悦子
Harada, Etsuko

株式会社イデアラボ, リサーチディレクター
Idealab Inc., research director

飯村 大智
IIMURA, Daichi

人間系, 助教
Institute of Human Sciences, Assistant Professor

礒田 博子
Isoda, Hiroko

生命環境系, 教授
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor

門根 秀樹
Kadone, Hideki

医学医療系, 准教授
Institute of Medicine, Associate Professor


紙上 敬太
Kamijo, Keita

中京大学, 教養教育研究院, 准教授
Chukyo University, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Associate Professor

川間 健之介
Kawama, Kennosuke

人間系, 教授
Institute of Human Sciences, Professor

木塚 朝博
Kizuka, Tomohiro

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor

宮本 昌子
Miyamoto, Shoko

人間系, 教授
Institute of Human Sciences, Professor


望月 聡
Mochizuki, Satoshi

法政大学, 現代福祉学部 臨床心理学科, 教授
Hosei University, Faculty of Social Policy and Administration Department of Clinical Psychology, Professor

小渕 千絵

人間系, 教授
Institute of Human Sciences, Professor

岡崎 慎治

人間系, 准教授
Faculty of Human Sciences, Associate Professor

大藏 倫博
OKURA, Tomohiro

体育系, 教授
Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor

佐島 毅
Sashima, Tsuyoshi

人間系, 教授
Institute of Human Sciences, Professor

澤江 幸則
Sawae, Yukinori

体育系, 准教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor

竹村 雅裕
Takemura, Masahiro

体育系, 准教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor

辻 大士
Tsuji, Taishi

体育系, 助教
Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences


宇野 彰
Uno, Akira

人間系, 教授
Faculty of Human Sciences, Professor

八重田 淳
Yaeda, Jun

人間系, 教授
Institute of Human Sciences, Professor

山田 実
Yamada, Minoru

人間系, 教授
Institute of Human Sciences, Professor


山崎 正志
Yamazaki, Masashi

University of Tsukuba

尹 之恩
Yoon, Jieun

体育系, 助教
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor

萬 礼応
Yorozu, Ayanori

システム情報系, 助教
Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Assistant Professor