検索結果: 42 結果 / Germany

會田 宏
Aida, Hiroshi

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor


赤根谷 達雄
Akaneya, Tatsuo

人文社会系, 教授
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor

有田 智一
Arita, Tomokazu

システム情報系, 教授
Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, Professor


趙 成河
Cho, Sungha

人間系, 特任助教
Faculty of Human Sciences, Junior Assistant Professor

崔 宰栄
Choe, Jae Young

人文社会系, 准教授
Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor

鄭 仁豪
Chung, Inho

人間系, 教授
Institute of Human Sciences, Professor


江口 勇治
Eguchi, Yuji

人間系, 教授
Faculty of Human Sciences, Professor

藤井 さやか
Fujii, Sayaka

システム情報系, 准教授
Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, Associate Professor

Heselhaus, Geva Herrad
Heselhaus,, Geva Herrad

人文社会系, 准教授
Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor

一戸 雅聡
Ichinohe, Masaaki

数理物質系, 准教授
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Associate Professor

池田 真利子
Ikeda, Mariko

芸術系, 助教
Institute of Art and Design, Assistant Professor

稲永 由紀
Inenaga, Yuki

筑波大学, 講師
University of Tsukuba, Assistant Professor


Islam, Ashraful

数理物質系, 教授
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor

唐木 清志
Karaki, Kiyoshi

人間系, 教授
Institute of Human Sciences, Professor

木内 敦詞
Kiuchi, Atsushi

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor


児玉 徹
Kodama, Toru

流通経済大学, 流通情報学部, 教授
Ryutsu Keizai University, The Faculty of Distribution & Logistics Systems, Professor

呉羽 正昭
Kureha, Masaaki

生命環境系, 教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor

松本 孔貴
Matsumoto, Yoshitaka

医学医療系・臨床医学域・放射線腫瘍学, 助教


松村 明
Matsumura, Akira

茨城県立医療大学, 前学長
Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences

宮内 久絵
Miyauchi, Hisae

人間系, 准教授
Institute of Human Sciences, Associate Professor

本谷 聡
Motoya, Satoshi

体育系, 講師
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor

村上 宏昭
Murakami, Hiroaki

人文社会系, 准教授
Institutes of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor

永田 真一
Nagata, Shinichi

体育系, 准教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor

中山 紗織
Nakayama, Saori

体育系, 助教
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor

生田目 光
Namatame, Hikari

人間系, 助教
Institute of Human Sciences, Assistant Professor

大友 貴史
Ohtomo, Takafumi

人文社会系, 准教授
Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor

Parkner, Thomas

生命環境系, 助教
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, Assistant Professor


沢宮 容子
Sawamiya, Yoko

人間系, 教授
Faculty of Human Sciences, Professor

柴田 政子
Shibata, Masako

人文社会系, 教授
Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor

清水 美憲
Shimizu, Yoshinori

人間系, 教授
Institute of Human Sciences, Professor


新保 奈穂美
Shimpo, Naomi

兵庫県立大学, 緑環境景観マネジメント研究科, 准教授
University of Hyogo, Associate Professor


立花 敏
Tachibana, Satoshi

京都大学, 教授
Kyoto University, Professor

田中 怜

人間系, 助教
Institute of Human Sciences, Assistant Professor


田中 洋子
Tanaka, Yoko

人文社会系, 教授
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor

谷口 守
Taniguchi, Mamoru

システム情報系, 教授
Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, Professor

タック 川﨑 レスリー
Tkach Kawasaki, Leslie

人文社会系, 教授
Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor


辻中 豊
Tsujinaka, Yutaka

東洋学園大学, 学長
Toyo Gakuen University, President

渡邊 絹子
Watanabe, Kinuko

Faculty of Business Sciences

山中 利晃
Yamanaka, Toshiaki

ビジネスサイエンス系, 准教授
Institute of Business Sciences, Associate Professor


弥永 真生
Yanaga, Masao

明治大学, 専門職大学院 会計専門職研究科, 教授
Meiji University, Professional Graduate School of Professional Accountancy, Professor


吉田 武男
Yoshida, Takeo

関西外国語大学短期大学部, 教授
Kansai Gaidai College, Professor