ホーム > 小野 雄一/ Ono, Yuichi
小野 雄一
Ono, Yuichi
人文社会系 , 教授 Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences , Professor
- 41. Enhancing personalized feedback system by visual biometric data analysis Wang, Jingyun; Ho, Hong-Fa; Ono, Yuichi PROCEEDINGS 2016 5TH IIAI INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ADVANCED APPLIED INFORMATICS IIAI-AAI 2016 410 - 413 (2016) Semantic Scholar
- 42. Japanese EFL Learners' Uses of Text-to-Speech Technology and Their Learning Behaviors: A Pilot Study Suro, Fu; Ono, Yuichi PROCEEDINGS 2016 5TH IIAI INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ADVANCED APPLIED INFORMATICS IIAI-AAI 2016 296 - 301 (2016) Semantic Scholar
- 43. Construction and Evaluation of Digital Material Distribution Systems in Foreign Language Teaching Yuichi Ono; Manabu Ishihara; Mitsuo Yamashiro ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS IN JAPAN 98: 32 - 40 (2015) Semantic Scholar
- 44. Blended Instruction Utilizing Mobile Tools in English Teaching at Colleges of Technology Yuichi Ono; Manabu Ishihara; Mitsuo Yamashiro ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN 192: 1 - 11 (2015) Semantic Scholar
- 45. Voice-Based Computer Mediated Communication for Individual Practice to Increase Speaking Proficiency: Construction and Pilot Study Yuichi Ono; Akio Onishi; Manabu Ishihara; Mitsuo Yamashiro LEARNING AND COLLABORATION TECHNOLOGIES, LCT 2015 9192: 115 - 123 (2015) Semantic Scholar
- 46. The prospect of an open online e-learning system based on the Free Culture movement Development of YouTutors as an auto-assignment generator by utilizing Creative Commons contents online Ai Nakajima; Yuichi Ono 2015 IIAI 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ADVANCED APPLIED INFORMATICS (IIAI-AAI) 397 - 402 (2015) Semantic Scholar
- 47. 高校生用集団式日英語リーディングスパンテストの開発および英語における習熟度と作動記憶の関係の検討 柴崎秀子; 時本真吾; 小野,雄一; 井上次夫 NINCHISHINRIGAKUKENKYU 12: 101 - 120 (2014)
- 48. Classrooms and voice recognition applications in a foreign language teaching Ono,Yuichi; Manabu,Ishihara; Akio,Onishi; Mitsuo,Yamashiro Proceedings of 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering (2014)
- 49. 外国語教育におけるデジタル教材の自動配信システムの構築と評価 小野,雄一; 石原学; 山城光雄 IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems 134: 94 - 101 (2014) Semantic Scholar
- 50. Implementation and evaluation of real time qualitative feedback systems in a foreign language presentation course Yuichi Ono; Manabu Ishihara; Sachio Hirokawa; Mitsuo Yamashiro 2014 IIAI 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED APPLIED INFORMATICS (IIAI-AAI 2014) 372 - 376 (2014) Semantic Scholar
- 51. 工業高等専門学校の英語教育におけるモバイル機器を利用したBlended Instruction 小野,雄一; 石原学; 山城光雄 IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials 134: 2 - 80 (2014) Semantic Scholar
- 52. A comparative evaluation of podcasting-based and mobile-based material distribution systems in foreign language teaching Yuichi Ono; Manabu Ishihara; Mitsuo Yamashiro Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 8005: 474 - 483 (2013) Semantic Scholar
- 53. 外国語教育におけるデジタル材の自動配信システム構築と評価 小野,雄一 平成24年度電気学会電子・情報・システム部門大会論文集 1689 - 1693 (2012)
- 54. Integrating Mobile-based Individual Activities into the Japanese EFL Classroom Yuichi, Ono; Manabu, Ishihara International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 6: 116-137 (2012)
- 55. Mobile-based blended instruction in a foreign language classrooms as a model of enhancing learners' attitude Yuichi Ono; Manabu Ishihara; Mitsuo Yamashiro Proceedings of the 2012 IIAI International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics, IIAIAAI 2012 1: 77 - 82 (2012) Semantic Scholar
- 56. Mobile-based shadowing materials in foreign language teaching Yuichi Ono; Manabu Ishihara; Mitsuo Yamashiro 1st IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics 2012, GCCE 2012 1: 90 - 93 (2012) Semantic Scholar
- 57. 普通教室におけるモバイルShadowing活動の可能性について 小野, 雄一 e-Learning教育研究 6: 89-98 (2011)
- 58. The Mobile-Based Training in an EFL Classroom Yuichi, Ono; Manabu, Ishihara Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computers in Education 422-424 (2011)
- 59. Mobile Tools as a Student-Supporting System--- Ranging from Classroom Activities to Club Activities Yuichi, Ono; Shinji, Ryuto; Hisako, Ooka; Tomoki, NagataMitsuomi, Ideo Proceedings of International Symposium on Advances in Technology Education (ISATE 2011) 91-96 (2011)
- 1. New Perspectives on the Development of Communicative and Related Competence in Foreign Language Education Ono,Yuichi (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Effects of digital storytelling on Japanese EFL learners: Focus on anxiety and PBL skills) Mouton De Gruyter 2018年8月 (ISBN: 9781501505034)
- 2. New Perspectives on the Development of Communicative and Related Competence in Foreign Language Education Ono,Yuichi (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Effects of digital storytelling on Japanese EFL learners: Focus on anxiety and PBL skills) Mouton De Gruyter 2018年8月 (ISBN: 9781501505034)
- 3. Data Science in Collaboration (DASIC) Volume 1 Ono,Yuichi 2017年12月 (ISBN: 9784991000102)
- 4. Some Aspects of “Adjective + Infinitive” Constructions in English 小野, 雄一 1995年3月
- 1. Proficiency, Learning Strategies, and Logging Behaviors on the Dictation Training Courseware Ono, Yuichi 29th International Conference on Computers in Education 2021年11月25日
- 2. Text cohesion and prediction of general proficiency in reading-writing integrated tasks Ono, Yuichi IEEE 21st International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies ICALT 2021 2021年7月15日
- 3. レシピタイトルに現れる借用語 with の特徴:随伴用法と等位接続表現に着目して 小野,雄一 言語処理学会 第27回年次大会 2021年3月17日 言語処理学会
- 4. Factors Affecting Japanese Students’ Fatigue in Online Foreign Language Presentation Courses During the COVID-19 Pandemic Ono, Yuichi The 28th International Conference on Computers in Education 2020年11月27日 Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
- 5. Identifying effective cohesive features for task classification in integrated reading-writing tasks Ono, Yuichi; Muroi, Takumi The 28th International Conference on Computers in Education 2020年11月26日 Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
- 6. レシピタイトルにおける接続詞「と」の用法 島田, 雅晴; 長野明子; 小野雄一 国立情報学研究所IDRユーザーフォーラム2020 2020年11月25日
- 7. The Relationship between Learning Behavior and Learners’ Listening Strategies in Dictation Practice Courseware Ono, Yuichi; Ashizawa, Masaki The 28th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2020) 2020年11月23日 Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
- 8. 大学英語教育におけるオンライン遠隔授業と学生の疲労度について Ono, Yuichi; Muroi, Takumi 日本教育工学会2020年度秋季全国大会 2020年9月12日 日本教育工学会
- 9. Experimental survey on the interaction of focus particles with scrambling in Japanese Kato, Takeshi; Nagata, Shohei; Ono, Yuichi Linguistic Evidence 2020 2020年2月13日
- 10. Predicting the level of linguistic knowledge from appropriately chosen learning data: A pilot study of English prepositional acquisition for Japanese EFL learners Ono, Yuichi 27th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2019) 2019年12月2日
- 11. Flipped-classroom course model with ICT support to activate discussion in foreign language classrooms Ono,Yuichi 27th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2019) 2019年12月2日 The Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE) 招待有り
- 12. Detecting Fine Grained Syntactic Features for Predicting Japanese EFL Learners’ Writing Proficiency Kato, Takeshi; Ono, Yuichi The 27th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE2019) 2019年12月2日 Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
- 13. Identifying Determining Factors of EFL Learners’ Stage of the Acquisition on English Prepositions Muroi, Takumi; Ono, Yuichi The 27th International Conference on Computers in Education 2019年12月2日 Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education
- 14. Acquisition Order of Semantics of English Preposition by Japanese EFL Learners Ono, Yuichi The 27th International Conference on Computers in Education 2019年12月2日
- 15. レシピタイトルにおける等位接続表現 島田, 雅晴; 小野雄一; 長野明子 IDRユーザフォーラム 2019 2019年11月29日 国立情報学研究所
- 16. Exploration for Instruction Design to Take Student’s Thinking to Higher Levels: How to Integrate ICT for Fostering HOTS-based Learning Process Ono,Yuichi The Tenth Annual International Symposium of Foreign Language Learning (The 10th AISOFOLL) 2019年10月16日 SEAMEO QITEP in Language 招待有り
- 17. Preliminary Development of an Evaluation Method for Learners’ English Knowledge Utilization While Speaking Nakaya, Kae; Hirokawa, Sachio; Ono, Yuichi; Murota, Masao Foreign Language Education and Technology(FLEAT) VII 2019年8月6日 外国語教育メディア学会
- 18. Can Log Data Predict Japanese EFL Learner's Speaking Accuracy on the Pronunciation Training Courseware? Ono,Yuichi IALLT2019 2019年6月18日 IALLT
- 19. The Effectiveness of a Digital Textbook as a Supporting Tool on Japanese Dyslexic EFL Learners Hirano, Akari; Ono, Yuichi Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2019年3月19日 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
- 20. Constructing a Measurement Model of L2 Complexity in Automated Essay Scoring for Japanese EFL Learners’ Writing: Toward a Qualitative and Analytic Evaluation Kato, Takeshi; Ono, Yuichi Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2019年3月19日 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
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