ホーム > 小野 雄一/ Ono, Yuichi
小野 雄一
Ono, Yuichi
人文社会系 , 教授 Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences , Professor
- 1. Effects of Habit-Enhanced Assignment Design on Learning Behaviors and Psychological Factors of Japanese EFL Learners Under a Distant Online Learning Environment Ono, Yuichi; Takahashi, Asuka IIAI Letters on Informatics and Interdisciplinary Research 5: (2024)
- 2. The Effect of Classroom Interventions of Reflection and Foreseeing on Mitigating Passive Procrastination in a Hybrid Learning Environment Ono, Yuichi; Yaguchi, Rika IIAI Letters on Informatics and Interdisciplinary Research 5: (2024)
- 3. Assessment of ChatGPT’s Validity in Scoring Essays by Foreign Language Learners of Japanese and English Obata, Ayaka; Tagawa, Takumi; Ono, Yuichi 2023 15th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics Winter 105 - 110 (2023) Semantic Scholar
- 4. Attitude toward the use of dual subtitles by Japanese English learners Hoshi, Yuki; Ono, Yuichi IIAI AAI 2022-Winter Congress (2022)
- 5. Procrastination Awareness and Learning Behavioral Types in an Online Learning Environment Ono, Yuichi; Yaguchi, Rika IIAI Letters on Informatics and Interdisciplinary Research 2: (2022)
- 6. How to Measure Implicit Knowledge: Methodological Issues in the Second Language Acquisition Research Ono, Yuichi Tsukuba English Studies 299 - 315 (2022)
- 7. Proficiency, Learning Strategies, and Logging Behaviors on the Dictation Training Courseware Ono, Yuichi Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computers in Education 719 - 722 (2021)
- 8. Text cohesion and prediction of general proficiency in reading-writing integrated tasks Ono, Yuichi IEEE 21st International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies ICALT 2021 273 - 275 (2021)
- 9. Assignment design and its effects on Japanese college freshmen’s motivation in L2 emergency online courses: A qualitative study Ismailov, Murod; Ono, Yuichi The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (Springer) 30: 263 - 278 (2021)
- 10. レシピタイトルに現れる借用語 with の特徴:随伴用法と等位接続表現に着目して 小野, 雄一 言語処理学会第27回年次大会 発表論文集 702 - 705 (2021)
- 11. Factors Affecting Japanese Students’ Fatigue in Online Foreign Language Presentation Courses During the COVID-19 Pandemic Ono, Yuichi Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computers in Education 700 - 704 (2020)
- 12. The Relationship between Learning Behavior and Learners’ Listening Strategies in Dictation Practice Courseware Ono, Yuichi; Ashizawa, Masaki Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computers in Education 129 - 136 (2020)
- 13. Identifying effective cohesive features for task classification in integrated reading-writing tasks Ono, Yuichi; Muroi, Takumi Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computers in Education 735 - 738 (2020)
- 14. 大学英語教育におけるオンライン遠隔授業と学生の疲労度について Ono, Yuichi; Muroi, Takumi 日本教育工学会2020年秋季全国大会(第37回大会)講演論文集 367 - 368 (2020)
- 15. Experimental survey on the interaction of focus particles with scrambling in Japanese Ono, Yuichi Linguistic Evidence Conference Booklet 113 - 116 (2020)
- 16. Identifying Determining Factors of EFL Learners’ Stage of the Acquisition on English Prepositions Muroi, Takumi; Ono, Yuichi Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education. 666 - 668 (2019)
- 17. Acquisition Order of Semantics of English Preposition by Japanese EFL Learners Tomoki, Kano; Ono, Yuichi Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education 669 - 672 (2019)
- 18. Predicting the level of linguistic knowledge from appropriately chosen learning data: A pilot study of English prepositional acquisition for Japanese EFL learners Ono,Yuichi Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education. (2019)
- 19. Detecting Fine Grained Syntactic Features for Predicting Japanese EFL Learners’ Writing Proficiency Kato, Takeshi; Ono, Yuichi Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education. Taiwan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education 673 - 675 (2019)
- 20. The Verbal Noun Use of Borrowed English Prepositions in Japanese Recipe Names Ono,Yuichi Papers from the 36th Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan and from the Eleventh International Spring Forum of the English Linguistic Society of Japan (JELS 36) 268 - 274 (2019)
- 1. New Perspectives on the Development of Communicative and Related Competence in Foreign Language Education Ono,Yuichi (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Effects of digital storytelling on Japanese EFL learners: Focus on anxiety and PBL skills) Mouton De Gruyter 2018年8月 (ISBN: 9781501505034)
- 2. New Perspectives on the Development of Communicative and Related Competence in Foreign Language Education Ono,Yuichi (担当:分担執筆, 範囲:Effects of digital storytelling on Japanese EFL learners: Focus on anxiety and PBL skills) Mouton De Gruyter 2018年8月 (ISBN: 9781501505034)
- 3. Data Science in Collaboration (DASIC) Volume 1 Ono,Yuichi 2017年12月 (ISBN: 9784991000102)
- 4. Some Aspects of “Adjective + Infinitive” Constructions in English 小野, 雄一 1995年3月
- 41. How to Evaluate Big Data Linguistically in the Field of Humanities and Social Sciences Ono,Yuichi ICTHRD Program (Linguistic course) 2017年9月14日 招待有り
- 42. web上のオープンコンテンツを活用した、パーソナライズドラーニングシステムの開発と効果の検証 中島愛; 小野, 雄一 外国語教育メディア学会(LET)第57回全国研究大会 2017年8月5日 外国語教育メディア学会
- 43. Discussion and Digital Storytelling for Academic Purposes and Its Effect on Critical Thinking Skills: A Case for Japanese EFL Learners Ono, Yuichi PanSIG conference 2017 2017年5月20日 JALT
- 44. 日本語の料理名に出現する英語前置詞の借用について:Cookpadデータと実証実験から見えるもの 小野, 雄一; 呼思楽; 森野綾香; 若松弘子; 砂川詩織 言語処理学会第21回年次大会 2017年3月14日
- 45. Effects of a Digital Storytelling Project on Japanese EFL Learners’ CALL Attitudes and Awareness of CALL Tasks Morino, Ayaka; Lopez, Elvis; Ono, Yuichi 28th annual conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 2017年3月4日
- 46. Motivational Effects of a Game-Based Automatic Quiz Generator Using Online Educational Resources for Japanese EFL Learners 小野, 雄一; Nakajima, Ai; Ishihara, Manabu 28th annual conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 2017年3月4日 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
- 47. Learning Analytics and Visualization of Japanese EFL Learners’ Learning Behavior in Speaking Practice Ono, Yuichi; Fu, Sure 28th annual conference of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education 2017年3月4日
- 48. Web上のオープン・コンテンツを活用した問題自動生成システムの改善と効果 Ono,Yuichi 外国語教育メディア学会 2016年12月10日
- 49. An Analysis of Learning Process in Speaking Practice and its Relationship with Japanese EFL Learners’ Learning Strategies Ono,Yuichi The Seventh CLS International Conference 2016年12月2日
- 50. 学習行動データに基づく外国語学習支援システム Ono,Yuichi 日本教育工学会第32回全国大会 2016年9月19日 日本教育工学学会
- 51. A Web-Speech API Approach to Improve Speaking Proficiency: With a Focus on Learning Behavior and Strategy Ono,Yuichi The 3rd English Scholars Beyond Borders Conference, Hung Kuang University 2016年5月20日
- 52. Evaluation of flipped classroom model implementation on metacognitive skills’ improvement in a Japanese EFL discussion course Ono, Yuichi; Mulyono, Arum The 3rd English Scholars Beyond Borders Conference, Hung Kuang University 2016年5月20日
- 53. Tablet-based Reading Assistive Tools for Japanese Visually-Impaired EFL Learners Ono, Yuichi; Nakamura, Airi The 3rd English Scholars Beyond Borders Conference 2016年5月20日
- 54. Open Web Videoを利用した自動問題生成システムの構築と利用 Ono,Yuichi; 中島愛 外国語教育メディア学会(LET)第 135 回(2015 年度)研究大会 2015年11月28日
- 55. インスタント・テキストマイニングの英語の授業における実践 小野,雄一 MoodleMoot 2013 2013年3月2日
- 56. Mobile-based Shadowing Materials in Foreign Language Teaching 小野,雄一 1st IEEE Global Conference on Consumer Electronics 2012年10月2日 IEEE
- 57. Mobile-based blended instruction in a foreign language classroom as a model of enhancing learners' attitude 小野,雄一 2012 IIAI International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics 2012年9月20日 IIAI-LTLE
- 58. 外国語教育におけるデジタル材の自動配信システム構築と評価 小野,雄一 平成24年度電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門大会 2012年9月5日 電気学会 電子・情報・システム部門
- 59. 普通教室においてiPod Touchを活用したBlended Instruction 小野,雄一 外国語教育メディア学会(LET) 第52回 全国研究大会 2012年8月7日 外国語教育メディア学会
- 60. 普通教室においてiPod Touchを活用した英語の授業―意識の変化とシステム評価を中心に― 小野, 雄一 日本e-Learning学会2011年度学術講演会論文集_日本e-Learning学会___99-105 2011年12月
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