検索結果: 349 結果 / Temperature


阿部 豊
Abe, Yutaka

筑波大学, 筑波大学, 副学長
University of Tsukuba, University of Tsukuba, Vice President


安立 美奈子
Adachi, Minako

東邦大学, 理学部生命圏環境科学科, 准教授
Toho University, Faculty of Science Department of Environmental Science, Associate Professor

Afalla, Jessica Pauline Castillo

数理物質系, 助教
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Assistant Professor

Ahamed, Tofael

生命環境系, 准教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Associate Professor

赤田 圭史
Akada, Keishi

数理物質系, 助教
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Assistant Professor

安芸 裕久
Aki, Hirohisa

システム情報系, 教授
Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Professor

秋元 祐太朗
Akimoto, Yutaro

システム情報系, 助教
Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Assistant Professor


阿久津 博義
Akutsu, Hiroyoshi

筑波大学, 医学医療系, 講師
University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Medicine, Assistant Professor


青沼 和隆
Aonuma, Kazutaka

筑波大学, 医学医療系, 教授
University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Medicine, Professor

青柳 秀紀
Aoyagi, Hideki

生命環境系, 教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor


新井 達郎
Arai, Tatsuo

筑波大学, 数理物質系, 教授
University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor

嵐田 雄介
Arashida, Yusuke

数理物質系, 助教
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Assistant Professor

有泉 亨
Ariizumi, Tohru

生命環境系, 准教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Associate Professor

浅田 洋平
Asada, Yohei

生命環境系, 助教
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences

浅野 侑磨
Asano, Yuhma

数理物質系, 助教
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences

浅沼 順
Asanuma, Jun

生命環境系, 教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor

Buzas Diana, Mihaela

生命環境系, 准教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Associate Professor

中條 達也
Chujo, Tatsuya

数理物質系, 講師
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Assistant Professor

出川 洋介
Degawa, Yosuke

生命環境系, 准教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Associate Professor

Doan Quang Van
Doan, Quang Van

計算科学研究センター, 助教

土岐 浩介
Doki, Kosuke

医学医療系, 准教授
Faculty of Medicine, Associate Professor

海老原 格
Ebihara, Tadashi

システム情報系, 准教授
Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Associate Professor

江並 和宏
Enami, Kazuhiro

システム情報系, 准教授

江前 敏晴
Enomae, Toshiharu

生命環境系, 教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor

江角 晋一
Esumi, ShinIchi

数理物質系, 教授
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor

江角 直道
Ezumi, Naomichi

数理物質系, 准教授
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Associate Professor

江面 浩
Ezura, Hiroshi

生命環境系, 教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor

Fatwa, Ramdani

International Public Policy, Assistant Professor

藤井 直人
Fujii, Naoto

体育系, 助教
Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor

藤野 貴康
Fujino, Takayasu

システム情報系, 准教授
Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Associate Professor

藤田 淳一
Fujita, Jun-ichi

数理物質系, 教授
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor

藤田 諒
Fujita, Ryo

医学医療系, 助教
Faculty of Medicine, Assistant Professor


藤田 健志
Fujita, Takeshi

公益財団法人相模中央化学研究所, 主任研究員
Sagami Chemical Research Institute, Senior Research Scientist


藤内 直道
Fujiuchi, Naomichi

愛媛大学, 大学院農学研究科, 助教
Ehime University, Graduate School of Agriculture, Assistant Professor

福田 直也
Fukuda, Naoya

生命環境系, 教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor

福田 妙子
Fukuda, Taeko

医学医療系, 教授
Faculty of Medicine, Professor

福島 竜輝
Fukushima, Ryoki

数理物質系, 教授
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor


古家 健次
Furuya, Kenji

東京大学, 大学院理学系研究科 天文学専攻, 助教
The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Science Department of Astronomy


源川 拓磨
Genkawa, Takuma

国立研究開発法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構, 食品研究部門 食品流通・安全研究領域 分析評価グループ, 上級研究員
National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Institute of Food Research, NARO, Division of Food Quality and Safety Research, Analytical Evaluation Group, Principal Scientist

羽田 真毅
Hada, Masaki

エネルギー物質科学研究センター, 准教授
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Assistant Professor

萩原 大祐
Hagiwara, Daisuke

生命環境系, 准教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Associate Professor


原 尚資
Hara, Takashi

国立研究開発法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構, 北海道農業研究センター 寒地畑作研究領域 畑作物育種グループ, 上級研究員
National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center,NARO


原田 真理子
Harada, Mariko

東京工業大学, 理学院地球惑星科学系, 研究員
Tokyo Institute of Technology

原田 隆平
Harada, Ryuhei

計算科学研究センター, 准教授


原嶋 庸介
Harashima, Yosuke

奈良先端科学技術大学院大学, 物質創成科学領域, 助教
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Devision of Materials Science, Assistant professor

長谷 宗明
Hase, Muneaki

数理物質系, 教授
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor

長谷川 学
Hasegawa, Manabu

システム情報系, 准教授
Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Associate Professor

橋口 晶子
Hashiguchi, Akiko

医学医療系, 助教

橋本 拓也
Hashimoto, Takuya

数理物質系, 助教
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Assistant Professor

橋本 剛
Hashimoto, Tsuyoshi

芸術系, 教授
Faculty of Art and Design, Professor

橋本 悠希
Hashimoto, Yuki

システム情報系, 准教授
Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Associate Professor

初貝 安弘
Hatsugai, Yasuhiro

数理物質系, 系長
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Provost

八反地 剛
Hattanji, Tsuyoshi

生命環境系, 准教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Associate Professor

服部 利明
Hattori, Toshiaki

数理物質系, 教授
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor


林 謙一郎
Hayashi, Kenichiro

生命環境系, 教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor


日野 英逸
Hino, Hideitsu

統計数理研究所, 教授
The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Professor

平松 祐司
Hiramatsu, Yuji

筑波大学, 理事
University of Tsukuba, Executive Director

平野 有沙
Hirano, Arisa

医学医療系・国際統合睡眠医科学研究機構 櫻井/平野研, 助教・PI


平岡 真合乃
Hiraoka, Marino

筑波大学, 生命環境系, 研究員
University of Tsukuba, Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, Researcher

平田 真史
Hirata, Mafumi

数理物質系, 講師
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Assistant Professor

平田 祥人
Hirata, Yoshito

システム情報系, 准教授
Faculty of Engineering,Information and Systems

広川 貴次
Hirokawa Takatsugu

医学医療系, 教授
Division of Biomedical Science, Professor

廣瀬 茂輝
Hirose, Shigeki

数理物質系, 助教
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences


只野 博
Hiroshi, Tadano

数理物質系, 教授
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor

廣田 充
Hirota, Mitsuru

生命環境系, 教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor


菱田 真史
Hishida, Mafumi

東京理科大学, 理学部第一部 化学科, 東京理科大学理学部第一部化学科 准教授
Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Science Division I, Department of Chemistry, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Facu


本田 靖
Honda, Yasushi

体育系, 教授
Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor


星川 健
Hoshikawa, Ken

国立研究開発法人国際農林水産業研究センター, 生物資源・利用領域, 主任研究員
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Biological Resources and Post-harvest Division, Senior researcher

皇甫 度均
Hwangbo, Dogyun

数理物質系, 助教
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Assistant Professor

市川 創作
Ichikawa, Sosaku

生命環境系, 教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor


五十嵐 康人
Igarashi, Yasuhito

京都大学, 複合原子力科学研究所, 特任教授
Kyoto University, Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Specially Appointed Professor

飯田 崇史
Iida, Takashi

数理物質系, 助教
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Assistant Professor

池田 敦
Ikeda, Atsushi

生命環境系, 准教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Associate Professor


池田 博
Ikeda, Hiroshi

数理物質系, 准教授
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Associate Professor

池端 慶
Ikehata, Kei

生命環境系, 准教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Associate Professor

池沢 道男
Ikezawa, Michio

数理物質系, 准教授
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Associate Professor


池添 竜也
Ikezoe, Ryuya

九州大学, 応用力学研究所, 准教授


井上 知栄
Inoue, Tomoshige

筑波大学, 生命環境系, 研究員
University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Researcher

井上 貴昭
Inoue, Yoshiaki

医学医療系, 教授
Institute of Medicine, Professor

朴 寅成
Insung PARK

国際統合睡眠医科学研究機構, 助教
International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine, Assistant Professor

石橋 孝章
Ishibashi, Taka-aki

数理物質系, 教授
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor

石田 健一郎
ISHIDA, Ken-ichiro

生命環境系, 教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor

石田 政義
Ishida, Masayoshi

システム情報系, 教授
Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Professor

石井 敦
Ishii, Atsushi

生命環境系, 教授
Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor

石井 宏幸
Ishii, Hiroyuki

数理物質系, 准教授
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, associate professor

石井 智
Ishii, Satoshi

ナノアーキテクトニクス材料研究センター, チームリーダー
Team Leader


石川 尚人
Ishikawa, Naoto

福島大学, 農学群食農学類 飼料資源学, 教授
Fukushima University, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Assistant Professor

伊敷 吾郎
Ishiki, Goro

数理物質系, 准教授
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Associate Professor

石塚 成人
Ishizuka, Naruhito

計算科学研究センター, 准教授
Center for Computational Sciences, Associate Professor


Islam, Ashraful

数理物質系, 教授
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor

Islam Muhammad Monirul
Islam, Muhammad Monirul

数理物質系, 准教授
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Associate Professor

磯部 大吾郎
Isobe, Daigoro

システム情報系, 教授
Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Professor

磯辺 智範
Isobe, Tomonori

医学医療系, 教授
Faculty of Medicine, Professor

伊藤 良一
Ito, Yoshikazu

数理物質系, 准教授
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Associate Professor

岩井 宏暁
Iwai, Hiroaki

生命環境系, 准教授
Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, Associate Professor

岩室 憲幸
Iwamuro, Noriyuki

数理物質系, 教授
Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor


岩田 洋夫
Iwata, Hiroo

武蔵野大学, データサイエンス学部, 教授
Musashino University, Faculty of Data Science, Professor


門脇 和男
Kadowaki, Kazuo

筑波大学, 数理物質系, 教授
University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Professor