検索結果: 36 結果 / Museum
上松 佐知子
Agematsu, Sachiko
生命環境系, 准教授 Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, Associate Professor
安間 了
Anma, Ryo
徳島大学, 社会産業理工学研究部, 教授 Tokushima University, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences, Professor
江口 勇治
Eguchi, Yuji
人間系, 教授 Faculty of Human Sciences, Professor
林 みちこ
Hayashi, Michiko
芸術系, 准教授 Institute of Art and Design, Associate Professor
飯尾 尊優
Iio, Takamasa
同志社大学, 文化情報, 准教授 Doshisha University, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, Assistant Professor
石崎 和宏
Ishizaki, Kazuhiro
芸術系, 教授 Institute of Art and Design, Professor
礒田 正美
Isoda, Masami
人間系, 教授 Institute of Human Sciences, Professor
貝島 桃代
Kaijima, Momoyo
芸術系, 准教授 Faculty of Art and Design, Associate Professor
川口 一画
Kawaguchi, Ikkaku
システム情報系, 助教 Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, Assistant Professor
北原 格
Kitahara, Itaru
計算科学研究センター, 教授 Center for Computational Sciences, Professor
黒田 乃生
Kuroda, Nobu
芸術系, 教授 Institute of Art and Design, Professor
葛岡 英明
Kuzuoka, Hideaki
東京大学, 情報理工学系研究科, 教授 The University of Tokyo, Information Science and Technology, Professor
盧 敬之
LO, Patrick
図書館情報メディア系, 准教授 Faculty of Library, Information and Media Science, Associate Professor
松枝 未遠
Matsueda, Mio
琉球大学, 理学部 物質地球科学科地学系, 准教授 University of the Ryukyus, Faculty of Science Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, Earth Sciences Program, Associate Professor
松井 敏也
Matsui, Toshiya
芸術系, 教授 Institute of Art and Design, Professor
三末 和男
Misue, Kazuo
システム情報系, 教授 Institute of Systems and Information Engineering, Professor
宮坂 慎司
Miyasaka, Shinji
芸術系, 准教授 Institute of Art and Design, Associate Professor
水野 裕史
Mizuno, Yuji
芸術系, 准教授 Faculty of Art and Design, Associate Professor
水嶋 英治
Mizushima, Eiji
前・筑波大学, 図書館情報メディア系, 教授 Professor
守屋 正彦
Moriya, Masahiko
山梨県立博物館, 館長
村上 宏昭
Murakami, Hiroaki
人文社会系, 准教授 Institutes of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor
中山 伸一
Nakayama, Shin-ichi
図書館情報メディア系, 教授 Faculty of Library, Information and Media Science, Professor
直江 俊雄
Naoe, Toshio
芸術系, 教授 Institute of Art and Design, Professor
落合 陽一
Ochiai, Yoichi
図書館情報メディア系, 准教授 Institute of Library, Information and Media Science, Associate Professor
尾川 明穂
Ogawa, Akiho
芸術系, 准教授 Institute of Art and Design, Associate Professor
大久保 範子
Okubo, Noriko
岡山大学, 学術研究院社会文化科学研究科, 准教授 Okayama University, Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Associate Professor
指田 勝男
Sashida, Katsuo
生命環境系, 教授 Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Professor
柴田 政子
Shibata, Masako
人文社会系, 教授 Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Professor
宍戸 英彦
Shishido, Hidehiko
創価大学, 理工学部 情報システム工学科, 准教授 Soka University, Department of Information Systems Science,Faculty of Science and Engineering, Associate Professor
棚橋 沙由理
Tanabashi, Sayuri
先端教学推進機構, 准教授 Organization for Advanced Teaching and Learning, Associate Professor
田中 康平
Tanaka, Kohei
生命環境系, 助教 Institute of Life and Environmental Sciences, Assistant Professor
田中 佐代子
Tanaka, Sayoko
芸術系, 系長 Institute of Art and Design, Provost
寺門 臨太郎
Terakado, Rintaro
芸術系, 准教授 Institute of Art and Design, Associate Professor
辻 泰岳
Tsuji, Yasutaka
芸術系, 助教 Faculty of Art and Design, Assistant Professor
上北 恭史
Uekita, Yasufumi
芸術系, 教授 Institute of Art and Design, Professor
山田 博之
Yamada, Hiroyuki
芸術系, 准教授 Institute of Art and Design, Associate Professor