検索結果: 99 結果 / athletes
會田 宏
Aida, Hiroshi
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
雨宮 怜
Amemiya, Rei
体育系, 助教 Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences
有田 祐二
Arita, Yuji
体育系, 准教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
醍醐 笑部
Daigo, Ebe
体育系, 助教
藤井 直人
Fujii, Naoto
体育系, 准教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
藤井 範久
Fujii, Norihisa
体育系, 系長 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Provost
藤本 元
Fujimoto, Hajime
体育系, 准教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
深澤 浩洋
Fukasawa, Koyo
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
古川 拓生
Furukawa, Takuo
体育系, 准教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
羽田 康司
Hada, Yasushi
医学医療系, 教授 Institute of Medicine, Professor
長谷川 悦示
Hasegawa, Etsushi
体育系, 准教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
平田 浩祐
HIRATA, Kosuke
体育系, 助教 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor
本間 三和子
Homma, Miwako
筑波大学, 副学長 University of Tsukuba, Vice President
神藤 隆志
Jindo, Takashi
大阪教育大学, 表現活動教育系, 特任講師 Osaka Kyoiku University, Division of Art, Music, and Physical Education, Special Appointed Lecturer
門根 秀樹
Kadone, Hideki
医学医療系, 准教授 Institute of Medicine, Associate Professor
鎌田 浩史
Kamada, Hiroshi
医学医療系, 講師 Institute of Medicine, Assistant Professor
紙上 敬太
Kamijo, Keita
中京大学, 教養教育研究院, 准教授 Chukyo University, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Associate Professor
片岡 千恵
Kataoka, Chie
体育系, 准教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
河合 季信
Kawai, Toshinobu
体育系, 准教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
川上 康
Kawakami, Yasushi
医学医療系, 教授 Institute of Medicine, Professor
木越 清信
Kigoshi, Kiyonobu
体育系, 准教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
木塚 朝博
Kizuka, Tomohiro
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
香田 郡秀
Kohda, Kunihide
体育系, 教授 Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
小井土 正亮
Koido, Masaaki
体育系, 准教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
國部 雅大
Kokubu, Masahiro
体育系, 助教 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor
小﨑 恵生
Kosaki, Keisei
体育系, 助教 Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor
久野 譜也
Kuno, Shinya
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
Lee, Chungmi
体育系, 助教 Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor
前田 清司
Maeda, Seiji
早稲田大学, スポーツ科学学術院, 教授 Waseda University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Professor
前村 公彦
Maemura, Hirohiko
体育系, 准教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
万本 健生
Manmoto, Takeo
医学医療系, 准教授 Institute of Medicine, Associate Professor
丸尾 和司
Maruo, Kazushi
医学医療系, 准教授 Institute of Medicine, Associate Professor
増地 克之
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
松井 崇
Matsui, Takashi
体育系, 助教(運動生化学) Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences
松尾 博一
Matsuo, Hirokazu
体育系, 助教 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor
宮川 俊平
Miyakawa, Shumpei
医学医療系, 教授 Faculty of Medicine, Professor
宮本 俊和
Miyamoto, Toshikazu
人間系, 教授 Faculty of Human Sciences, Professor
宮内 卓
Miyauchi, Takashi
筑波大学 University of Tsukuba
水上 勝義
Mizukami, Katsuyoshi
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
門間 貴史
Monma, Takafumi
体育系, 助教 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor
向井 直樹
Mukai, Naoki
体育系, 准教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
村上 大記
Murakami, Taiki
西南学院大学, 人間科学部, 講師 Seinan Gakuin University, Department of Human Sciences
鍋倉 賢治
Nabekura, Yoshiharu
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
鍋山 隆弘
Nabeyama, Takahiro
体育系, 准教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
永田 真一
Nagata, Shinichi
体育系, 准教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
中川 昭
Nakagawa, Akira
京都先端科学大学, 健康医療学部 健康スポーツ学科, 教授 Kyoto University of Advanced Science, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Health and Sports Sciences, Professor
中村 剛
Nakamura, Tsuyoshi
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
中田 由夫
Nakata, Yoshio
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
那須 克宏
Nasu, Katsuhiro
千葉大学, 千葉大学医学部付属病院画像診断センター, 副画像センター長、特任教授 Chiba University, Chiba University Hospital Comprehensive Radiology Center, Deputy-Director, Proffessor
西嶋 尚彦
Nishijima, Takahiko
体育系, 教授 Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
西野 衆文
Nishino, Tomofumi
医学医療系, 講師 Institute of Medicine, Assistant Professor
西保 岳
Nishiyasu, Takeshi
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
尾縣 貢
Ogata, Mitsugi
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
小川 健
Ogawa, Takeshi
医学医療系, 准教授 Faculty of Medicine, Associate Professor
大森 肇
Ohmori, Hajime
体育系, 教授 Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
大山 卞 圭悟
Ohyama Byun, Keigo
体育系, 准教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
岡田 弘隆
Okada, Hirotaka
体育系, 准教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
岡本 嘉一
Okamoto, Yoshikazu
東北大学, 医学系研究科 画像診断学分野, 教授 Tohoku University, Graduate School of Medicine, Diagnostic Imaging, Professor
麻見 直美
Omi, Naomi
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
小野 誠司
Ono, Seiji
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
下山 寛之
Sagayama, Hiroyuki
体育系, 助教 Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor
齋藤 健司
Saito, Kenji
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
齊藤 まゆみ
Saito, Mayumi
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
酒井 俊
Sakai, Satoshi
筑波技術大学, 保健科学部保健学科, 教授
坂入 洋右
Sakairi, Yosuke
常葉大学, 教育学部 心理教育学科, 教授 Tokoha University, Faculty of Education Department of Psychology and Education, Professor
佐藤 貴弘
Sato, Takahiro
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
沢宮 容子
Sawamiya, Yoko
人間系, 教授 Faculty of Human Sciences, Professor
清野 隼
Seino, Jun
桐生大学・桐生大学短期大学部, 講師 Kiryu University
柴田 愛
Shibata, Ai
体育系, 准教授
清水 諭
Shimizu, Satoshi
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
清水 如代
Shimizu, Yukiyo
医学医療系, 准教授 Institute of Medicine, Associate Professor
下條 信威
Shimojo, Nobutake
医学医療系, 講師 Institute of Medicine, Assistant Professor
新竹 優子
Shintake, Yuko
体育系, 助教 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor
白木 仁
Shiraki, Hitoshi
体育系, 教授 Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
征矢 英昭
Soya, Hideaki
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
菅澤 威仁
Sugasawa, Takehito
臨床検査/スポーツ医学研究室, 助教
杉江 征
Sugie, Masashi
人間系, 教授 Institute of Human Sciences, Professor
高木 英樹
Takagi, Hideki
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
髙橋 英幸
Takahashi, Hideyuki
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
武田 文
Takeda, Fumi
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
竹越 一博
Takekoshi, Kazuhiro
医学医療系, 教授 Institute of Medicine, Professor
武政 徹
Takemasa, Tohru
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
竹村 雅裕
Takemura, Masahiro
体育系, 准教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
田邉 解
Tanabe, Kai
体育系, 准教授 Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
谷川 聡
Tanigawa, Satoru
体育系, 准教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
辰村 正紀
Tatsumura, Masaki
医学医療系, 教授 Institute of Medicine, Professor
田 暁潔
Tian, Xiaojie
体育系, 准教授 Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor
徳山 薫平
Tokuyama, Kunpei
筑波大学, 筑波大学, 教授 University of Tsukuba, University of Tsukuba, Professor
外山 美樹
Toyama, Miki
人間系, 教授 Institute of Human Sciences, Professor
椿本 昇三
Tsubakimoto, Shozo
体育系, 教授 Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
辻 大士
Tsuji, Taishi
体育系, 助教 Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences
角川 隆明
Tsunokawa, Takaaki
体育系, 助教 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor
藁科 侑希
Warashina, Yuki
静岡産業大学, スポーツ科学部, 専任講師 Shizuoka Sangyo University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Senior Lecturer
渡部 厚一
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
山口 香
Yamaguchi, Kaori
体育系, 教授 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor
山崎 正志
Yamazaki, Masashi
筑波大学 University of Tsukuba
吉田 拓矢
Yoshida, Takuya
独立行政法人日本スポーツ振興センターハイパフォーマンススポーツセンター/国立スポーツ科学センター, スポーツ科学・研究部, 契約研究員 Japan Institute of Sport Sciences, Researcher
吉村 悠成
体育系, 特任助教 Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Junior Assistant Professor