検索結果: 69 結果 / アスリート


足立 和隆
Adachi, Kazutaka

体育系, 准教授
Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor

雨宮 怜
Amemiya, Rei

体育系, 助教
Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences


淺井 武
Asai, Takeshi

環太平洋大学, 体育学部, 教授
International Pacific University, Faculty of Physical Education, Professor

醍醐 笑部
Daigo, Ebe

体育系, 助教

藤井 範久
Fujii, Norihisa

体育系, 系長
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Provost

深澤 浩洋
Fukasawa, Koyo

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor


長谷川 聖修
Hasegawa, Kiyonao

体育系, 教授
Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor

本間 三和子
Homma, Miwako

筑波大学, 副学長
University of Tsukuba, Vice President

鎌田 浩史
Kamada, Hiroshi

医学医療系, 講師
Institute of Medicine, Assistant Professor

川村 卓
Kawamura, Takashi

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor


菊 幸一
Kiku, Koichi

国士舘大学, 体育学部, 特任教授
Kokushikan University, Physical Education

木内 敦詞
Kiuchi, Atsushi

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor

木塚 朝博
Kizuka, Tomohiro

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor

小池 関也
Koike, Sekiya

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor

久野 譜也
Kuno, Shinya

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor


前田 清司
Maeda, Seiji

早稲田大学, スポーツ科学学術院, 教授
Waseda University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Professor

松元 剛
Matsumoto, Tsuyoshi

体育系, 准教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor

松尾 博一
Matsuo, Hirokazu

体育系, 助教
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor

宮崎 明世
Miyazaki, Akiyo

体育系, 准教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor

水上 勝義
Mizukami, Katsuyoshi

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor

門間 貴史
Monma, Takafumi

体育系, 助教
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor

森田 展彰
Morita, Nobuaki

医学医療系, 准教授
Institute of Medicine, Associate Professor

向井 直樹
Mukai, Naoki

体育系, 准教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor


村上 大記
Murakami, Taiki

西南学院大学, 人間科学部, 講師
Seinan Gakuin University, Department of Human Sciences

鍋倉 賢治
Nabekura, Yoshiharu

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor


中川 昭
Nakagawa, Akira

京都先端科学大学, 健康医療学部 健康スポーツ学科, 教授
Kyoto University of Advanced Science, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences Department of Health and Sports Sciences, Professor

中山 雅雄
Nakayama, Masao

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor

仲澤 眞
Nakazawa, Makoto

体育系, 准教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor

奈良 隆章
Nara, Takaaki

体育系, 助教
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor


西嶋 尚彦
Nishijima, Takahiko

体育系, 教授
Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor

尾縣 貢
Ogata, Mitsugi

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor


大森 肇
Ohmori, Hajime

体育系, 教授
Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor

大山 卞 圭悟
Ohyama Byun, Keigo

体育系, 准教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor

麻見 直美
Omi, Naomi

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor

小野 誠司
Ono, Seiji

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor

嵯峨 寿
Saga, Hitoshi

体育系, 准教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor

下山 寛之
Sagayama, Hiroyuki

体育系, 助教
Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor

齊藤 まゆみ
Saito, Mayumi

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor


酒井 俊
Sakai, Satoshi

筑波技術大学, 保健科学部保健学科, 教授


坂入 洋右
Sakairi, Yosuke

常葉大学, 教育学部 心理教育学科, 教授
Tokoha University, Faculty of Education Department of Psychology and Education, Professor

坂本 昭裕
Sakamoto, Akihiro

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor

坂本 拓弥
Sakamoto, Takuya

体育系, 助教
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Assistant Professor

坂上 輝将
Sakaue, Hiroyuki

体育系, 特任助教
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Junior Assistant Professor


真田 久
Sanada, Hisashi

環太平洋大学, 体育学部, 教授(特任)
International Pacific University, Professor


佐藤 誠
Satoh, Makoto

国際統合睡眠医科学研究機構, 教授
International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine, Professor

澤江 幸則
Sawae, Yukinori

体育系, 准教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor


沢宮 容子
Sawamiya, Yoko

人間系, 教授
Faculty of Human Sciences, Professor


清野 隼
Seino, Jun

桐生大学・桐生大学短期大学部, 講師
Kiryu University

柴田 愛
Shibata, Ai

体育系, 准教授

清水 諭
Shimizu, Satoshi

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor


白木 仁
Shiraki, Hitoshi

体育系, 教授
Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor

征矢 英昭
Soya, Hideaki

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor

杉江 征
Sugie, Masashi

人間系, 教授
Institute of Human Sciences, Professor

高木 英樹
Takagi, Hideki

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor

髙橋 英幸
Takahashi, Hideyuki

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor


髙橋 義雄
Takahashi, Yoshio

早稲田大学, スポーツ科学学術院, 教授
Waseda University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Professor

武田 文
Takeda, Fumi

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor

竹越 一博
Takekoshi, Kazuhiro

医学医療系, 教授
Institute of Medicine, Professor

谷川 聡
Tanigawa, Satoru

体育系, 准教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Associate Professor

辰村 正紀
Tatsumura, Masaki

医学医療系, 教授
Institute of Medicine, Professor


徳山 薫平
Tokuyama, Kunpei

筑波大学, 筑波大学, 教授
University of Tsukuba, University of Tsukuba, Professor

外山 美樹
Toyama, Miki

人間系, 教授
Institute of Human Sciences, Professor

和田 恒彦
Wada, Tsunehiko

人間系, 准教授
Institute of Human Sciences, Associate Professor


藁科 侑希
Warashina, Yuki

静岡産業大学, スポーツ科学部, 専任講師
Shizuoka Sangyo University, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Senior Lecturer

渡部 厚一

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor


渡邉 重行
Watanabe, Shigeyuki

筑波大学, 医学医療系, 教授
University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Medicine, Professor

山口 香
Yamaguchi, Kaori

体育系, 教授
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Professor

吉村 悠成

体育系, 特任助教
Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, Junior Assistant Professor


湯川 進太郎
Yukawa, Shintaro

白鴎大学, 教育学部, 教授
Hakuoh University, Faculty of Education